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Doctor Lyuber: drying course

07 Dec 2016

During the work on "weight" it is possible to achieve certain results and without pharm help. In case of a set of a relief - No. And it not groundless praise of steroids, but harsh realities of life. It is time for that who flies in clouds to take off pink glasses and to face the truth: yes, you can lose weight without "vitamins", dump 15-20 and more kilograms considerably and even to see contours of desired cubes on a stomach, but to make this relief, such which a trump, elite body builders on podiums — unambiguously aren't present. You don't trust? Ask doctor Lyuber. He just kindly agreed to light this with that.

Hercules: Hello, doctor! Last time we fruitfully communicated on the subject "rate on weight". Now it would be desirable to talk more about the creating training and "drying". Whether there is, by the way, some communication between these cycles?

Doctor Lyuber: Let's deliver everything on the places. There are athletes competing at competitions who need "peak" to a certain date of a tournament, and those who want to be in good shape all the year round. The competing athlete can do everything that considers it necessary, proceeding from the previous experience, and here nobody to it not the decree. It is better for regular "advanced fan" to bring nevertheless at first himself in rather "shaped up", and only then began, the weights set. The phase in addition to a specific training assumes also plentiful food with emphasis on carbohydrates. To do "cycle" against the background of a fair inventory of fat — madness because in case of the diet sounded above fat will grow in the same proportion in what it already is! In other words, already available fat will provoke set new fat. And against the background of same "sound board" all this will awfully look. And if the competing athlete for the sake of the purposes quietly transfers also not such reflection in a mirror, then not competing fan from such pictures can break net psychologically …

H: That is you advise the "regular" athlete at first to get rid of fat and only then to begin a rate? And there is no risk together with fat to lose also muscles?

DL: When the person long didn't "contrive" D. L., it lost as it is all muscles which could be lost therefore it will be difficult "to be scattered" — there is nothing to scatter! Before the first course (the first course, but also the first course after a long break means not necessarily in general), the hormonal system works already "at the", and on a body there were only those muscles which it is only possible "to kill" absolutely somehow having perverted in trainings.

H: Proceeding from the aforesaid it is obvious that without fat you don't trust in a set of qualitative "weight"?

D. L.: Possessing "average" genetics, "user" the EXPERT has to be defined accurately for himself that specifically he wants? To prepare for competitions and to gain "superweight" (the term is used without any substake, is super for this concrete individual) in off-season with subsequent "drying", or all the year round to be rather "dry" And to gather absolutely gradually, but is "qualitative". A set of "qualitative meat" — piece, of course, attractive, but if the nature didn't release tendency to "dryness", then this process becomes very heavy and labor-consuming. Besides bigger on volume (than at "just set") a training, it both a constant diet, and regular aerobic loadings. By itself, as purely visually results of these titanic efforts won't be especially noticeable. But here everyone for himself solves.

If the athlete participates in competitions of times a year, he reaches "quality", God grant, if for a month. "in quality" it will be constant — won't progress in volumes - it is an axiom. If you a fitnessist who is fixated on a form, then my council: yes you don't pursue a set of "meat"! Easier the relief will hold. Everything is simple. A relief at 95 kg and at 80 are two big differences. If you want to be constantly in "quality" and to have volumes as at "pro" is, to put it is not fair. The Lord released such gift to one on one million and even those, whom we see on the stage of Olympia, can't brag of year-round "quality". You can try Hepatamin.

Coming back to a subject: you are engaged "for yourself" and you want to make a massonaborny cycle — at first get rid of fat. When big-bellied uncles begin the weights set, I feel sincerely sorry for them, Let they instead of 100 kg will weigh 120, the paunch will remain just the same. The ideas of body building consists in constructing a beautiful body, but not just to gather "meat". And such problem isn't solved in one stage. And the sequence of these stages can be absolutely different depending on that initial form in which there is training.

H: Let's say what after all is in the beginning certain fatty and surplus and is necessary "to be dried". What then?

D. L.: Then the first rate of such athlete is ocsandrolon + EKA (a combination ephedrine — caffeine — aspirin), and all. Oksandrolon will softly stimulate and support muscular amounts, and EKA will burn fatty deposits. By the way, it is already a few years as a ban on EKA withdrawn in many states of the USA. As our legislative system likes to copy approach of this country, it is interesting whether negative approach to it in principle to absolutely harmless and unique really effective will change in the Russian Federation? In what benefits of such approach? First, such "drying" will take place much more effectively and more without serious consequences, than "natural". At the same time the user those "will practically not concern the EXPERT" by which it is accepted to frighten inhabitants. Small departure: besides that in practice practically all these are net decided, ocsandrolon is one of the most harmless the EXPERT developed for acceptance by women and children. Secondly, after "drying" the athlete will understand absolutely accurately that at him on a body not so. Before gathering, itself should understand, as where to gather. When the person is covered with a layer something low-presentable, he doesn't see the strong and weak points. It is possible to gather, of course, "on perimeter": everywhere more as it is done by many. But such way isn't represented to me rational — disproportions will remain, and instead of the little freak we will receive it only inflated extensively (laughs).

