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Anabolic steroids

28 Nov 2016

Anabolic steroids are in a broad sense, all this that helps body height. Eggs or cottage cheese in this plan too anabolic steroids since help to shift nitric balance of a positive side i.e. promote an anabolism. In narrow sense, anabolic steroids – the banned drugs leading to an anabolism (body height of muscle bulk and force). Most often poor students consider such drugs only steroids. It absolutely not so. The truth is that Anabolic steroids the strongest class of dopes, but not only. Personally I allocate five main groups of dopes. Is, by the way, and other groups, but they aren't so important as this "the gold five":

  • Anabolic Steroids
  • Body height hormone
  • Insulin
  • Anti-collateral (Proviron, HGCh, Tamoskifen, Tribulis)
  • Drugs for Drying (Thyroid Hormones, Klenbuterol, Denitrofenol, diuretic, etc.)

Anabolic steroids

ANABOLIC STEROIDS are synthetic (artificial) analogs of male sex hormone of TESTOSTERON-DEPOTUM.

Synthesized the EXPERT after war though positive experiments on transplantation of gonads were made at the beginning of the last century that led to rejuvenation and improvement of health at experimental. The molecule of sex hormone was a little altered in laboratory for the purpose of intensifying of anabolic properties (from what protein synthesis) and to depression of androgenic properties accelerates (from what secondary sexual characteristics develop), and as a result from androgenic steroids anabolic appeared. Though, by and large, any anabolic steroid carries in itself, besides an anabolic index, and androgenic too.

TESTOSTERON-DEPOTUM the great number of the major performs functions in an organism and one of the most important is a formation of men's signs, including, and body height of muscle bulk! Hormone travels to bloods around all organism and can influence its activity (in our case it can accelerate synthesis of new proteins in a muscle cell).

TESTOSTERON-DEPOTUM is synthesized from cholesterin (a cholesterin - androstendion-Testosteron-Depotum) in TESTICLES.

  • MEN = 6-7 milligrams a day
  • WOMEN = 1 milligram a day

In general in our body there are a lot of different hormones:

  • PEPTIDE HORMONES (chain of amino acids) insulin, body height hormone
  • DERIVATIVES of AMINO ACIDS (derivatives) adrenaline, Thyrosinum
  • STEROID HORMONES Testosteron-Depotum, estrogens, hydrocortisone, Progestinums

But now we consider steroid hormones. To be exact artificial analogs of Testosteron-Depotum which call ANABOLIC STEROIDS.

They exist quite a lot because scientists made DIFFERENT MODIFICATIONS of an initial molecule of hormone. Some modifications can be flavored (to turn into female sex hormones), some can't. Some form stabler communication with a receptor, some less stable. Generally different steroids have little excellent features. BUT in general, all of them strengthen synthesis of protein in a cell because are similar to natural Testosteron-Depotum.

Types of Anabolic steroids

It is necessary to divide everything the EXPERT on several main signs into groups. First of all it: Oral and Injection medicines. The first swallow, and the second heat. At once I specify where. Kolit intramuscularly in Buttocks, Deltas, or in Hips. Because exactly in these places are big muscles with the small number of vessels. We go further. Steroids often divide into two groups: Anabolic steroids and Androgens. Similar division is rather conditional because any steroid has in itself both characteristics (in the west of them and call AAS, but not the EXPERT as at us), just in some wise biochemists have lowered an androgenic component and have made medicine brighter anabolic steroid. Androgens have more side effects, than anabolic steroids, BUT their effect is more too. And the most important that pure anabolic steroids solo (without androgens) work much more weakly. Well and I still would divide all AAS into those which can be flavored (to turn into female sex hormones), and that which aren't flavored (tren, stanozolol). Do not forget take Mildronate for better results.

ORAL Steroids (17 alpha alkylated)

Oral steroids work much quicker and live well, than injection. In general, it is important to understand that natural testosterone has very short period of "life". (half-decay takes only several minutes, and in an hour there will be no trace left also from testosterone in blood). Here for this purpose to prolong hormone existence biochemists have thought up 17 alpha alkylation are when clever uncles in white dressing gowns attach carbon atom to a medicine molecule in the 17th position and by that slowing down substance metabolism. As a result the steroid half-life period significantly increases (hormone lives for hours instead of minutes), and an opportunity to contact an androgenic receptor decreases. 17 alpha alkylated are used in oral steroids because the liver in such situation doesn't manage to neutralize substance and the most part of hormone comes to blood. Minus is additional toxic load of liver.

