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Glycin - How can you help your child?

27 Jan 2017

How to reduce stress in the child in adapting to a new school?

Moving to a new place - stress for the entire family. But children are always going through these changes harder adults because they can not control the situation and are completely dependent on their parents decisions. The most severe stress a child is exposed to during the transition to a new school: you have to get used to a new team and win a place in the classroom, adapted to the needs of new teachers. And this time the child needs more understanding and sympathy for the relatives of people than in constructive advice.

How can you help your child in the transition to a new school:
Talk openly with your child about the reasons for the family to move or change schools, even if you think he does not understand them. It is especially important to discuss this with a teenager, since without its participation in important decision, he might think that in a family with his interests are not considered. During changes the feeling of the common cause would be a good support for children and parents.
Do not put high goals: Now it is important to carry out a minimum program, find a school that will be comfortable just for your child. In the elementary grades, choose first a suitable teacher, even if it will work in the most ordinary public school. It will have to meet with teachers in person, learn about good teachers at the new location with friends. Perhaps you can help teachers from the previous school: often teachers from different schools exchange their experience.
Most likely academic success at the new location will enhance the child's self-esteem, which is very important for a comfortable adaptation. But at the same time to study for a high score in the new class will not all. It is therefore important to understand themselves and to explain to your child that his assessment is now - not the main thing, and he can learn as much. At the same time you say that you believe in him, that this difficult period is over, and it can show all their talents. Be sure to stay in touch with the class teacher to find out about school problems at once, and in time to help the child.
Heed to the way a child's awkward relationship with classmates. Now you have to overcome major pressing issues, by adapting to the new conditions, but still children are more vulnerable in relationships with peers, and often depend on the collective opinion. If the child will not be able to establish relationships in the class, be prepared for the fact that in the near future will have to change schools again.
Visit the school psychologist as a family at least once. Knowing more about the student and his family, the psychologist will help him to better adapt to a new school, and parents - to understand their child in this difficult time for the family.
Adapting to the new school will be much easier if the child will be protected by maintaining a drug based on the amino acid glycinGlycin strengthens protective inhibition in the nervous system, and prevents burnout. The drug is resolved from an early age and can be used for a long time without harm. In addition to sedation, Glycin also helps to better absorb new material, because it improves metabolic processes in the nerve cells and the formation of neural connections.

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