Best deal of the week




14 Oct 2016

Information on this page is exclusively for healthcare professionals.

91. Astemizole - Tablets

Rp: Astemizoli 0,01

D. t. d. N 10 in tab.

S. 1 tablet 1 time a day.

92. Sulfadimethoxine - Tablets

Rp: Sulfadimethoxini 0,5

D. t. d. N 20 in tab.

S. In the first day of 2 tablets at reception, in the following days: 1 tablet 1 time a day.

93. Bactrim (Biseptolum-480) - Tablets

Rp: Tab. "Bactrim" ¹ 20

D.S. 2 tablets 2 times a day after meals.

94. Sodium Benzylpenicillin (Benzylpenicillin) - vials

Rp: Benzylpenicillinum natrii 250,000 ED

D. t. d. 12 N

S. contents of the vial to dissolve in 2 ml of 2% solution of Novocaine, / m 4-6 times a day.

95. Bicillin-5 - vials

Rp: Bicillini-5 1 500 000 ED

D. t. d. N 6

S. The contents of the vial to dissolve in 2 ml of 0.25% solution of Novocaine, in / m 1 every 4 weeks.

Please pay attention to Phenotropil (Phenylpiracetam)

96. Sodium oxacillin - Tablets

Rp: Oxacillinum-natrii 0,25

D. t. d. N 20 in caps. gel.

S. PA1 capsule 4 times a day for 1 hour before meals or 2-3 hours after eating.

97. Ampicillin trihydrate (Ampicillin, AMPICILLINUM TRIHYDRATUM) - Tablets

Rp: Ampicillini trihydratis 0,25

D. t. d. N 24 in tab.

S. 2 tablets four times a day.

98. Cefaloridin, (Ceflorin, Ceporan, Keflodin) - vials

Rp: Cefaloridini 1,0

D. t. d. 10 N

S. contents of the vial to dissolve in 2 ml of water for injection / m 2 twice daily.

99. Cefalexin - Tablets

Rp: Cefalexini 0,5

D. t. d. N 20 in tab.

S. 1 tablet 4 times a day.

100. Tetracycline - Tablets

Rp: Tetracyclini 0,25

D. t. d. N 20 in tab. obd.

S. 1 tablet 4 times a day after meals.



14 Oct 2016

Information on this page is exclusively for healthcare professionals.

81.Nicotinic acid (Niacin) - ampoule

Rp: Sol. Acidi nicotinici 1% - 1 ml

D. t. d. N 20 in ampull.

Signa. At 1 ml / m.

82. Pyridoxine hydrochloride (Pyridoxinum)- ampoule

Rp: Sol. Pyridoxini hydrochloridi 5% - 1 ml

D. t. d. N 10 in ampull.

Signa . At 1 ml / m in a day.

83. Ascorbic acid - Tablets

Rp: Acidi ascorbinici 0.05

D. t. d. N 20 in tab.

S. At one pill 2 times per day.

84. Ascorbic acid - ampoules.

Rp: Sol. Acidi ascorbinici 5% - 1 ml

D. t. d. N 20 in ampull.

Signa. 1 ml / m times in one day.

85. Retinol acetate - dragees

Rp: Dragee Retinoli acetatis 0.00114 (3300 ME)

D. t. d. 50 N

S. At 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Please pay attention to Mildronate, active components Meldonium

86. Ergocalciferol - oil solution

Rp: Sol. Ergocalciferoli oleosae 0.0625% - 5 ml

D.S. 1 drop every day from 2-3 weeks up to a year (rickets prevention).

87. Tocopherol acetate - Capsules

Rp: Sol. Tocopheroli acetatis oleosae 50% - 0.2

D. t. d. N 32 in caps. gel.

Signa. 1 capsule four times a day.

