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Electronic Cigarettes (vaporizer) - harm or benefit

23 Dec 2016

It is time to return to the popular legal drugs! Earlier, we reviewed on cigarettes, which revealed their damage and the potential benefits from the use. Now, we focus on a relatively new form of nicotine in producing organism through the so-called electronic cigarettes or vaporizer.


And in order to understand them thoroughly in the start of what they contain, what they are made.

All electronic cigarette consists of 3 main components:

1.The battery (Accumulator). This element in capacity is close to the batteries in mobile phones. In order to "smoking" e-cigarette on the duration and on the "smoky" as 1-2 packs of cigarettes use batteries from 700 to 2 thousand mAh.

Battery - this is, in fact, the engine is the electronic cigarette. And what it is more capacious and powerful - the better. And the less the need once again to put it on charge.

In the vaporizers, the functionality of the battery is usually monitored. Ie you'll be able to determine when the battery is more, when less productive.

2. Atomizer. In simple terms, this is the thing that heats the battery. Atomizer is also called the vaporizer. If you still remember high-school physics, we must remember that water has several states of aggregation: liquid, gaseous and solid. Atomizer is transforming the working fluid with the active ingredients to the couple. Heat a frying pan and pour it in a small amount of water - that's you and the atomizer to the battery in a fire.

The electronic cigarette atomizer usually appears as a spiral spring. The main requirement for a spring - a good thermal conductivity, it is necessary to heat up quickly.

3. Liquid. The last element forming the "skeleton" of the evaporators, it is the most interesting and diverse. The fluid consists of:

  • Water (H2O). Absolutely harmless element.
  • Flavours. To add flavor and odor. They are used in many foods: sausages, chips / crackers, instant noodles to eat, drink, flour products, etc.
  • Talk about the dangers of hard flavors. On the one hand, they are everywhere and buy a bun with flavor "vanilla", or pear flavor with an electronic cigarette, there is no difference in principle. Both are trying to trick the brain.
  • Propylene glycol or E-1520. Dihydric alcohol, perfectly soluble in water. Used for all elements of binding water and liquid transportation leaves sweet taste. There are no accurate adverse reactions have not found, but the English-language Wikipedia has research already in 1947, which refers to the possible irritation to the eyes and the upper respiratory tract by inhalation of the substance.
  • Glycerol or E-422. Trihydric alcohol, in the food industry is the emulsifier. Ie, there are 2 non-miscible substances, add the E-422, and all is mixed. If it is absolutely simplify) like propylene glycol, it has a sweet taste. The addition of relatively harmless. Incidentally, Glycerin with nitric and sulfuric acids is used to get the very nitroglycerin.
  • Nicotine. That substance for which buy both ordinary and electronic cigarettes. It is highly addictive. It can readily enter the brain and bind to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor.

Nicotine is able to calm the anxious person, or cheer relaxed. Helps to concentrate, perhaps, on time makes better to work the gray matter. And nothing, if not required to increase the dosage or could take, conventionally, once a month.
If you are a smoker or someone from your environment, note what percentage of starting to smoke more, and some less. Most likely, you will remember that the majority starts with 1-2 cigarettes a day and slipped to a pack or more. The expression "before smoking a pack, now 1-2 in the day" sounds, perhaps implausible.
In short, less nicotine - is to increase the dosage to achieve the same effect, cider cancel dependence.
Liquid vaporizers include nicotine, although there are "Without nicotine."

To reduce harm from cigarettes use Meldonium, Mexidol, Phenylpiracetam.

How do Electronic Cigarettes work?

Add up all the elements of the whole: the battery heats the spiral, which served to transform a liquid to a gaseous state, the release of vapor that is inhaled. The vapor in the lungs, through the capillaries nicotine in the lungs enters the bloodstream and then to the brain.

War between cigarettes and vaporizers

Electronic cigarettes should be called ESDN, electronic nicotine delivery. Traditional cigarettes deliver nicotine, along with a variety of toxic substances.
Logic dictates unequivocal victory evaporators in the future, because there is nothing worse than nicotine. As a result, an advantage over conventional evaporators cigarettes are:

+ Absence of resin

+ absence of arsenic and other poisons,

+ the risk of developing lung cancer is comparable to the non-smoker (on the subject of serious research yet, a judgment based on the composition of the liquid to the evaporators),

+ there is no harm to others,

+ no yellow teeth, bad odors and other unpleasant consequences.

What are the shortcomings of vaporizers:

- The lack of standards. Vaporizers - a new phenomenon, often liquids manufacturers themselves determine the percentage of water, propylene glycol, glycerin, flavors and nicotine. For comparison, the manufacturer can add from 0 to 80% propylene glycol, about the same amount of glycerol. The point is a huge variation.

- Control. Vaporizers can nicotine, but is there any guarantee that nicotine does not? Strong control whether manufacturers of liquids for electronic cigarettes? When we remove the hypocrisy of brands with their missions and objectives, it is a financial indicator as profit the bottom line. A large profit vendors will receive with regular sales, ie a manufacturer of material interest in the content of nicotine to form a relationship.

The important point is the fact that the brands of cigarettes are huge financial resources and it is likely to discredit the vaporizers. Although, objectively, they have nothing to oppose.

Bottom line:
- If you smoke cigarettes - go to the evaporators.

- If you do not smoke, what for you, in fact, nicotine addiction? Calmly live on.

- Electronic cigarettes - it is, after all, the steam with nicotine, cigarettes - a poisonous mixture of nicotine.

See you later!

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