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Glycine Incursore

27 Jan 2017

The child does not want to do homework, how to persuade him to study?

What parents can do to a child sat down, finally, for the lessons? Convince, persuade, talk about the janitor, threatening deprivation of entertainment and sweets stall to cry and drink a sedative, to promise to buy something. As a rule, these methods do not work, but it spoils the atmosphere in the family.

If a child says he does not specify, then, maybe, and it actually is. But most of this phrase is simple inattention or unwillingness to make an effort even to write the task in the diary. With juniors in this situation easier: most likely you will come to take him out of school and can go up to the teacher to write down the job at home. With an older child it is important to be able to find a job by phone at classmates or teachers. The control of this process remains with the parents.

Seat for student lessons - this is only half the solution. He could sit for hours on textbooks, not by doing anything in the end, but very tired. At that time, when you notice that the child has spent a lot of time wasted, and it is time to sleep, you are ready to explode with negative emotions. This situation can be repeated on a regular basis, and it is often linked to specific school subjects: here lies the answer to the question "why?". The subject of the child are not interested or are not absolutely clear. Rather they need help in the development of teaching material, and if parents engage with the child once it is necessary to refer to the tutor. Communicate with teachers on problem subjects: so you will be able to get recommendations for practicing at home, the official extra classes at school, an individual approach to the child in the classroom.

It happens that the interest in the school is completely absent, the child has no favorite subject, there is no desire to change anything. It suits the situation in the gallery, and the ability to just passively attend the lessons. The will and the motivation to learn will not appear if you press on the child, put the example of other children, to try to convince his school perception is wrong. The most effective solution to the problems in this period - immersion in your favorite activities, the development of creative skills, providing sophisticated student himself. This approach may seem paradoxical and even frightening. In fact, the loss will be not so significant, but in the end inspired by their success the child will become increasingly manifest themselves in school, as it will become more ambitious and confident. You can buy Glycine.

Problems with motivation and will often accompany the children with a history who have neurological problems, perinatal encephalopathy, minimal brain dysfunction. In addition, these children is more difficult to study because of the difficulty in concentrating. To find out whether the child really there are any diseases will neuropsychological examination and pathopsychological.

Solve the problem of violations of attention, and motivation will help welcome the amino acid glycine long course. While taking glycine incursore all learning problems are solved easily, the child becomes calmer, more confident, more attentive, it improves the ability to learn and remember new material has already passed. Long-term use of the drug Glycine incursore is completely safe for children of all ages.

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