INJECTION Steroids – Esterification

Esterification is the process of prolongation of life of steroids. Only in this case it is not about oral, and about injection. For this purpose in the 17th line item of the uncle in white dressing gowns bind fatty acid to slow down metabolism of a steroid. As the last weight loss release from the place of an injection and hit in blood happens very slowly (during the days and weeks) and thus the fixed level of activity of the necessary steroid is created. It is possible "to bind" fatty acids, various on release time. It can be propionate, enantat, laurat, dekanoat etc. It is important to understand that the operating substance and its efficiency doesn't change from this binding in any way. Only time and speed of release of hormone changes. Testosterone Propionate = Testosterone Enantat. Only the first will begin to work and die much earlier and quicker, than the second. Only terms change.

When we speak about time of efficiency of injection steroids, we shall understand that there are two important periods. The first, it when the steroid is released from depot (the place of an injection). Usually it takes several days. Therefore, for example, Nandrolon Dekanoat's prick begins to work not earlier, than in three days, and even much later. And the second period, is duration of direct half-decay of a steroid after it got to blood. Here algebra very simple. A half is spent, after that for the same period of time one fourth is spent, then osmushka, etc. (every period – minus a half of substance from previous). For this reason hormone level in blood when using injection steroids as a rule increases after each following injection. Just a remaining balance of half-decays from the previous injections every time is plused with a new prick. And if we speak, for example, about the Sound board, then only by 3rd week of fixed use the maximum rise in concentration is observed.

Well. You understood that injection steroids thanks to etherification have the much bigger period of semi-life, than oral. For example, let's consider such pronounced anabolic steroid as NANDROLON. The free Nandrolon will lose a half of the vital forces through half of hour – hour. And here Dekanoatu will be required for this purpose 6 days, Fenilpropionatu days, Nandrolon Lauratu even 10 days!

  • Nandrolon 30-40 minutes
  • Nandrolon fenilpropionat 1 day
  • Nandrolon dekanoat 6 days
  • Nandrolon laurat 10 days

Competent administration

Most often injection medicines have long period of life. In it their plus. However it is important to understand some nuances in this regard. As the maximum concentration will increase gradually (2-4 weeks for the Sound board), and the course at us has time limit (usually about 2 months), we will receive a big hole at the beginning of our therapy and absence of good rest after completion of course (since a part of hormone will play blood: there isn't enough for growth, but there is enough for a restoration time delay). There are several recommendations when using the long air (A sound board, the Test Enantat, the Test Tsepionat, Sustanon, Tritren etc.).

Use loading at the beginning of course. I.e. to begin with the increased dosage as fast as possible to quit on a working dose (If the working dose of 400 mg a week, then makes a sense to make the first two weeks 600-800 mg, for example)

To transfer at the end of course to short air for this purpose that right after course you began rest but not waiting when all hormone wins back the waltz (If used the test enantat on course, then in one and a half, two weeks you transfer propionate to the test)

The more often you prick long air, the better. It allows to avoid peaks and recessions. If it is a sound board, for example, to prick that better more than once in 6-7 days (as advise many), and to prick at least two times in 6 days. Every third day is injection.

"Anabolic steroids" and "androgens" (Testosteron-Depotum)

Separation into anabolic steroids and androgens very conditionally. Let's tell in the west of it in general isn't present. What I absolutely agree with. Each drug has the parent sex hormone and therefore possesses a set of androgenic activity (body height of hair, voice posterization, acnes, body height of bones, etc.). Actually, when androgenic activity is referred on body height of muscles and force (there is an interaction of androgens to androgenic receptors in muscles) we call it an anabolism. And here when the same androgen interacts with follicular or sebaceous receptors in a skin, with receptors in bones, in a prostate or in cells of a nervous system then we speak about an androgen effect. It is important to understand that different the EXPERT have different activity in different tissues. Most often they are on friendly terms with muscles, and here, for example, with receptors in head skin isn't present. And, for example, other androgen dihydrotestosterone is already on friendly terms receptors in head skin and in a prostate (can lead to augmentation of a prostate and a baldness). Actually side effects from use of Testosteron-Depotum, are coherent with the fact that it partially turns into DGT. It would seem it is necessary to avoid DGT? But it not so. DGT strengthens action of Testosteron-Depotum, has anti-estrogenic activity, seriously enlarges power endurance, etc. Therefore there is a series of cool anabolic steroids – derivative of "parent" Degidrotestosteron: Stanozolol, Mesterolon, Drostenolon, methenobosoms.

I don't want to confuse you finally. Just remember: there are drugs showing mainly activity in muscular tissue, and there are prepa which can show activity in other tissues. Immediately, or due to transformation into other active agents.

To admit honestly, now I sit and I try to make the list of "Anabolic steroids" and "Androgens" and I understand that this task – a delirium! All drugs are very individual. And the most part can be included in the conditional anabolic steroids list if to close eyes to "androgenic" effect rising of a libido. Just besides muscles, prepa will affect different targets. Trenobolon besides muscles can influence a prostate, and proviron to raise a libido for example.

