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03 Nov 2016

Drostanolon (trademarks Masteron, Drolban, Metormon, Permastril, etc.) - an anabolic steroid which is issued in the form of air propionate and enantat. Masteron has high androgenic activity and moderate anabolic action. Masteron isn't flavored in an organism (that is doesn't turn into estrogen), on the contrary is aromataza inhibitor. Drostanolon is similar in biological effect to dihydrotestosterone as he is derivative this hormone (a chemical formula of Masteron - 2a-methyl-dihydro-testosterone propionate). In medicine Masteron is used as means for cancer therapy of a breast at women, however in a type of high probability of virilization now is practically not used. Medicine is almost not available in the black market of Russia.

Masteron Drostanolon

Drostanolon usually is issued in ampoules on 50 and 100 mg/ml.

Drostanolon propionate is widely applied by athletes in bodybuilding, to preserving muscle bulk and force during cycles of "drying". Drostanolon runners and athletes who aim to keep weight category use often (without increase in body weight).

Masteron is popular in bodybuilding as he doesn't cause accumulation of liquid and has moderate effect, it allows to improve relief and a definition of muscles. Drostanolon can be interesting to those athletes who wish to increase the hardness and density of muscles, as a rule he is applied shortly before the competitions. Drostanolon allows to achieve the most expressive condition of muscles, it also is the result of fat-burning effect of medicine. Practice shows that Masteron's rate can reduce fatty weight by 5-7% of initial. You can try Nootropil.

Masteron is capable to increase power indicators, during the preserving lump of a body and decrease in a fatty component. It does drostanol attractive in powerlifting. Medicine can be applied in case of a diet to weight loss for the purpose of preserving muscle bulk and suppression of a catabolism.

Side effects of Masteron

Masteron has low anabolic index for this reason it so well burns fat, in too time it increases risk of androgenic side effects: aggression, acne, baldness, hypertrophy of prostate and virilization at women. Once at the Olympic Games practically all gold medals have been got by the German swimming national team, later has been proved that sportswomen used derivative dihydrotestosterone, and obviously to it was Masteron. During the interview one of journalists has asked question why all sportswomen have such deep voice? One of them has answered it that they here to float, but not to sing.

Masteron does not cause such side effects as liquid delay, rise in arterial pressure and has hypotoxicity for liver.

Masteron course

The optimum effect of medicine is reached when using dosage about 400-500 mg a week. Bigger increase in dosage does not lead to considerable improvement of results. Considering that propionate has short chain, drostanolon is necessary to enter propionate 3 times a week (or every other day).

Combination of drostanolon

Thanks to high affinity of drostanolon to androgenic receptors and its androgenic properties, it is recommended to combine this medicine with such steroids as Vinstrol or Oksandrolon. Vinstrol to a lesser extent interacts with androgenic receptors with reduces concentration connecting sex hormones globulin therefore the combination will have the expressed synergy effect during drying cycle.

For set of muscle bulk it is recommended to combine Masteronum and Testosterone propionate, however in this case production of own testosterone substantially is suppressed. Therefore at long courses it is necessary to apply gonadotrophin. Also, often advise to combine Masteronum and Trenbolone or Boldenone.

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