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Childfree phenomenon in society

13 Dec 2016

About the impact of lifestyle on the desire to have children, European-style marriage and childfree philosophy. When the researchers drew attention to the phenomenon of childfree? Is it always this phenomenon exist? What are the cultural and psychological reasons may be due to the categorical unwillingness to have children?

Canadian researcher John. E. Vivers dedicated monograph study of qualitative methods families, legal marriages in which people deliberately refused from children. She interviewed and husband and wife, and tried to understand the reasons for their decision. The term "childfree" is associated with people who are fertile, reproductively healthy, but do not want to have children for whatever reasons. Vivers are identified in two types of people: rejecters and affectionado. Rejecters are people who reject category, in this case, the category of children. This type of unpleasant little children, and all that is connected with the process of childbirth and breastfeeding. Most people on the biological and social reasons, laid down by small children cause positive emotions, but not Rejecters. Such people are few, but they have always been. To improve quaility of Life – use Piracetam, Meldonium, Cogitum and Noopept.

Researchers confirmed after Vivers proposed dividing it: childfree - people either have an aversion to the number of children, or charmed childlessness (it is not important, that children do not like them, but that they live very well without them). A 2008 study offered two other types that can be loosely classified as childfree - is "wavy refusers" and "permanent postpones". First - they are people who, for example, keep a diary on the internet, where they write: "I really want a child," "Oh, I do not want", "I can not decide." They can not decide, and in terms of reliable contraception they never had children. It is the same with the second type. Now Russia extended delay, especially in large cities. People tend to first make a career and make a living, and only then, perhaps, to have children. Often permanent "then" grows into "never". Either they become infertile (infertile - not childfree), or they understand what is so rooted in our way of life, that children it is no longer fit.

When the US began childfree movement, these were people with higher levels of education, especially women, as a rule, atheists or only children in the family or the older children from large families. Ten years later, the phenomenon has spread to different groups of people: and uneducated, and even religious. Users can easily say: "I do not want to give birth, I just feel sorry for my body"

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