Anabolic steroids: Nandrolona (progestagen activity), Trenobolona (progestagen activity), Noretandrolon, Oksimetolon (progestin), Flyuoksimesteron, Oksandrolon, stanozolol (reduces the GSPG level, an antiprogestant), methenobosoms, turinabol (libido) mesterolon (raises a libido, anti-estrogen) Androgens: All Testosterone, methyltestosterone, metandrostenolon….

Digidrotestosteron's derivatives • drostanolon • mesterolon • methenobosoms • stanozolol

Progesterona. There is a number of medicines capable to turn into progesterone. These medicines deservedly are considered as very strong anabolic steroids and are often used. Here they: • Nandrolon • Trenobolon • Oksimetolon

The problem is that they cause the same changes that estrogen (female sex hormones) on an organism of men. At the same time, since they aren't estrogen, use of anti-estrogen in such situation is useless. Moreover, progesterone has ability to strengthen effect of estrogen, and in such situation it becomes much more complex to fight against it.

Main Anabolic Steroids in the Russian Federation

All right, let's be run nevertheless on the main steroids which are popular in Russia now:

TESTOSTERONE – the most studied class of medicines because everything began with it. It was synthesized in the middle of the last century. Actually, the majority of modern steroids are modified testosterone model. It have pronounced androgenic and anabolic effect. Often recommend that the most part of your course consisted of testosterone. Most often use injection versions (Enantat, Tsepionat, Propionate) or such "compotes" as Testen (propionate + enantat), Sustanon or Omnadren.

Testosterone is a basis! This substance is used by all professionals. If I was told that it is possible to use only one medicine, then I would choose testosterone. At him very high ability to stabilize an androgenic receptor, so, very strong and long stimulation of synthesis of protein. It is very good for growth.

This substance has a shortcoming that it can be flavored (to turn into female sex hormones and to lead to ginekomastia and adjournment of fat on female type). To prevent aromatization, use such medicines as Proviron, Anastrozol and Letrozole. But here it is necessary to be very careful because aromatization is necessary for growth. The problem is that it is necessary SUFFICIENT, but not superfluous! To block completely - to reduce effect of a course. But not to block in general - risk to receive excess of estrogen and side effects!

It seems to me reasonable to use testosterone 200-400 mg a week for beginners. At such small dosage, as a rule there is no need to worry about strong aromatization and it is possible to do without proviron.

NANDROLONY. In 1950 have taken testosterone and have chopped off from mutiny group in the 19th situation. Thus medicine with stronger anabolic properties has turned out and lowered androgenic (a voice posterization, growth of a clitoris, spots). As minus medicine has received Progestagennuyu activity because of ability to turn into progesterone. It isn't flavored, BUT can cause the negative consequences connected with estrogen (female sex hormones).

Yes, NANDROLON isn't FLAVORED! But he has progestagen activity i.e. he and without aromatization can lead to ginekomastia and decrease in a libido. Therefore usually nandrolon uses with the raised testosterone dose. Besides, it is necessary to understand that habitual PROVIRON won't help for elimination side effects from nandrolon (because there is no aromatization).

However at nandrolon, just as at testosterone, HIGH ability to stabilize an androgenic receptor (longer and better affects protein synthesis). Therefore this medicine very well raises muscle bulk. Moreover, at this substance the androgenic component is lowered and the anabolic component is increased. Now you understand why it is medicine is so popular among athletes.

Nandrolon is widespread type for injections. The classic variants are Nandrolon Dekanoat and Nandrolon Fenilpropionat. The first lives in an organism several weeks, and the second several days.

It is no more than 200 mg of dosage for beginners in a week. Personally I tried this medicine from a dosage of 50 mg a week and tried to obtain increase. Now such dosages aren't fashionable". Nevertheless, it is more reasonable, than to jump on 400-600 mg. You can just catch "a sound board - is wild" and together with growth of muscles to receive heap side effects.

BOLDENON is one more type of the modified testosterone. Thanks to manipulations turned into pronounced anabolic steroid. Long time this steroid was considered as veterinary and was pricked any living creatures (from cows and horses to chickens). What was most better the recommendation for many freezed fans. Feature of a boldenon is that he increases appetite and that it is necessary to prick it much. 300 mg a week will feel very not many. 500 ….600 ….800 mg more popular dosages at athletes. What can be very not convenient for a beginner.

Boldenon something is similar as nandroln (sound board) on the influence. However he has no progestagen activity and there is no aromatization. It is plus because the risk of side effects is less. On the other hand medicine not so strongly raises muscles and can increase your appetite. If you are ready have big injections and are able to limit the appetite, then this medicine will suit you on drying (to keep muscles).

TRENBOLONE long time was known among ours as parabolan. It is very similar chemically on νΰνδπξλξν, but essentially differs on impact. This steroid on time most longer stabilizes an androgenic receptor. Besides this steroid isn't flavored. However, in itself it is capable to show progestagen activity. In my opinion, the importance of this medicine not to is estimated still. It very strong also causes a surplus of dry muscle bulk and force. Shortcomings: Progestant, Tren Kashel, Kidneys, Price. In usage time it is necessary to drink a lot of water (urine darkens noticeably). Without a doubt, this medicine not for the first and not for the second year. Tren is a professional dope. Dosage: 250 mg of times in 5 days.