88. Lovastatin - Tablets

Rp: Lovastatini 0.1

D. t. d. N 50 in tab.

S. At one pill 2 times per day after meals.

89. Diphenhydramine (Dimedrol)- ampoule

Rp: Sol. Dimedroli 1% - 1 ml

D. t. d. N 10 in ampull.

S. At 1 ml / m.

90. Diphenhydramine (Dimedrol) - Tablets

Rp: Dimedroli 0.01

D. t. d. N 10 in tab.

Signa. At one pill 2 times per day.



14 Oct 2016

Information on this page is exclusively for healthcare professionals.

71. Heparin - vials

Rp: Heparini 5 ml (a 5000 ED?)

D. t. d. 5 N.

S. B / 000 units 25, the contents of the vial pre-diluted in isotonic NaCl.

72. Ticlopidine - Tablets

Rp: Ticlopidini 0,25

D. t. d. N 30 in tab.

S. At one pill 2 times per day with meals.

73. Insulin soluble

Rp: Monosuinsulini 5 ml (a '40 ED)

D. t. d. 10 N

S. At 20 ED subcutaneously 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

74. The suspension of insulin – semilong suspensio insulini-semilong

Rp: Susp. Insulini semilongi 5 ml (a'40 ED)

D. t. d. 10 N

ED 20 S. According subcutaneously two times per day.

75. The suspension of insulin – ultralong (suspensio insulini-ultralong)

Rp: Susp. Insulini ultralongi 5 ml (a '40 ED)

D. t. d. 10 N

ED 20 S. In one subcutaneously once daily.

Please pay attention to Phenotropil.

76. Butamide - Tablets

Rp: Butamidi 0.5

D. t. d. N 50 in tab.

S. At one pill 2 times a day 1 hour before meal.

77. Glibutide - Tablets

Rp: Glibutidi 0.05

D. t. d. N 50 in tab.

S. 1 tablet 3 times a day.

78. Prednisolone - tablets

Rp: Prednisoloni 0.005

D. t. d. N 50 in tab.

S. 1 tablet 3 times a day.

79. Methyltestosterone - Tablets

Rp: Methyltestosteroni 0.005

D. t. d. N 20 in tab.

S. 1 tablet 2-4 times a day under the tongue to complete resorption.

80. Thiamine bromide (Thiamini bromidum) - ampoule

Rp: Sol. Thiamini bromidi 3% - 1 ml

D. t. d. N 10 in ampull.

S. 1 ml / m deep.



14 Oct 2016

Information on this page is exclusively for healthcare professionals.

61. Furosemide - Tablets

Rp: Furosemidi 0,04

D. t. d. N. 20 in tab.

Signa: 1 tablet 1 time a day, in the morning.

62. Spironolactone - Tablets

Rp: Spironolactoni 0,025

D. t. d. N. 20 in tab.

S. 1 tablet in the morning.

63.Euphyllin - ampoule

Rp: Sol. Euhpyllini 24% - 1 ml

D. t. d. N. 30 in tab.

S. 1 ml / m 1-2 times a day.

64. Euphyllin - Tablets

Rp: Tab. Euphyllini 0,15

D. t. d. N. 30 in tab.

Signa: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day (after eating).

65. Cavintonum (Cavinton, Vinpocetine) - Tablets

Rp: Cavintoni 0,005

D. t. d. N. 50 in tab.

S. 1 tablet 3 times a day.

66. Ergometrine maleas- Tablets

Rp: Ergometrini maleatis 0,0002

D. t. d. N. 10 in tab.

S. 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

67. Oxytocin - ampoule.

Rp: Oxytocini 1 ml (5 ED)

D. t. d. N 5 in ampull.

Signa: The contents of the ampoule diluted in 500 ml of 5% solution of glucose, to enter into / in, drip.

68. Ferri lactase - Capsules

Rp: Ferri lactatis 1,0

D. t. d. N. 20 in caps. gel.

S. 1 capsule 2 times a day after meals.

69. Cyanocobalamin - ampoule

Rp: Sol. Cyancobalamini 0.05% - 1 ml

D. t. d. N 10 in ampull.

S. At 1 ml / m 1 every 2 days.

70. Dipyridamole - Tablets

Rp: Dipyridamoli 0,025

D. t. d. N. 30 in tab.

S. 1 tablet 3 times a day. For 30 minutes before a meal.



14 Oct 2016

Information on this page is exclusively for healthcare professionals.