G: Speaking about "drying", you didn't mention not the word about stanozolol.

D. L.: Is possible is used, and it if you aren't afraid for sheaves. The relation to this medicine became very specific recently. Advanced "users" understand that it isn't useful to sheaves and try to apply it on a minimum. At most — weeks eight. If it is possible to do without it, to do in general without it better. It is better to leave this medicine to the competing athletes not to provoke a problem.

G: That is you claim that stanozolol is harmful to sheaves?

H: I don't approve D. L., and simply saw ligaments torn owing to acceptance of this medicine at elevator operators. When they didn't apply it, sheaves were whole.

H: So, we have found out that even if your purpose the weights set, then it is all the same necessary to begin with "drying" if you have surplus of fat. What then when you already podnabrat "meat"? Sharp change of the mode and dumping of weight? Or some more sparing options?

D. L.: Intermediate consolidation of muscles, certainly, has to be present. It is possible to call this phase forming. "Meat" has to become "qualitative", "be developed". Earlier it was always practiced at athletes. And now everything has come down to two stages: has gathered — "has dried". As a result at such approach a considerable part of gathered is lost. And if there was an intermediate phase aimed at consolidation of muscles, "meat" would remain more.

H: What medicines are applied in this stage?

D. L.: Certainly, is about medicines, the detaining not a lot of water. You gather on "water-pressure" medicines, and they, obviously, "indicate radioactivity" still some time after cancellation. And on their background the medicines with a high androgenic index but keeping water in much smaller degree are connected. There is as if "a change of composition of a body", that is the weight of the athlete remains without special change, but the specific share of muscles increases due to reduction of an amount of water and somewhat — fat as actively aerobic loadings and restrictions in a diet already begin to be connected. Earlier in this phase the combination from testosterone of propionate, an injection primobolan and an oral stanozolol was popular, but present criteria of "weight" demand combinations more powerfully. The main medicine in this phase trenbolone in the form of acetate or a tritren + by itself testosterone (long or short is individually for each athlete) + perhaps stanozolol or drostanolon (masteron). The average duration of "the forming phase" — 6-8 weeks. I will add also that I consider injection trenbolone the most powerful of the EXPERT. And the most dangerous — as his potential side effects beat first of all the most painful sphere for any man: a permanent state "on the half-sixth" — it is terrible. That it hasn't occurred, it is necessary to apply trenbolone very accurately — first, to limit duration of its application to "cycles" in 6-8 weeks. Secondly, not to apply it it is frequent, at most — 2 times a year. Thirdly, never to tear off a course on trenbolone and, at least, 3-4 more weeks after his cancellation to apply testosterone and stanozolol. Well and, fourthly, parallel to a tren to apply the medicines minimizing it side effects for the sexual sphere: proviron and dostinecs. As for an oral form of trenbolone, its bioavailability is catastrophically low and to apply it therefore it is necessary in very high dosages. Then expectations from its application will be justified and won't be "effect of placebo" …

H: The following phase is directly "drying"?

DL: Here we risk to get entangled with D. L. in terms. If to understand disposal of subcutaneous fat and giving to muscles of "relief" as "drying", then this process very actively goes also on "the creating phase", especially in its second part when effect of "water-pressure" medicines comes to naught practically. It is unconditional that all this occurs against the background of the corresponding training, a diet and aerobic loadings is as if by itself it is meant. I will introduce the seditious idea: that who doesn't aim at participation in competitions that "relief" that will be reached in the "creating" phase, can appear quite enough. For the same who is inclined to masochism and didn't dismiss an idea to step on the stage of competitions in bodybuilding, the last phase — "drying" and "eyeliner". Success basis here — well in any way not medicines, and the diet and the plum mode of water which are correctly picked up under the specific athlete. Here all so individually that you shouldn't sound it unambiguously because, having read similar recommendations in a separation from the specific athlete, the neophyte can foolishly just try to copy read without amendments on individual reaction of the organism and as a result it to appear on a hospital bed. Generally and whole, regarding directly medicines on this phase, unambiguously to refuse better those which "hold water" and medicines absolutely different for each specific individual can appear those. Medicines which not only don't hold water are unambiguously good in this phase, but also promote its removal — for example, stanozolol and "short" masteron (especially option on oleate).