VINSTROL (also shouted. version: Stanozolol) – the steroid long time couldn't be found in dope tests at Olympians thanks to an additional ring with two atoms of hydrogen. Vinstrol strong anabolic steroid which raises dry muscle bulk and works as an antiprogestant (i.e. it will be good with the Sound board or Tren, for example). At the same time it dehydrates an articulate bag. One more remarkable property of an oral form (Stanazolol) is that he reduces amount of Globulin in blood and by that increases return from any androgens during long rates. It is plus. On the other hand, stanozolol very poorly stabilizes an androgenic receptor and therefore on it you won't gather many muscles. It is minus.

The biggest inconvenience is a need of frequent injections. Usually in an ampoule of 50 mg of vinstrol it is also necessary to prick it every day throughout a rate. I.e. average dose: 50 mg a day (both a needle, and a tablet)

METHANE (Metandrostenolon) – welcome the most known steroid in the world. And this in itself not the bad recommendation. Often I hear feedbacks apropos "net" or "heavy" chemistry. All this is very conditional, friends. Methane – the modified testosterone, as well as the Sound board, for example. Simply methane has features of impact on fabric because of this modification. Methane, perhaps it is possible to carry equally as to anabolic steroid, and as to an androgen. In it its force and in it weakness. Most often beginners begin the steroid experience with it.

We can't explain outstanding performance of methane on a rate yet. It badly stabilizes a receptor... but it is for some reason effective. There is an opinion that it interact with the "connecting" globulin in such a way that remains active, in difference from other steroids.

Methane can lead to ginekomastia and detains water in an organism. On the other hand, it increases dopamine level in a body and by that accelerates fat loss. Here it here amusing contradiction. Besides it very well stimulates production of phosphates and a glycogen (energy drink). Generally, medicine if not at number "one" in body building, then precisely from "three" of finalists.

Dosages for beginners constitute 30 mg a day. I.e. 6 tablets on 5 mg or 3 tablets on 10 mg (morning-day-evening).

OXIMETOLON (Anapolon 50). Almost exotic (seldom use). It is the strongest on impact an oral steroid in the world (so speak to the guru). Most often write that it is "androgen". However I met information only on its impact on a target in muscles, but not in other fabrics. Therefore I would tell that it is the most powerful oral Anabolic steroid. The oral version of 50 mg in size is distributed!!!! In a tablet. It is a lot of. Therefore often in general begin with a half of a tablet gradually increasing a dose to 2-3.

In my opinion this steroid is strongly overpriced. It is not such strong as it is drawn. And precisely it doesn't suit beginners, in principle.

OKSANDROLON (Anavar). Exotic. – an oral steroid which isn't flavored in any dosage. Often this οπεο is prescribed in the medical purposes to children and women. Effect of its use hmm … so to say, poorly anabolic. Medicine frankly weak, but not nevertheless like to shoot directly from the tank. Someone wants and to be indulged from Ttshkaya.

TURINABOL. Exotic. – An oral form of a steroid very popular in the past with athletes because of complexity with its stay (metabolites quickly left the user's organism). The steroid is very similar to methane on the chemical structure, however is almost not subject to aromatization. Therefore you will gather by means of it slightly less, and will remain with you after a rate slightly more. Most likely.

PKT: After Course Therapy (Proviron, HGCh, Tamoxifen, Tribulis)

The EXPERT is one of the main negative features of use suppression of own natural development of sex hormones.

It occurs due to suppression or activization of "arch" of Gipotalamus-Gipofiz-Yaichki depending on amount of hormones in a body. Regulation is performed by the principle "a plus-minus interaction" i.e. if hormone (natural or artificial) much, then Gipotalamus you reduce the number of orders on development by Testicles of own testosterone and if hormone isn't enough, then all on the contrary (increases intensity of orders on testosterone development). Thus because of use of steroids there is a decrease in natural development of testosterone.

With it it is possible and it is necessary to fight both during a rate, and after its completion (quicker to recover the endocrine system). For these purposes there are medicines too. There is a lot of them here the main.

PROVIRON (masterolon) is actually an androgen in an oral form. However despite it doesn't suppress natural development of testosterone at all, from other party and anabolic effect it doesn't create. Why it is eaten? Everything is very simple. Reasons two. The first: proviron block process of aromatization of steroids (transformation into female sex hormones). The second: proviron lifts significantly a libido.

HGCh is gonadotrophins of the person (FSG and LSG hormones) which force your testicles to make own testosterone if it ceases to be developed during a rate. However all arch completely isn't recovered (only a link: HGCh-Yaichki) therefore medicine needs to be applied during a rate and at the end of a rate, BUT not after a rate!