51. Digitoxin (Digitoxinum) - rectal suppositories

Rp: Sup. sum Digitoxino 0,00015

D. t. d. 10 N.

Signa. At 1 suppository 1 time per day.

52. Strophantin (Strophanthinum) - ampoule

Rp: Sol. Strophantini 0,025% - 1 ml

D. t. d. N. 10 in ampull.

S. In 1 ml / 1 time per day. Dilute 20 ml of isotonic NaCl solution. Enter slowly

53. Valocordin - vials

Rp: Valokardini 20 ml

D. S. 15-20 drops per reception 2-3 times a day before meals.

54. Verapamil - Tablets

Rp: Verapamili 0,04

D. t. d. N. 100 in tab.

Signa: 1 tablet 3-4 times a day after meals.

55. Verapamil - ampoule

Rp: Sol. Verapamili 0,25% - 2 ml

D. t. d. N. 10 in ampull.

S. Introducing 1-2 times a day, in / in, slow jet. Pre-diluted in 100 ml of isotonic NaCl solution.

56. Nitroglycerin - Tablets

Rp: Nitroglycerini 0,0005

D. t. d. N. 40 in tab.

S. 1 tablet under the tongue at an attack of angina pectoris.

57. Sustac mite (Sustac forte)- Tablets

Rp: Tab. "Sustac forte" ¹ 25

D. S. 1 tablet 2 times a day.

58. Enalapril (Ednit) - Tablets

Rp: Enalaprili maleatis 0,005

D. t. d. N. 24 in tab.

Signa: At one pill 2 times per day.

59. Dihlotiazid (Dichlothiazidum) - Tablets

Rp: Dichlotiazidi 0,025

D. t. d. N. 20 in tab.

S. 1 1 tablet twice a day, in the morning.

60. Furosemide - ampoule

Rp: Sol. Furosemidi% 1 - 2 ml

D. t. d. N. 10 in ampull.

S. In 2 ml / m times in one day.



14 Oct 2016

Information on this page is exclusively for healthcare professionals.

41. Aminazin (Aminazinum) - ampoule

Rp: Sol. Aminazini 2,5% - 1 ml

D. t. d. N 6 in ampull.

S. V / m, the pre-diluted in 5 ml of 0.5% Novocaine solution.

42. Haloperidol - Tablets

Rp: Tab. Haloperidoli 0,0015

D. t. d. 50 N

Signa: 1 tablet 3 times a day.

43. Haloperidol - ampoule

Rp: Sol. Haloperidoli 0,5% - 1 ml

D. t. d. N 50 in ampull.

By S. 0.5 - 1 ml / m.

44. Sibazon (Diazepam, Sibazonum) - Tablets

Rp: Sibazoni 0,005

D. t. d. N 20 in tab.

Signa: PA1 tablet 1-2 times a day.

45. Sibazon (Diazepam, Sibazonum) - ampoule

Rp: Sol. Sibazoni 0,5% - 2 ml

D. t. d. N 10 in ampull.

Signa: In 2 ml / m 1-2 times per day.

46. Mezapamum (Mezapam)- Tablets

Rp: Mezapami 0,01

D. t. d. N 50 in tab.

S. 1 tablet 1-2 times a day.

47. Piracetam (Nootropil) - Capsules

Rp: Piracetami 0,4

D. t. d. N 50 in caps. gel.

Signa. 2 capsules 2-3 times a day.

You can also like Noopept

48.Sydnocarb - Tablets

Rp: Sydnocarbi 0,005

D. t. d. N 20 in tab.

S. 1 tablet 1 time a day before eating in the morning.

49. Sulfocamphocain- ampoule

Rp: Sol. Sulfocamphocaini 10% - 2 ml

D. t. d. N. 10 in ampull.

Signa: In 2 ml 2-3 times a day subcutaneously.