H: And primobolan?

D. L.: Primobolan is a very specific medicine. Its reception seems to me expedient only in two cases: or for beginners and women though I categorically don't approve the use of steroids by ladies. And the second option — together with testosterone and an oxymetabosom for lowering of various ghost effects last. Yes, as I already spoke above, earlier "stack" for "eyeliner" from vinstrol was quite popular (about 10 years ago), very few people use primobolan and oksandrolon, but now "prima" in this phase.

H: It is about the injection or oral form?

D. L.: Tableted primobolan is a thing absolutely useless for men. There was a resistant belief that it helps to retain muscles by operation on a relief and to increase something qualitative. Various experiments showed that any changes of appearance connected to its reception are practically not noticeable and at the same time, considering the cost of prmobolan very painfully hit the pocket

H: And ocsandrolon?

D. L.: Oksandrolon is a remarkable medicine for women, is equal as for the last 2-3 weeks by preparation for competitions in men's BB. It doesn't "hold" water, but allows retaining muscle bulk. But it isn't necessary to speak about accumulation of "weight" in case of reception of oksandrolon. When athletes, fairly methane taste, wait suddenly for some miracle effect of oksandrolon, I want to regret them sincerely. Purely — it makes a sense to men to use my judgement oksandrolon is only for maintenance of muscles in terminal phase of preparation for competitions in BB. Well and on initial stage of acquaintance with the EXPERT.

H: And what else from the EXPERT it is possible to advice for women?

DL: I would advise D. L. NOTHING. The aspiration of women to become similar to men in respect of muscular development and all metamorphoses accompanying it are represented to me absolutely unnatural. And I try to dissuade and stop all familiar girls who else can be braked in this direction. For the same ladies to whom already "late to drink Borjomi" the safest set of medicines is injection primobolan for set and ocsandrolon on "drying". Also before recent time by women it was applied shouted-turinabol because on it it was possible to slip a drug test. Now, first, doping tests were enhanced, and shouted-turinabol find in an organism 50-60 days later after the end of acceptance. And the second moment consists in Russia not to find now that the medicines containing actually shouted-turinabol. That is those who used as they considered, shouted-turinabol, amicably came across then on a drug test which showed presence at an organism of metabolites absolutely of other substances. Therefore when some unknown and the EXPERT only entering the market the producer loudly declares availability in a line of the products shouted-turinabola, it is necessary to approach similar statements extremely skeptically. It is necessary to consider that producers "with a name" and substance years of service for production shouted-turinabola to find not in a condition.

H: Why then some products which allegedly contain shouted-turinabol which isn't, in fact, there, are in great demand at athletes?

DL: And everything just from Turinadrol from "the Face of Labs" prt D. L. stronger, than from methane. Especially in respect of a set of force. It was noticed quickly enough by elevator operators. At the same time doesn't "fill in" you with water. But what lies in these jars — who knows, mix something with something. On a drug test methane, but in some microscopic concentration comes to light. The unique firms from attendees at the market of the former Soviet Union who managed to buy substance shouted-turinabola, were Balkans And "Loudspeaker". But also at them this was present only when offices entered the market and won the place there. From "Loudspeaker" long ago in general nothing is already heard about "turika", and a situation with shouted-turinabolom from Balkan just the same now, as well as at all other producers.

H: There is a statement that in 10 days prior to competitions it is necessary to refuse all medicines. Is it so?

D. L.: Well why it is so rigid? In 2-3 weeks the medicines detaining water, in 5-7 days — growth hormone clean up. But several medicines are applied even in day of a tournament to veins, filling of muscles not to lose muscle bulk.

H: What is applied in day of a tournament?

D. L.: No commets, all too individually. I will notice only that never saw that the expected effect has been gained from the application of an ocsimetolon sounded in one of magazines — just fills in with water and all … Important nuance — the athlete shouldn't stop reception the EXPERT right after the tournament! At an organism owing to manipulations with water and electrolytes there is chaos and a terrible imbalance, cancellation the EXPERT who will even more aggravate … Testosterone propionate on 50-100 mg every other day + HGG on 500-1000 PIECES of times in 3 days + tamoxifen, and all this for 3-4 weeks — the similar stack will help an organism to return to normal quicker. And here you shouldn't train in the hall during this period unambiguously!

H: The doctor thank you for a substantial conversation. Whenever possible get to us on a spark more often!

D. L.: Of course!

Article is published in the GERKULES magazine No. 2, 2011.

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