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Course of insulin

12 Dec 2016

This course is suitable for a set of 3-10 kg of muscle bulk within 1-2 months then it is necessary to take a break not less than two months for restoration of own secretion.

Study the mechanism of effect of insulin, and also a measure of fight against a hypoglycemia.

Begin a course with a dose of 2 PIECES subcutaneously, gradually enlarging a dosage by 2 PIECES.

Attentively monitor reaction of an organism to dose augmentation!

In the subsequent you can enlarge a dose to 15-20 PIECES, high doses aren't recommended.

Pay attention that insulinic syringes have various scales. The syringes U-40 are used to injections of insulin which contains 40 units in 1 ml. The syringes U-100 are externally very similar to U-40, but they are used for drugs with the maintenance of 100 units of insulin in 1 ml.

Frequency of injections can vary, the most sparing reception regimen - every other day. It is the best of all to carry out injections right after the training as after it plentiful meal has to follow what will provide supply of carbohydrates to a blood. Read - a delivery after the training. Besides, insulin suppresses catabolic processes which cause a physical stress during the training. Course duration at such regimen 2-2,5 months.

It is possible to carry out injections every day and even 2 times a day, however in this case duration of a course shouldn't exceed 1.5 months.

If you use insulin of ultra short action, then the injection needs to be done right after the plentiful meal rich with carbohydrates.

If you use insulin of short action, carry out an injection in 30 minutes prior to the plentiful meal rich with carbohydrates.

On 1 PIECE of insulin, it is necessary to accept 10 g of carbohydrates.

Carry out injections to different places, for prevention of lip dystrophy (roughness in a hypodermic fatty tissue).

It is necessary for obtaining good results:

  • To keep to a high-caloric diet
  • Power trainings
  • Sports delivery for a set of weight

"Attention" of the Mistake and precautionary measure:

  • Begin a course with a small dose - 2-4 PIECES to check reaction of an organism.
  • Carry out only subcutaneous injections
  • Don't do an injection before training
  • Don't do an injection before going to bed
  • After an injection it is necessary to provide an organism with carbohydrates

Delivery after nyxis

At the healthy person Saccharum in a blood on an empty stomach fluctuates from 3 to 5,5 mmol/l. Each unit of insulin lowers blood Saccharum by 2,2 mmol/l. If you prick 20 units of insulin of ultrashort action, then as a result can receive a hypoglycemia. Please pay attention to Renisamin.

In endocrinology (where insulin belongs) there is such concept as "grain unit". Irrespective of a look and quantity of a product, whether it be bread or apple, one grain unit contains 12-15 grams of the acquired carbohydrates. She increases the level of content of Saccharum in a blood at the same size - 2,8 mmol/l - and demands for assimilation by an organism on average 1,5-2 units of insulin. In more detail about this measure of calculation it is possible to read in any search engine.

Now small calculation. On 20 units of insulin it is necessary to use 10-15 grain units that is peer to 120-150 g of pure carbohydrates. If to follow an example, then it will be 300-450 grams of white loaf.

How to do injections of insulin

  • Wash arms with soap;
  • Gather drug in the insulinic syringe
  • Collect by the left arm a skin pleated on a stomach, as shown in the drawing.
  • Enter a needle at an angle 45 * to a cord
  • Administer the drug and take out a needle
  • Don't do an injection in one and too the place
  • Don't knead the place of a nyxis

The Place of a nyxis when using insulinic syringes it is optional to process "attention" - references of doctors are that. A puncture not too big in order that the infection could get.

Combination: insulin and steroids

Insulin well exponentiates anabolic effect of steroids therefore the combination is very widespread in bodybuilding. The combination of insulin and anabolic steroids is justified from the physiological point of view because these agents have the different mechanism of action, have opposing influence on glucose level that allows receiving good results at the minimum load on an organism.

Insulin can be applied throughout all courses of steroids, and also 2-3 weeks after it, to decrease of a phenomenon of kickback and the maximum conservation of results. "Attention" the course Combined with steroids doesn't differ from described above "solo", doses of drugs is left without change.

Hypoglycemic agents

There is a series of drugs which are capable to stimulate a pancreas and by that to increase secretion of endogenic insulin. A disadvantage of these drugs is the long period of action and possible attrition of function of a pancreas. In bodybuilding Diabeton (Gliclazide) is better to use drug - it possesses soft action and is safest. The recommended doses in bodybuilding - 30 mg (one tablet), it is necessary to begin reception with 10-15 mg. Other references are similar to insulinic course, to that difference that carbohydrates need to be accepted within the next 10 hours (such period of effect of drug).

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