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Buy Phenylpiracetam! Down with sadness, melancholy and torpor! 18 effects from Phenotropil!

02 Jun 2016

Advantages of Phenylpiracetam: invigorates, increases efficiency, anti-stress, improves mood, helps to quickly wake up, helps with mental fatigue, improves concentration, improves cerebral blood circulation, improves memory, mental clarity

Today I talk about the final preparation of my long course of treatment at the neurologist. A total of 3 months of treatment was prescribed to me 10 (!) Different drugs of various orientation (vascular, nootropic, vitamins, for vision), and Phenylpiracetam (Phenotropil) made the greatest impression on me. And to help you to understand, let's I'll describe my condition before treatment, and then what kind of results I achieved.

Before Treatment

Cerebral Angio Dystonia. What is it? It is a violation of the brain power and the eye due to narrowing of the blood vessels of the head. When I sleep longer, I have headaches on the weekends. Headaches as a reaction to changes in the weather, magnetic storms and other really has no direct bearing on my life crap. I have blurred vision, chronic fatigue. I reduced mental and physical performance. I suffer from lack of motivation, the deterioration of memory, both in short and in long term. I afflict from the absence of ideas, uncontrolled eating, craving for alcohol (shame, damn, how embarrassing ...). Irritability. Pessimism. Discouragement. Decreased libido.

My treatment

The drug complex was chosen jointly by the neurologist and ophthalmologist. It can be divided into 3 months:

1 month:

  • SuperOptik - Table 1. day ¹30
  • Semax - Drops
  • Neiromedin - tablets
  • Mildronate injections - 5 ml iv ¹10
  • Niacin - 2 ml intramuscularly ¹10
  • Vitamin B complex injections - intramuscularly every other day ¹5

2 month:

  • Pantogam 500mg – 50 tablets

3 month:

  • Phenylpiracetam Table 1. day ¹30
  • Taufon - eye drops 3 times a day ¹30

Most of all I remember the first stage of treatment, because of injections))))

The results of using Phenylpiracetam:

The first week of usage, I did not feel any noticeable changes. Some people took Phenylpiracetam and write that from the first day jumping like mountain goats, but I was not like this. The first results appeared in the second week.

Here are 18 effects of taking Phenylpiracetam (Phenotropil):

  • 1.Good mood. They say, "Pessimism – mood, optimism - will". I will say this: optimism is chemistry. Will, of course, means a lot, but you can at least imagine pounding fists on his chest, as if the brain cells are not working properly, if there is no produce of sufficient number of necessary hormones and neurotransmitters, you will not be optimistic. I became more positive look at the world, to smile and laugh. And it's worth it.
  • 2.2. A good, healthy, deep sleep. I, pah-pah-pah, have a good sleep and fall asleep quickly, but with the amount of power that I have after sleeping, not so good. With the acquisition Phenotropil I wake up vigorous, even sleep 5-6 hours provide enough power to operate normally during the day. As a bonus gone wacky dreams.
  • 3.Improving the mental activity. I have an intellectual work that requires decisions at times a challenge. With the acquisition Phenotropil I began to work much faster, I had more creative ideas, I began to quickly find and use the right information.
  • 4.Memory improvement. Previously, I had a very good memory, which then deteriorated. With Phenylpiracetam I, oddly enough, was the recall and use at work what I forgot, it would seem a long time ago. Short-term memory has also become better, disappeared silly jumps in place with the thought, "Do I turn off the stove?" "And I closed the door with a key?".
  • 5.The headaches have almost disappeared.
  • 6.I stopped react to changes in weather by bad mood, heaviness in the head and headaches.
  • 7.I can work much longer and more productively. Previously, I was actually out of steam for 15-16 hours, coming to work at 10, it is now normal not only have time to do more, but quietly work to 18. It is easier to focus, concentrate, less distracted by trivia.
  • 8.I have more energy. Both spiritual and physical. Because of this, I not only became a regular train (while at home, but really want and plan to from autumn to go to the gym), but also I can increases the workload without problems. With a laugh, I remember how ran my first lap and exhausted, as much in his chest went cold, despite the heat. Today, I put my small record - 4.5 laps! It means a lot to me, because I'm running just a month and a half, and before that did not run for 6 (!) years.
  • 9.I became easier to converge with people. Really I become more sociable. For the first time I went for a massage, and even the young masseur. I thought, all 60 minutes of the log will lie in painful silence. And now we can not ceasing bursting with him like two magpies, though the man himself is clearly not very sociable by nature) It has become easier to do business calls to strangers. I realized that courtesy and kindness - the golden keys that open all doors and many hearts.
  • 10.I better stand failure and bad luck. You know, earlier in the morning if I did not have time to stop the passing of the half-empty bus, and next came the almost complete, I was visited by the thought of "bad luck", "All day wait mustard", happened, tears welling. Now I clearly know that it absolutely does not mean anything. My day does not depend on the details.
  • 11.I became faster. I'm going to work faster, faster to perform tasks. I have more time for myself and my home, socializing with friends. Precisely because of this, I began to exercise more and do different caring procedures - favorite masks, wraps, bath with fragrant salt. And this is +100 for a good mood.
  • 12.It has become easier to forget the fact, that I can not change. You know, it happens that you just can not change something. And you start to turn it endlessly in his head, to gnaw myself to harass. This makes it difficult to focus, you can not switch to something else. Now - that's that. From left sister's husband, Putin signed a decree on the destruction of food - the guys, it's not my problem. My life goes on.
  • 13.I began to eat less. Actually, before I was horrified waited for PMS, because I have these days I'm almost out of control, and for 2-3 days to gorge on as much then throw off the rest of the month. Now my meal - that's what gives me life and not something for which I live. It became much easier to give up any nonsense type of chips, pancakes, sausages, etc. food debris. And I get more pleasure from the simple healthy food - fresh cottage cheese, boiled on the water lentils with butter, plain fresh tomato ... Mm-m ...
  • 14.Increase libido. Well, what can I say ... I have to say very simply, that it has become more and better) I think my man become happier)
  • 15.Improves vision. Its improvement before Phenotropil optometrist said, but it was during the reception Phenylpiracetam I began to notice itself that the colors are brighter and the world - even more beautiful. Also, it seems to me, and you can say about the other's feelings - it seems that even the sense of smell became sharper.
  • 16.I became braver. It was easier to follow the principles of hedonism. If I do not like something, I say this. If I do not want to go somewhere, I'm not going. If I come, and I do not like it, I'm leaving. It's my life, it is one, it is not some kind of draft to remake it later. No need to waste time on something that is not a pleasure.
  • 17.Increase pain threshold. The girls know what a painful time of the month. ... In the month of Phenotropil I again had such critical days, but I felt only the strength of spasms and pain disappeared after 1 Spazgan tablet.
  • 18.The lack of a hangover. Yes, It is bad to drink alcohol, and especially taking nootropics, but what happened - happened. But this feeling when you, a girl weighing 57 kg drank at least a Man weighing about 100, and he feels very dreadful, and you just enjoy your morning.

No side effects, I have not noticed.

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