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Bioethics as a new type of knowledge

04 Nov 2016

Dr. Doping speaks about the relationship of doctors and patients, ethical issues of biomedicine and the ratio of law and morality.

The concept of "bioethics" paradoxically incorporates the word "bio" ("life, living") and "Ethics". Ethics - a philosophical knowledge, the section of philosophical science of morality, of public opinion, which regulates relations between people from the standpoint of good and evil, proper and improper behavior.

It is generally believed that bioethics comes to replace the medical deontology. The term "deontology" was introduced in the XIX century philosopher Bentham to indicate that the behavior of the people must obey certain rules. These rules are designed, for example, for specific medical fields, allow the doctor talking to a patient, to know what action the medical community considers proper, due, and which actions are prohibited. Deontology allows you to build not only the relationship between doctor and patient, but also the relationships within healthcare teams. However, when people, including doctors, make decisions related to conflicts between different values, they tend to be little, just enough to operate for granted, people want to think that is the basis of certain rules.

Bioethics emerges as an attempt to develop benchmarks in biomedicine, following which it would be possible to prevent the negative consequences of the development of Biomedical Sciences, the use of medical technology to the detriment of both the individual and humanity as a whole.
The term "bioethics" was first used in the literature in the early 70-ies of XX century. American biochemist Potter in his work on "Bioethics: bridge to the future" defined bioethics as a discipline that connects biological knowledge with the knowledge of human values. So far, Bioethics is used as a concept that refers to a special type of knowledge, special training discipline, social institution of a new type. Bioethics as knowledge from the '70s on the 90-ies of XX century, has evolved as a discipline narrative - she recorded the conflicts that arise between people, forced to make decisions in situations of vital importance to them or another person, when they were associated with the development of health -biologic knowledge. For example, when patients have a request for euthanasia, or when the researcher doing vivisection, or there was a question about the justifiability of abortion practices.

Over time, bioethics began to move from description to standard regulation. The difference lies in the fact that bioethics needed to answer the most fundamental questions: what is man, what kind of value system guided by a person in making certain decisions where the risks of the border in biomedicine, whether a person is entitled to use the experiment on animals for their own purposes, denying animals the status of important objects of value? The answer to these and other issues was very difficult. But Bioethics has created a special type of knowledge, in which the professional opinion, the doctor, the researchers needed to make an equal knowledge of the average person, the support of ordinary consciousness - sometimes called "man from the street" or "profane".

If we talk about the medicine, in the suffering of each patient has suspended two plans. One objective - this is what happens to the human corporeality during illness as illness realities distort somatic and psychological manifestations of human life. But every suffering there is another, often more important aspect - biographical. Only the patient can imagine a situation with a forecast for the future, only the man himself knows how he would like them to treat him as he refers to himself, to life, what is the meaning of his own life, society, they, or are religious, confessional values, only the person himself knows about the economic and social circumstances of their lives. Bioethics - is a space of dialogue, where the position of a professional doctor and patient position tend to be equal, in this dialogue is born unique personal position on these bioethical situations.

The first block of bioethics - is the problem of the beginning of life: a discussion on the status of the embryo, about the justification of abortion practice, the validity of the use of new reproductive technologies - in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, in vitro fertilization.

The second set of issues that are discussed in bioethics - a problem associated with the end of life: the problem of death and dying, death criteria, the justification, legalization of euthanasia. Bioethics draws attention to the fact that modern medicine is the beginning and end of human life lose their natural status jobs that become events, which depend on someone's decision: the individual patient, family, physician, researcher.
The third set of problems - these are problems associated with the possibility of intervention in medicine mental and physical integrity of a person - in transplantations, in experimentation, in the provision of mental health care. Improve mental health you can with aid of Phenibut, AfobazolPhenzepam, Semax and Phenotropil.

The fourth block of bioethical problems - these are problems that arise as a conflict between the interests of the state and society on the one hand and the interests of the individual on the other hand in matters of health. For example, vaccination situation, the restriction of human freedom to move, if it is, for example, appeared on the territory, where quarantine for any disease.
All these problems and discusses bioethics descriptive and normative. Today, bioethics becomes a compulsory subject for those who are trained in the specialty "medicine" - the future doctors, and those who are trained in the specialty "pharmacy" - the future pharmacists.
But Bioethics - is not only a special kind of knowledge or academic discipline, it is a social institution. Bioethics creates a special kind of organization structure, in order to organize the bioethical discourse, of which we spoke. This bioethical committees, bioethics commissions that are formed at different levels - from macro-microsocial up. Today bioethical committees necessarily exist for all major hospitals and biomedical research centers. None of the world's leading magazine does not accept paper outlining the results of experiments involving humans or animals, if the conclusion of Bioethical Committee was not obtained before the start of the experiment that in the course of the experiment are not violated bioethical rules.

What are these rules? On what principles for resolving bioethical issues bioethics pays attention? If we are talking about a person, then it is these principles: the rule of truthfulness, the rule of confidentiality, and the most important rule - the principle of respect for individual autonomy, human respect, with dignity, not because of social status, education or financial situation, but because of the birth of his person.

Today is a very widely discussed issue of whether it is possible to replace the study of bioethics of medical law. Is it enough to act in an ethically correct way, follow only the rules of law? The question is not so simple. Those who proposes to replace bioethics rules of law are based, as a rule of moral relativism, imagining that the moral standards of many, they are different persons, acting in accordance with moral norms, can come into conflict with other rules, and if walking in the law , it ensures proper behavior.

However, in the XX century history in biomedicine there are many examples of how legitimate from a legal point of view, the practice was completely ethically incorrect, inhuman.
For example, the practice of euthanasia in Nazi Germany. Therefore, discussion of the ethical issues of biomedicine can not be replaced by a right. In some situations, the pace of development of medicine and technology are so high that the law simply does not manage to resolve all emerging innovations. And in some cases, the right to exact wording is simply not sufficient to allow for the personal dimension of bioethical situations.

Our great philosopher Vladimir Soloviev, speaking of the relationship between law and morality, drew attention to the fact that, following the morale, we are acting in accordance with its internal needs and attitudes. When we act in accordance with the law, the acts of coercion outside the system, and this, of course, act on a step lower than the adherence to internal ethical call.
Bioethics is just beginning to unfold, and as a special knowledge and as a social institution. In the future, the role of bioethics will increase, as is the practice, teaching the every person to make decisions in difficult vital situations, to make decisions that are associated with the boundaries of their own existence. In the history of culture has previously been relatively few situations where a normal person in a situation difficult life choices. The modern development of science required to make such a choice each, and the choice of modern man can not actually pass. Just as the choice to make, and teaches bioethics.

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