50. Digitoxin (Digitoxinum) - Tablets

Rp: Tab. Digitoxini 0,0001

D. t. d. 10 N.

S. 1 tabletke1 times a day for maintenance therapy.



14 Oct 2016

Information on this page is exclusively for healthcare professionals.

31.Pentazocine hydrochloride - Tablets

Rp: Pentazocini hydrochloridi 0,05

D. t. d. N 10 in tab.

Signa: 1 tablet for pain before eating.

32. Acidum Acetylsalicylicum- tablets

Rp: Acidi acetylsalicylici 0,5

D. t. d. N 10 in tab.

S. 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals, drink plenty of water.

33. Analgin - ampoule

Rp: Sol. Analgini 1 ml 50%

D. t. d. N 10 in ampull.

Signa: PA1 ml into the muscle.

34. Ortophen (Voltaren) - Tablets

Rp: Ortopheni 0,025

D. t. d. N 30 in tab.

S. PA1 tablet 3 times a day after meals.

35. Paracetamol - Tablets

Rp: Paracetamoli 0,5

D. t. d. N 10 in tab.

Signa: 1 tablet for headaches.

You can also like Phenotropil pills

36. Carbamazepine - Tablets

Rp: Carbamazepini 0,2

D. t. d. N 100 in tab.

S. At one pill 2 times per day with meals.

37. Sodium Valproate - Capsules

Rp: Natrii valproici 0,3

D. t. d. N 50 in caps. gel.

Signa: 1 capsule 2 times a day.

38. Nak - Tablets

Rp: Tab. "Nakom" ¹ 100

S. 2 tablets 2 times per day.

39. Midantan - Tablets

Rp: Midantani 0,1

D. t. d. N 100 in tab. obd.

Signa: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

40. Aminazin (Aminazinum) - dragees

Rp: Dragee Aminazini 0,025

D. t. d. 50 N

S. 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals.



14 Oct 2016

Information on this page is exclusively for healthcare professionals.

21. Anaprilin (Anaprilinum) - ampoule

Rp: Sol. Anaprilini 0,25% - 1 ml

D. t. d. N. 10 in ampule.

By S. 2.1 ml / in.

22. Metoprolol - Tablets

Rp: Metoprololi 0,05

D. t. d. N 100 in tab.

Signa: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

23. Labetalol - Tablets

Rp: Labetaloli 0,2

D. t. d. N. 30 in tab.

Signa: At one pill 2 times per day.

24. Labetalol - ampoule

Rp: Sol. Labetaloli 1% - 5 ml

D. t. d. N. 10 in ampull.

By S. 2ml / or a 5 ml infusion of 5% glucose solution.

25. Reserpine- Tablets

Rp: Tab. Reserpini 0,0001

D. t. d. N. 50

Signa: At one pill 2 times per day after meals.

Please pay attention to Phenotropil

26. Nitrazepam - Tablets

Rp: Nitrazepami 0,005

D. t. d. N 20 in tab.

S. 1 tablet 30 minutes before bedtime.

27. Phenobarbital (Phenobarbitalum) - Tablets

Rp: Phenobarbitali 0,05

D. t. d. N 10 in tab.

Signa: 1 tablet at night.

28. Morphine hydrochloride - ampoule

Rp: Sol. Morphini hydrochloridi 1% - 1 ml

D. t. d. N 10 in ampule.

S. 1 ml subcutaneously.

29. Promedol - ampoule

Rp: Sol. Promedoli 1% - 1 ml

D. t. d. N 10 in ampull.

S. 1 ml subcutaneously.

30. Promedol - Tablets

Rp: Promedoli 0,025

D. t. d. N 10 in tab.

S. At one pill for pain.



14 Oct 2016

Information on this page is exclusively for healthcare professionals.

