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Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin)

22 Nov 2016

Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin) is tableted anabolic steroid possessing the expressed androgenic and rather weak anabolic action. It is used mainly for rising of power indicators, density of musculation and aggression, without body lump augmentation. In a type of specific activity galosten is used by generally strength athletes who don't want to increase weight category, and also in isolation ward and other combative sports just before competitions. Fluoxymesterone is high-toxic for a liver. The exact mechanism of action is still not studied, not receptor action on muscles is supposed.

Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin), Halotest 10mg


International name: Fluoxymesterone


  • Halotest 300 from the Balkans (Moldova)
  • Android of Brown of the USA.
  • Halotestin Upjohn
  • Husteron-Tabs Major of the USA.
  • Aura-Testra Squibb Mark of the USA
  • Ultandren Ciba Grobbritanied

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic activity - 1900% of testosterone
  • Androgenic activity - 850% of testosterone (very high)
  • Aromatization (conversion in estrogen) - is absent
  • Suppression of an axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles - is expressed
  • Toxicity for a liver - very high
  • Acceptance method - inside (tablets)
  • Action duration - 6-9 hours
  • Detection time - 2 months

Pharmacological properties and effects

Initially fluoxymesterone was used as the means with the expressed androgenic properties used in treatment of a men's gipogonadism and delay of puberty at men for cancer therapy of a breast at women. Now the medicine refused its use. Halotestin is approximately five times more powerful than methyltestosterone.

Fluoxymesterone is close on a structure to methyltestosterone. It was developed by modification of testosterone in three line items: 17 - alpha mertil group, 11 - beta hydroxygroup, and also a 9-flyuorogruppa.

The first chemical modification allows to extend time of half-decay of medicine in case of oral administration and to level the destroying effect of the first passing through a liver, as much as possible keeping at the same time concentration of active agent in blood.

The second modification is directed to prevention of enzymatic transformation of a molecule by accession to it of aromatic rings, in other words medicine doesn't turn into estrogen. The capability is supposed to block estrogen and prolactin receptors that excludes risk of development of ginekomastia, hypostases and fat reducer on female type.

The last group causes the name of medicine (fluoxymesterone) and is directed to increase in androgenic activity of medicine (facilitates a reduction in 5a a provision that leads to formation of a dihytrotestosteron). It is an active form of the medicine circulating in blood usually in small amounts significantly exceeds activity of testosterone and it is capable to contact firmly androgenic receptors in cages of bodies and muscular tissue. Do not forget take Gliatilin for better results.

Also it was noted that medicine improves aerobic indicators of athletes in track and field athletics. It contacts a capability to stimulate eritropoes, hemoglobin synthesis. At the same time the bigger quantity of erythrocytes is capable to transport more effectively oxygen to cages.

Flyuoksimesteron can be applied to combustion of fat as it was shown that medicine strengthens an oksislen fatty acids in fast muscle fibers. Though for these purposes there are also safer and effective anabolic remedies, in particular vinstrol, testosterone, ocsandrolon.

Side effects

Hypertrophy and giperplasia of prostate, development of adenoma of prostate and, perhaps, increase in probability of development of cancer is connected with the formation of dihydrotestosterone increased speeds from testosterone. Rather easy capability of medicine passes into dihydrotestosterone can have further adverse effects for health in the conditions of its prolonged use. Flyuoksimesteron is estimated as the medicine by 19 times exceeding anabolic capabilities of testosterone and by 8.5 times its androgenic properties. Information on activity of medicine was obtained experimentally.

Galotestin is toxic for a liver. The athletes applying medicine often report about increase and morbidity of body. Researches show that medicine certainly leads to increase in levels of hepatic enzymes that demonstrates steady process of strengthening of degradation of hepatic cells under the influence of a flyuoksimesteron. This fact is confirmed by references.


Optimum dose of galotestin constitutes 10mg/put, it isn't recommended to exceed a dose in 20 mg/days. Besides, prolonged use of galotestin (more than 6 weeks) can be unsafe for sexual function. Proceeding from a ratio of advantage and harm, carrying out a rate of agalotestin is most reasonable only before competitions to gain two main effects on strengthening of physical force and aggression.

Flyuoksimesteron practically doesn't cause growth of muscular tissue. Medicine combinations with other anabolic means have also no particular advantages.

Galotestin is issued in tablets on 5 and 10 mg (is more rare on 1 mg). Medicine rather rare, however now became available the Moldavian Halotest 300 from Balkan pharmaceuticals.

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