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Buy Medixol: Restore Brain After Prolonged Anemia

20 Jun 2016

Against the background of uterine fibroids and prolonged and heavy bleeding, I had a strong and long-term anemia. Last year, the hemoglobin was somewhere at the level of 65 units. This is 2 times lower than the norm. Operation frightened me, bleeding, too. I was sitting at home, the husband worked. Brain activity decreased significantly.

When anemia was cured and the fibroids removed, I went back to normal life, but with horror realized that I can hardly think straight, often made mistaks, forget everything. The consequences of anemia had an effect.

Mexidol was appointed by therapist to my grandmother. Finally reaching the instructions, I realized that it means quite harmless - antioxidant substances that improve brain circulation. I decided to try it too.

Tablets are of white color, and have very acidic taste (antioxidant). That's why the first dose grandmother ate. I crush her tablet in food, as usual, because she does not swallow them. But it is not fooled) Now I crushed tablet and add it into the water with honey. And if it is necessary in food, then divide into larger pieces.

I drink Mexidol about 1.5 months to 2 tablets a day after meals. The result is noticeable. It is not fast, but positive. Began to remember better, much better, it has become less mistakes and blunt. I started to make my own decisions (sounds awful, but it's still a couple of months ago, almost every step of the husband asked, there was some uncertainty around). I think that Mexidol helps me.

Grandmother has small improvements there, but at her age, very many to expect is not necessary.

Take care of your health!

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