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03 Nov 2016

Chemist Dr.Doping tells about human metabolism, the design of new enzymes and catalytic antibodies.

What is the significance biocatalysis for human life? How is the design of new enzymes? What is the practical application of catalytic antibodies?

All reactions in our body are biocatalytic. If it were not for biocatalysts, namely enzymes, we could not be carried out in a reasonable time the metabolism of amino acids, the conversion of DNA, other low molecular weight compounds, and other hormones necessary for the body's vital activity of the compounds.

Actovegin is widely used for improve immune system.

Another direction of research is catalytic antibodies. Antibodies are created by nature to deal with a variety of adverse objects within our body. This protein, predisposed to high specific binding. You can get an immune response to an infinite number of compounds. A question was raised: whether the antibody can not be forced to work as enzymes? On the basis of the theory of Linus Pauling's largest American researcher Bill Jenks suggested, which was very close and Pauling, that if the production of antibodies as snapshots for analogs of the transition states of the enzyme mimic the structure of the active site of the enzyme, due to the known structure of the transition state, it is possible to obtain a catalytic reaction.

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