TAMOXIFEN – anti-estrogen which helps to cope with the increased amount of estrogen during a rate. Effect of tamoxifen cardboard since it does nothing with estrogen. It just occupies receptors and doesn't give to estrogen will unite with them. BUT its most important benefit not in it. The most important is that if you accept tamoxifen after a rate (when there are no artificial hormones in blood any more, and the natural background of testosterone is low), then it very effectively recovers your natural testosterone. In my opinion, medicine is very underestimated by the sports public. Tamoxifen is number one on PKT.

TRIBULIS is considered that forces a hypothalamus to produce quicker necessary hormones for stimulation of hypophysis on development of own gonadotrophins and testosterone. Thereby there is a recovery of an arch Gipotalamus – the Hypophysis — Testicles. Though, in my opinion, efficiency of a tribulis is strongly exaggerated. Personally I feel very weak work of this medicine. In more detail about TAMOKSIFEN, PROVIRON and HGCh we will talk in the section devoted to specific schemes of acceptance of steroids (Useful "Trinity")


Why hormone of growth is considered "ELITE" medicine? On that is there are a lot of different reasons. But the main two:

  • outstanding performance
  • difficult production

Difficult production and great demand on hormone of growth are the reason of its HIGH COST. It is necessary to understand that somatropin not only body builders, and also use and big many people aiming to look better: it is heated to old men that rejuvenated, it is heated in case of a growth inhibition, it is heated to heal injuries, it is heated by Hollywood stars what to look harmonious and sexual. Such demand among wealthy people + not simple synthesis of hormone of growth is led to its high price... What does it by "Elite" medicine even more.

Miracles of Growth Hormone

But people never in life would spend such big money for growth hormone rates if it didn't work. Growth hormone not just works. He is able to do that can't do any other medicine. What miracles are? I will bring only THREE:

GIPERPLAZIA i.e. increase in QUANTITY of muscle cells. In other words achievements after a rate of acceptance of hormone of growth remain with you unlike rates of steroids. Force and the size of muscles can grow in the theory even after a rate because the HYPERTROPHY (growth of the size of muscle cells) is transferred to new muscle cells (GIPERPLAZIA). The last explains a phenomenon of "muscle memory" of professional athletes who even having completely stopped never being engaged "are blown off" to the inhabitant's level.

A SET of MUSCLES + COMBUSTION of FAT are quite real with use of GR. What in life is possible in case of a natural training becomes never easily achievable in case of growth hormone use.

MINIMUM of hormone of growth are connected by POBOCHKI with the fact that it has not such mechanism of action as at anabolic steroids. For this reason GR doesn't influence products of sex hormones and doesn't require (PKT) of "post-course treatment". Moreover growth hormone itself can heal your body from many damages caused by age or injuries.

As you can see "pluses" of hormone of growth are very powerful. For this reason in spite of the fact that the IOC forbade Growth Hormone in 1989 its use not only it isn't reduced. But also increases around the world both among athletes, and among ordinary people. Living well isn't against the law... generally...

BODY HEIGHT HORMONE — the general information [to Govern]

BODY HEIGHT HORMONE (Somatotropinum) — one of peptide hormones of a forward share of a pituitary body of the person who received such name because of the property to cause body height of bones in length in young people. Hormone of Body height is a potent ANABOLIC action on BODY HEIGHT of MUSCLES + potent CATABOLIC action on FAT DESTRUCTION. The first occurs due to intensifying of synthesis of protein in two ways (about it a bit later), and the second occurs for the account influence on a lipolysis and on carbohydrate metabolism in an organism.

That FAT BURNED DOWN two things are necessary: a lipolysis in depot (lipolysis) and oxidation (use as energies) the split fragments when they get from a blood into a liver. It as for the LIPOLYSIS. Now on carbohydrate metabolism.

The matter is that GR causes rising of level of a glucose in a blood. In this plan BODY HEIGHT HORMONE — the ANTAGONIST of INSULIN! And therefore very strongly influences a pancreas, forcing it to develop insulin more, than it is provided by the nature. Why? GR-INSULIN, antagonists!!!! Look attentively at this record:

The Saccharum in the Blood is lower — the more GR

The Saccharum in the Blood is higher — the more Insulin is produced

i.e. when GR increases the level of a glucose (Saccharum) in a blood, it forces to be developed more Insulin for EQUILIBRIUM! When development is natural, it isn't of great importance. And present if you increase concentration of GR in tens of times... moreover for many months... That "all this holiday" should be COUNTERBALANCED with your pancreas "works on a gap" exhausting the reserves. What TOO LARGER load DURING TOO LONG time can lead to? To BREAKAGE! The pancreas just won't cope with development of such large amount of the insulin, necessary for equilibrium, and will refuse. It is called the Diabetes mellitus, the child! And for this reason most of the knowing people at long and high doses of GR surely "help" the to a pancreas — additional injections of insulin. If you prick 4 PIECES a day for 2 weeks, then it isn't critical. BUT if you prick 10-20 PIECES a day for 3-4 months... THAT IT is OBLIGATORY! There are usually enough 5 PIECES of short insulin few times in day before larger meals.