11. Troventol - aerosol cans for inhalation.

Rp: Aerosoli Troventoli 21 ml (0.025 AA)

D. t. d. N 2

2 Signa: By inhalation 3-4 times a day.

12. Pirenzepine (Gastrozepin) - ampoule

Rp: Pirenzepini 0,01

D. t. d. N. 50 in ampule.

S. ampoule contents dissolve in 2 ml of solvent introduced into / m every 8-12 hours.

13. Pirenzepine (Gastrozepin) - Tablets

Rp: Pirenzepini 0,025

D. t. d. N. 30 in tab.

Signa: At one pill 2 times per day before meals.

14. Famotidine (Quamatel) - Tablets

Rp: Famotidini 0,02

D. t. d. N. 30 in tab.

S. At one pill 2 times per day.

15. No-spa (Drotaverine) - Tablets

Rp: Nospani 0,04

D. t. d. N 30 in tab.

Signa: At one pill 2 times per day.

16. Adrenaline hydrochloride - ampoule

Rp: Sol. Adrenalini hydrochloridi 0,1% - 1 ml

D. t. d. N. 6 in ampull.

Signa: In 0.5 ml subcutaneously.

17. Isadrinum - Tablets

Rp: Isadrini 0,005

D. t. d. N. 20 in tab.

S. 1 tablet under the tongue to complete resorption.

18. Salbutamol - Tablets

Rp: Salbutamoli 0,004

D. t. d. N 20 in tab.

Signa: 1 tablet 3 times a day.

19. Prazosin - Tablets

Rp: Prazosini 0,001

D. t. d. N 50 in tab.

S. At one pill 2 times per day, on the first reception 0.5 tablets.

20. Anaprilin (Anaprilinum )- Tablets

Rp: Anaprilini 0,04

D. t. d. N. 50 in tab.

Signa: 1 tablet 3-4 times a day, on the first reception 0.5 tablets.



14 Oct 2016

Information on this page is exclusively for healthcare professionals.

1. Lidocaine (Lidocaine) - ampoule

Rp: Sol. Xycaini 2% - 2 ml

D. t. d. N 10 in ampull.

Signa: For conductive anesthesia.

2. Anestezin - Tablets

Rp: Anaesthesini 0,3

D. t. d. N 10 in tab.

Signa: 1 tablet pain in the stomach region (not more than 4 tablets per day).

3. Etimizol - ampoule

Rp: Sol. Aethimizoli 1% - 3 ml

D. t. d. N 10 in ampull.

Signa: / m 2 twice a day for 3 ml.

Codeine 4 - Tablets

Rp: Codeini 0,015

Natrii Hydrocarbonatis

Terpini hydratis aa 0,25

D. t. d. N. 10 in tab.

Signa: 1 tablet when coughing.

5. Libexin - Tablets

Rp: Libexini 0,1

D. t. d. N. 20 in tab.

Signa: 1 tablet 3-4 times a day; do not chew.

Please pay Attention to Mildronate (Meldonium)

6. Acetylcysteine (Mucomyst, Acetoin) - Tablets

Rp: Acetylcysteini 0,1

D. t. d. N. 50 in tab.

Signa: 1 tablet 3-4 times a day.

7. Aceclidine - eye drops

Rp: Sol. Acecledini 3% - 10 ml

Signa: Eye drops. Aceclidine 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac of the patient's eyes.

8. Neostigmine - ampoule

Rp: Sol. Proserini 0,05% - 1 ml

D. t. d. N 6 in ampull.

Signa: 1 ml 1-2 times a day subcutaneously.

9. Atropine Sulfate - ampoule

Rp: Sol. Atropini sulfatis 0,1% - 1 ml

D. t. d. N 6 in ampull.

Signa: 1 ml subcutaneously.

10. Atropine Sulfate - eye drops

Rp: D. t. d. N

Signa: eye drops. 2 drops every hour until complete expansion of the pupil.

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