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Caffeine - Budget Stimulator

22 Dec 2016

One of the most popular and perhaps the most accessible in the world of stimulants, which is used for centuries in the form of coffee or tea. Hello everyone! Today we talk about caffeine. About its principles of action, effective dosages and the like.

Caffein, Adrafinil, Phenylpiracetam, Picamilon

Some people say they can not wake up without coffee, can not be involved in the work, in fact, they can not decaffeinated. A method of transporting the substance, whether it is an energy drink, coffee, tea, or other forms, play a secondary role. Caffeine really invigorates, resulting in feelings. But this is only the subjective consequences of taking this supplement, all the fun is happening at the level of effects on the body.

Caffeine, Picamilon, GABA, Semax, Phenylpiracetam, Ladasten

Caffeine is extremely effective not only in everyday life, to wake up or fall asleep, but also in medicine, sport and even to improve intellectual abilities. Caffeine’s methods of application, starting from the banal beverage to capsules, tablets and even ampoules for injection through a syringe. However, as in absolutely any substance, caffeine, there are minuses. You can use Cerebramin.

How does caffeine act

The supplement is very popular and has a huge research base, we proceed:

  • 1.Increase pressure. It so happens that there is a weakness, it is hard to think, there is no concentration, drowsiness, often it is due to the reduced pressure. Incidentally, in the winter time, the pressure is usually lower than in the summer. Caffeine can help in this! ... Or hurt, if a person has high blood pressure initially. To increase pressure effective dosage of 3 mg / kg body weight.
  • 2.The heartbeat quickens. More blood passes through the body per unit of time, this is the same tone. Then you just do not overdo it, like other stimulants, if a person initially high pulse, the receiving stimulants will hurt and you need as soon as possible to begin to train the heart.
  • 3.Action on hormones: adrenaline, cortisol, testosterone, adenosine. This does not mean that everything else caffeine is not active, this means that less accurate data regarding the following hormones.
  • 3.1.Adrenalin. The main stress hormone, ancient doping is activated under the influence of a direct threat. The dosage of 6 mg / kg (which is very high) body weight increase the concentration of adrenaline by 40-50% in the elderly, but there is evidence that young people increase reaches 500%. There is also a slight increase in noradrenaline.
  • 3.2.Cortisol. This hormone, which is extremely useful in war or famine, and bad in everyday life. He quickly destroys muscles, if they do not use or promote the growth of adipose tissue. In general, the concentration of cortisol rises compared to placebo level. Particularly strong increase occurs after physical exercise. In intellectual work, increased slightly.
  • 3.3.Testosterone. Hormone brutal men, responsible for male traits, and also directly proportional interconnected with neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. The more testosterone - the higher they are, and vice versa. There are also studies that after nat. training testosterone placebo group was 15% higher on average caffeine group by 21%.
  • 3.4.Adenosine. Caffeine is an antagonist of adenosine compounds, which means that caffeine has the opposite effects of adenosine. Namely prevent drowsiness. Adenosine is activated when a person or exhaustion, tired, this nucleoside drives man to sleep, play, relax .. Caffeine off the connection.
  • 4.Caffeine as a growth factor receptor. Serotonin. The hormone of pleasure and joy. Its level increases, moreover, caffeine is a kind of cement for the construction of serotonin receptors, protein compounds, there is evidence that the same is observed in the context of such receptors: serotonin, nicotinic, muscarinic, GABA and dopamine. True crazy used dosage of 100 mg / kg.
  • 5.Working memory. Improves cognitive performance. Conducted intelligent testing, where people are divided into 3 groups. Night and morning, they had nothing to eat, and in the morning, the group 1 received placebo, the second - 75 mg of caffeine, the third - 75 mg caffeine + glucose 75g (sweet). Best of all coped with the tasks 3rd group. Already once said that eating carbohydrates for breakfast, oatmeal etc. for the excellent work of the brain, that's proof.
  • 6.Reducing fatigue. On this point it was carried out research among its multi-pronged sporting cyclists. One received a placebo, the other - 240 mg of caffeine. The results were such that caffeine 5.4% contributed less tiring.

DMAA, stimulants, Adrenaline

The damage and the danger of caffeine

  • 1.Addiction. Indeed, long-term use may appear small dependence on caffeine. This is not fatal, but can occur at any time insomnia. This occurs due to the constant action of inhibiting adenosine, which is designed to reassure the time. His settings slipping, which leads to unclear biorhythms. In this case, you can chop off treacherously intake of caffeinated substances can be for a week, gradually withdraw to 0. All the problems have to pass a few days.
  • 2.Tolerance. It is, but rather psychological. One simply becomes accustomed to constant stimulation and it begins to seem that "before the Energy drink worked better."
  • 3.Circulatory system problems. Not Recommended intake for people with high blood pressure or tachycardia. Even if a person is healthy, regular intake of caffeine in combination with lack of sleep, constant fatigue, which is docked stimulants make a person sick.

The effective dose of caffeine is about 6.4 mg caffeine / kg body weight per day. For 1 time it is not advisable to take more than 4 mg / kg.

Caffeine, Picamilon, GABA, Semax

Fanatics of mega-stimulation can be combined with taurine, DMAA and other stimulants.

Bottom Line:

  • Caffeine - a great stimulant available. Simultaneously simple and effective.
  • Take whenever, as acts through 10-40 minutes. Daily dosage of not more than 6 mg / kg body weight. For the purposes of brain bleeding, you need to take with something sweet (but not overeat).
  • It operates largely through catecholamines (adrenaline, noradrenaline), and adenosine.
  • Caffeine combines with other stimulants, of course, the dosage is reduced.

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