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Glycine Depression

26 Jan 2017

How to help the student to go to bed on time?

Enough sleep for a student - is the foundation for success. During sleep, there is a processing of information that has been received during the day, as well as the process of resource recovery of the nervous system. But the big mental and emotional stress can lead to the development of sleep disorders in the child, and he just can not fall asleep on time. In the morning, so hard to get to school. Is there a way out of this vicious circle?

Volume curriculum requires more time to study and observe a healthy regime of the day is almost impossible. However, the health of students, both junior and senior classes - it is the responsibility of parents. Help your child maintain good sleep is quite in your power.

Distribute the load evenly throughout the week
Often, in addition to the main school hours children attend extra - with the same interests. To develop talent in a music school or in-depth study English prestige. However, this significantly increases the load on the nervous system pupil.

Try to agree on a schedule additional training so that they do not coincide with the most intense school days. Homework for these activities, too, is best done in several stages, evenly distributing the load throughout the week. Plan the implementation of the homework on one of the output (better on Saturday), and one day leave from the free lessons and let the child relax. This day is better to spend active outdoors.

It should also be noted that doctors do not recommend combining any other employment with the school the first two or three years of study.

The busy your child when he has in his hands a tablet?
Tablet or computer helps the student in school. But this device also allows you to play, and communicate in social networks. In turn, activity in social networks and electronic games can cause sleep disorders, for two reasons: the child plays or talks late into the night, then it's hard to fall asleep, or his nervous system is too excited, and gets off the sleep mode.

Often both factors are present simultaneously. In this case, you must not simply prohibit the playing of the game, but to try to replace them with something more interesting, which also causes strong emotions, but is connected with the material world. The emergence of excessive enthusiasm computer game may be associated with severe anxiety, which causes better find a specialist.

Be a positive example for the children. No matter how much you may try to explain and persuade, the child will be deaf to him, if he sees that the parents are also passionate about games and social networks.

Arrange for your child the correct diet
Simple light breakfast must be present always, and always as a child in school should have lunch and dinner. If the school organizes dinners, it can not hurt to bring along an extra snack. Make sure that it has always been a sweet fruit, biscuits or cereal snacks - anything that will give a quick energy supply in the form of glucose portion. However, it is important that the main part of the meal was rich in proteins, as to complete the work of the nervous system needs constant replenishment of amino acids.

The last meal should not be too late. If you want your child to go to bed at 22-00, then dinner should be no later than 20-00. But often children are asked to eat and at bedtime. In this case, you can give a glass of milk, yogurt or biscuits with herbal tea (eg mint), a baked apple. Glucose quickly gets into the blood and satisfy your hunger.

Glycine will adjust sleep under heavy loads

To protect student nervous system should be treated comprehensively. In addition to the regime and diet, and sleep disorders it is necessary to further support.

Amino acids that are the building blocks for all body tissues, especially the brain are urgently needed, as the metabolic activity is highest. Glycine - amino acid, which can be formed in the brain tissue, - protects the nervous system overload, calming effect, it is a structural component of nervous tissue. But at high psycho-emotional stresses the need for glycine increased tenfold, and the amino acids of its own production is insufficient. This leads to a violation of attention, memory, emotional state of deterioration, sleep disorders. This modern school students often find themselves in such conditions.
Today there is the amino acid Glycine and a medicament. Medicament Glycine has no age restrictions, since it related to the body component. For the prevention and treatment of sleep disorders in schoolchildren recommend regular intake Glycine courses.

Remember, however, that along with the glycine intake should consult with a specialist: a sleep disorder in a child can be caused by a serious illness - depression, so always requires careful diagnosis.

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