Besides without the sufficient level of INSULIN anabolic action of SOMATOTROPINUM isn't shown. These two hormones each other antagonists in that situation, so far as concerns CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM. If we speak about PROTEIN METABOLISM necessary for body height of muscles, then INSULIN and HORMONE of BODY HEIGHT WORK as SINERGICHNO! For this reason children patients with Diabetum badly grow and lag behind in physical development the peers. But we will talk about these combinations a bit later.

Now concerning PROTEIN SYNTHESIS. As I told you, for this purpose Hormone of Body height has TWO main WAYS:

DIRECT IMPACT on muscle cells through GR receptors.

INFLUENCE through the INTERMEDIARY — IGF-1 (IFR-1, Somatomedin With, the Insulinoid Factor of Body height)


In the 1970th the whole group of "intermediaries" between GR and cages targets was revealed. Then this group was called by "somatomedina". However by the end of the 1980th it became clear that "worker" only one — IFR-1 (all other "baby's dummies"). IFR-1 is made by the LIVER and in MUSCLE CELLS under the influence of GR. IFR-1 has pronounced anabolic effect on fabrics targets. In particular on muscles, bones, cartilages, skin, nerves, a liver and kidneys. Exactly thanks to IFR-1 there is a large increase of force and local growth of muscles. And is already not able to split IFR-1 fats. In this plan of GR and IFR-1 not so same. Though the majority of effects of GR is connected with development of IFR-1 as it isn't surprising.

Natural secretion of growth hormone

Average natural concentration of a somatotropin in blood of men — 1-5 Ng/ml. But secretion of hormone of growth happens PERIODICALLY within DAYS (there are several peaks each 3-5 hours) at Night, during sleep or after physical activity its quantity can "jump" till 10-20... sometimes 40 Ng/ml. As you can see DISPERSION of natural development VERY BIG. One prior to occupations can have a hand of 40-45 cm, and at another it won't be reached even after 10 summer visits of gym. To estimate genetic predisposition to big development of Hormone of Growth just look at hands and the guy's feet. One they has massive. At another isn't present. Even before START the first has every chance to be a winner. Genes are guilty of everything.

What regulates natural secretion of hormone of growth?

In our organism the HYPOTHALAMUS is engaged in control of level of hormones mainly. As well as with sex hormones IT tracks quantity of a somatotropin and NEED of its additional production for needs of our body. For this purpose it has TWO main peptide hormones which are called: SOMATOSTATIN (suppresses production) and SOMATOLIBERIN (stimulates production of GR). These hormones in cases of need get into the HYPOPHYSIS and force it to INCREASE or to REDUCE production of hormone of growth of somatotropama.

Whether it is possible to affect the HYPOTHALAMUS having forced it to change the number of development of a natural somatotropin?

Yes. It is possible. There is a set of physiological and pharmacological factors which influence production of SOMATOTROPINA. What factors are?


  • physical trainings
  • dream
  • the squirrel, and especially amino acid arginine is a lot of
  • big secretion of androgens
  • hypoglycemia (low sugar in blood)
  • GRELIN (regulates balance of peaks recessions of GR)
  • CJC-1295 (somatokrinin, GR-Rileasing-Faktor) and other peptides: GHRP-2, GHRP-6, GRF (1-29), Ipamorelin, HGH Frag (176-191) — a fragment, Baklofen, Fenibut, etc.

By means of these methods it is possible to lift natural concentration of GR by 3-5 times, and by means of peptides at 7-15 times.


SOMATOSTATIN, its less, the is more made growth hormone. I.e. it suppresses somatotropin.

HORMONE of GROWTH of RELIZING the FACTOR (somatokrinin) — strengthens natural secretion without breaking a curve of peaks and recessions. Medicines on its basis: GRF (1-29 — Sermorelin) and CJC-1295

GRELIN, breaks natural secretion of GR: lifts concentration regardless of the level of natural SOMATOSTATINA. Prepa on its basis it: GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Geksarelin and Ipamorelin


It is a lot of GR or IFR-1 in a body (the more in a body, the less organism develops natural. As well as with anabolic steroids)

SOMATOSTATIN (the its is more, the GR peak is less)

Hyperglycemia (it is a lot of sugar in blood — less GR, there isn't enough sugar in blood — more GR)

It is a lot of fatty acids in blood (greasy food)

Estrogen (increases fat level in a body, lowers the GR level in a body)

Cortisol and other catabolic hormones

As I already spoke, especially big concentration of natural hormone of growth is observed at early age. What the person becomes more senior, is less developed by that natural hormone of growth. Fall it begins after 20 years and decreases, on average, by 14% every decade. For this reason, by the way, in gerontology growth hormone for rejuvenation of aged is very actively used. By an artificial method concentration characteristic of young people returns. But there is also inverse relation here: THAN the MAN is MORE SENIOR, with THAT NA NEGO GR WORKS MORE EFFECTIVELY. I.e. with age it is necessary for achievement of former anabolic effects more and more smaller dosages.

