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Glutamic Acid - Eltacin pills for Heart

09 Feb 2017

During the life of our heart is exposed to a variety of adverse factors that eventually lead to disease. Often a change of heart is slow and therefore unnoticed, as revealed by accident, on examination or even for the development of disease symptoms. At the same time begins and treatment, which is not always going to be effective, as a lot of time has been lost. An important support for your heart, you can have before the development of the disease, stopping the pathological changes in the myocardium, even when combined adverse conditions.

Glutathione and free radicals

The main factor for damaging a cellular level are free radicals. How can effectively deal with them own defense system depends on including the initial health status. They are formed regularly, but, depending on the lifestyle and disease presence, someone in a larger amount someone in smaller. To neutralize free radicals in the body produces glutathione - a powerful antioxidant that we create for ourselves. It helps to optimize the respiratory chain of mitochondria, preventing cell death in violation of exchange for any reason. In the myocardium, this process is most active: it saves cardiomyocytes in the case of lack of oxygen. But the effectiveness of glutathione synthesis depends on the presence in the body of the necessary amino acids: glycine, cysteine, glutamic acid.

The optimal source of amino acids to create glutathione

Glutathione production in the body in different periods may be different, due to health and lifestyle level that leads people. Therefore, our ideal protection system is not always in readiness, and naturally its activity is reduced in chronic disorders in organs and tissues. Depletion antioxidant system due to a lack of essential amino acids: cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine. These amino acids can be synthesized in the body, ie they are interchangeable, but their synthesis is greatly reduced when sharing violations that accompany acute and chronic diseases of different etiologies. You can try Actovegin.

To protect the heart, and your overall health, drug Eltacin was created that contains cystine, glutamic acid, glycine, in equal proportions. Today, it is the optimal source of amino acids for the continuous synthesis of glutathione. Cystine in Eltacin acts as a stable in the conditions of industrial production source of cysteine.

How Eltacin effect on the body

Since glutathione is always required in all tissues, reception Eltacin has a positive effect on the entire body. Its use in cardiology will reduce the chances of developing heart failure in various diseases of the heart and helps to prevent myocardial damage during surgical interventions.

Eltacin helps provide a complex effect when autonomic dysfunction, acting at the same time on the very cause of its development - the accumulation of free radicals and the imperfection of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. The amino acids glycine and glutamic acid have a neuroprotective effect, while improving the IRR of the nervous system.

Eltacin used to prevent the development of heart disease in athletes improves endurance, it helps to withstand uneven loads.

Periodic application Eltacin amid the general distress makes it easier to transfer health seasonal changes, physical and psychological stress, allows the heart to stay healthy longer and postpone age-related processes in the myocardium.

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