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Cortexin vials – good result

11 Jan 2017

Advantages: helped, injections are not sick.

Disadvantages: expensive drug

The child lags pronunciation of certain sounds, that is, the baby does not say many words correctly. Neurologist our prescribed course of treatment, injections Cortexin for children 10 vials.

Every day baby told better and memorize more complex and new words, which successfully uses in everyday life. So I want to reassure other parents injections themselves are not sick, just a child psychologically afraid of them. The result is, we checked personally. If your child has an allergy to novocaine, you can replace it with saline. But on their own do not assign this treatment, see your doctor first.

It helped us. And I think you will be the result, if you are prescribed this drug.

Usage time: 10 days

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