I told MEN because force of impact of somatotropin at men and women differs. Women of GR affects 1.5 times more weakly, than men. It needs to be considered during hormonal therapy. In this article I will speak about doses for men.

Synergy of Hormone of Body height with OTHER HORMONES

As we already found out earlier, for safety of work of a pancreas in case of long and high doses of hormone of body height (more than 10 PIECES + more than 3 months) INSULIN use is desirable. It is very delicate topic because, in my opinion INSULIN — the most dangerous drug in strength sports because of probability of a hypoglycemic coma and death. But tell about a ligament Insulin + to GR I couldn't but because health of the specific person depends on it.

Unfortunately Insulin not the only drug which is desirable for using with larger dosages of Hormone of body height. If you need maximum efficiency of a course, then it is desirable to include in it:




T3 (hormones of a thyroid gland)

T3 — Hormones of the Thyroid Gland

Most of all personally frightens me in this ligament HORMONES of the THYROID GLAND. Why they are necessary? A situation similar with insulin. Larger concentration of GR can enlarge the size of a thyroid gland and lead to oppression of its work. Reception of artificial hormones of a thyroid gland is intended to FACILITATE a load on system. BUT where to catch a need side? If you awake to receive not enough hormone, then your system can break. And if you awake to receive much, then first your system will be broken (consider too will break) and you should swallow then of all life artificial hormones on a constant basis, and secondly at an excess dosage hormones of a thyroid gland work not as anabolic steroids, and as katabolik (will lead to loss of muscle bulk).

I want to warn you, friends... Everything that I tell you now... It not for fans. It is already the level of "the professional card" in bodybuilding. It is what is done by those children whom you see on Olympia and for them in it there is a sense: contracts and money. To the fan, as it seems to me, there will be enough dosage TO 10 PIECES of hormone of body height a day WITHOUT INSULIN and T3 (thyroid gland hormones)

The lake to. If I am a professional how many hormones of a thyroid gland are necessary for me? Usually use 25 mkg of a triyodtironin (T3) a day. Half in the morning and half in the evening. If you weigh more than 100 kg and if your dose GR more than 10 PIECES within many months, then in 2 weeks it is possible to enlarge the T3 dose twice (to 50 mkg a day). In general, if to approach thoroughly this process, it is necessary to notice that the doctor and constant analyses of hormonal level of the athlete is necessary. In that case it is possible to reduce all risks to a minimum. Whether the sports doctor depending on the level of natural hormones of a thyroid gland can tell additional reception is precisely necessary or not. Moreover, it can correct a dosage in that side most of which safely and is most effective.


For those who aren't aware ANDROGENS are anabolic steroids. A fact in evidence is that GR combination to the last increases its efficiency repeatedly. There are of course also rates "solo" of GR (only one GR), but all experienced athletes wave away from this idea as "expensive nonsense".

One of the main effects of GR is GIPERPLAZIAa (increase in quantity of muscle cells). But for this purpose, that it was possible, at first there shall be their HYPERTROPHY to the maximum size. Only in the conditions of such NEED the body will go to such economically not profitable thing as GIPERPLAZIA. It is IMPOSSIBLE to reach the maximum HYPERTROPHY of muscles without STEROIDS! This opinion of most of physiologists and ALL athletes. For this reason AAS combination + will give GR in tens times more and quicker, than GR solo.


GR: From 10-30 PIECES every day for 3-4 months and it is even more

INSULIN: 5-15 PIECES 3-4 times a day (before big meals)

ANDROGENS: from 500 mg a week... and to 2-4.000 mg!!! in a week.

HORMONES of the THYROID Gland: 25-50 mkg (broken into two equal doses in the morning and in the evening)

There are many practical questions concerning COMBINATIONS of All these MEDICINES. All of them influence at each other, so it is possible to strengthen or weaken everyone. This already information very rare and expensive. Know about it units and prefer aloud won't extend. To me Ronni Koleman who looking at the list of medicines which showed it in Moscow is remembered, grinned: "It is the Stone Age!". As COMBINE (that before what and how prick) all these hormones of the guru of "polypharmacological bodybuilding"?


The main problem with use of GR is bound to the fact that it has a SHORT TERM of HALF-DECAY (life). And it means that for maintenance of high concentration it needs to be pricked often.

