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Gly Amino Acid at ADHD

25 Jan 2017

ADHD at Child

Mobility and noisy children are increasingly diagnosed with ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This diagnosis is justified only in some cases, as the reasons for hyperactive behavior may be different, but their differentiation is not always possible.

Scientists have found that in the development of ADHD affect internal processes, genetic features, and especially education and living conditions can only identify problems.

ADHD is most commonly diagnosed in boys, accounting for about 70% of all recorded cases of the disorder. As long as the child does not go to school, his hyperactive behavior is often perceived as a feature of the character. But once on the excessive activity and lack of attention starts to suffer learning, teachers connect a psychologist or psychiatrist.

In order to confirm the diagnosis of ADHD, several conditions must be present:

Prolonged, more than six months, the preservation of hyperactive behavior, attention deficit.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and in any case are present at any time.
The child is no other disease of the nervous system and psyche.
The child has problems in communicating with peers, parents, it's hard to learn - that is, obvious problems with adaptation in all areas.

Regarding the last point needs to be clarified separately: if a child misbehaves in class, but it shows good results in their studies, do not talk about ADHD. Some children come to school already with some knowledge or develop faster peers, and they just are not interested in class, but due to their age characteristics, they can not hold back activity.

How to treat ADHD in children
In the treatment of ADHD is not a recipe, as each child's own characteristics disorder flow. The basic principle - a combination of psychotherapeutic work, pedagogical correction and supplementation. The most effective psychotherapeutic approach for children with ADHD is recognized as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), as this approach allows to use external controlling factors. The weakness of internal control, the most vulnerable side of these children, the methods of cognitive-behavioral therapy is balanced. Thus hyperactive child learns to adapt to the demands of society.
Medications Only psychiatrist prescribed for ADHD. Selection of a more or less strong stimulant depends on how much the baby pronounced loss of control. Treatment is customary to begin with the appointment of nootropics (for example Gly Amino Acid), increasing the drug load if necessary. You can try Glycine.

Gly amino acid, a drug that improves metabolic processes in the brain, is recommended for continuous reception for ADHD. According to the research, some areas of the cerebral cortex with ADHD are more subtle than those of healthy children, so the reduced inspection is a consequence of its failure. The amino acid glycine bark helps obtain more power and to operate more efficiently with fewer neurons. Glycine also has a calming effect without inhibiting and activating at the same time the activity of brain activity.

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