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Chronic venous insufficiency

02 Aug 2018


Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) of the lower limbs is a syndrome caused by a violation of the outflow of venous blood and manifested by pain, severity, rapid fatigue, pastose of the legs in an upright position, leading to the development of trophic disorders in later stages.

Actovegin. Chronic venous insufficiency.

Causes (risk factors)
Age, high growth, standing work, weighed heredity, genetic characteristics of the body constitution, static loads associated with the "non-physiological" way of life, the use of hormonal contraception, pregnancy and childbirth, obesity.

- severity, tension and pain in the legs;
- pasty in the area of the ankles in the evening;
- itching;
- night cramps in the calf muscles.

Maintaining optimal body weight, prevention of acute deep vein thrombosis.

Biologically active additives - VITABS Cardio, Venokomfort, Piknogenol-Extra, etc.

Drug therapy
Adenosinergic drugs are pentoxifylline (Vasonite, Trenpental).

Angio-protectors and correctors of microcirculation - Actovegin, Solcoseryl, Endotelone, Antistax, Antistax Gel, escin (Aescin, Venen, Dr. Thiess Venen gel, Escuzan 20), diosmin (Vasoket, Diovenor 600, Fleobody 600), pentoxifylline (Vazonite, Trenpental), chestnut (Venoplant), rutoside (Venoruton, Rutin), calcium dobezilate (Doxilek), troxerutin (Troxerutin Lechiva, Anavenol), hesperidin + diosmin (Venarus, Detralex), thiamine + escin (Escuzan), Yuglanex extract for oral administration , Cyclo 3 and others.

Antiaggregants - calcium dobezilate (Doxilek), pentoxifylline (Trenpental), etc.

Antihypoxants and antioxidants - Actovegin, Solcoseryl, ascorbic acid + rutozide (Prophylactin C), etc.

Anticoagulants - escin + essential phospholipids + sodium heparin (Essaven), etc.

Antiseptics and disinfectants - Cosmetic foot cream "Pirouette", etc.

Vitamins and vitamin-like agents - ascorbic acid + rutozide (Prophylactin C, Ascorutin), etc.

Immunomodulators - sodium deoxyribonucleate (Derinat), etc.

Compression knitwear - stockings, stockings, tights; compression knitwear is divided into 4 compression classes, each of which corresponds to a certain venous pathology: 1st class - light compression (18,4-21,1 mm Hg on the ankle) - recommended for the syndrome of "heavy legs", propensity to edema, for pregnant women; 2nd class - medium compression (25,2-32,3 mm Hg on the ankle) - recommended for acute thrombophlebitis, as a complex therapy after vein surgery and in the prevention of deep vein thrombosis; Grade 3 - strong compression (36.5-46.6 mm Hg on the ankle) - recommended for varicose veins with trophic disorders, deep vein thrombosis, lymphovenous insufficiency; 4th grade - (over 59 mm of mercury on the ankle) - recommended for serious anomalies of the venous system.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs- indomethacin + trokserutin (Indovazin), acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin "York"), etc.

Regenerants and reparants - Aktovegin, Solkoseril, etc.

Fibrinolytics - Thrombovazim and others.

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