Many effects of GR are shown due to development to the IFR-1 cookies which possibilities are limited (at once it is more difficult to develop a lot of IFR-1, than smaller doses for day). It also speaks well for "divisibility" of a day dosage of GR. Ideally, the you divide a day dose of GR into larger quantity of "portions", the BETTER! In practice usually DIVIDE into 2-3 DOSES carried on time. When to prick GR? The most popular reference:

fractional doses during the first half of day (in the evening the majority doesn't prick, about it below)

In the middle or right after the training.

It is important to prick GR not after food (when the level of Saccharum is raised in a blood) and to. In general the lower Saccharum level in a blood, the will be better to work Body height Hormone because it is more natural situation for it. In this plan the best time for nyxes of GR is MORNING (next the heart... low because you all night long didn't eat Saccharum level) and AFTER the TRAINING (Saccharum level low because carbohydrates burned down as energy during physical activity). For example, if at you in day of 10 PIECES of GR, then it is possible to make the first injection (5 PIECES in the morning, right after awakening, on an empty stomach), and the second injection (5 PIECES in a couple of hours during the training)

If you train too late at night, then it is possible to give the first injection early in the morning, and the second nyxis for half of hour-hour to food during the lunchtime. If you use INSULIN together with GR that rule it here: The BODY HEIGHT HORMONE nyxis — we wait for 10-30 minutes — the INSULIN Nyxis!!! I.e. we prick insulin always soon after body height hormone.

For how many to food to prick GR? Very important question of which very few people think. The matter is that the food is a rising of level rising of level of Saccharum in bloods and emission of insulin. It reduces "comfort" for the most effective work of hormone of body height. Therefore reference following: it is necessary to prick GR in 0.5-1 hour PRIOR TO FOOD ideally and to wait at least 2 hours AFTER FOOD! Then the effect will be maximum.

Whether it is possible to prick GR before going to bed? If you are in a phase of set of WEIGHT, then most often it is IMPOSSIBLE! If in a drying phase, then it is possible! I explain. First there is the maximum natural emission of GR at night. And secondly, GR well works at the low level of sugar in blood. If you are on a low-carbohydrate diet, your level of sugar in blood will be low and GR will work (you awake still to the land more rigidly) if you eat many carbohydrates on weight, the effect of GR will be significantly reduced.

Whether it is possible to prick GR at night? If you get up in the middle of night and will give GR injection, then it has to work well because the level of sugar will be reduced. Especially well it has to work in a drying phase. But also on weight the effect will be good.

Where to prick GR (to what places)? Most often recommend to prick GR hypodermically around a stomach for this purpose to burn locally fat in this place. Personally I never prick GR hypodermically. I pricked it INTRAMUSCULARLY because it accelerates his action. My most favourite places for injections of any water solutions are DELTAS and TRICEPSES. The insulin syringe at an angle of 45-90 degrees very easily enters muscles in these parts and without any visible efforts.

How I will feel that GR works? The main indicator at the beginning is the delay of water and "rubber hands". The person can swim away in that case when you use big dosages at once. And as for hands... it is called "tunelka" (rigidnost of joints) i.e. your fingers and bones are felt as strangers. However the majority who heat up to 10 PIECES a day don't feel it. On the contrary increase training weight, old injuries cease to hurt, the person becomes "drier" (fat burns). All this says that GR works.


Well. If I began to open to you such unique secrets of administration of GR, it would be logical to tell about the optimum scheme of professional acceptance of GR and other hormones. Let's dream up. Let's provide that before us very experienced athlete. The world champion in fans and he wanted to pass by means of GR in professionals. As if its scheme of acceptance of GR could look?

Let's allow our athlete robbed bank and got 200 banks on 10 PIECES of hormone of growth. How it is better for it to constitute acceptance of all this wealth?

For "FREEZED" on all HEAD:

4.00 NIGHT — rise and a prick of 5 PIECES of GR


8.00 MORNING — a prick of 5 PIECES of GR

8.30. prick of 5-10 i.u. SHORT INSULIN before plentiful food

10:30. prick of 5-10 i.u of INSULIN (plentiful food)

13:00.-14.00 TRAINING. In the middle of a tr-ka a prick of 5 PIECES of GR

14:10. prick of 5-10 i.u of INSULIN and acceptance of a geyner + amino acids

15:00 Meal

15.30-17.00 Dream

17:00. prick of 5 PIECES of GR

18:00 pricks of 5-10 i.u of INSULIN and plentiful meal

21:00 Meal (it isn't enough carbohydrates, the squirrel is a lot of)

23:30. Acceptance only squirrel + amino acids


This how there lives a professional bodybuilder, friends. And now properly think: and whether you need muscles such price? Add to it the fact that 20 PIECES of GR a day, it in three months of nearly 200 cans on 10 PIECES... Just consider how many it money. And I didn't write about all other chemistry.

How to store GR? In the refrigerator. It is necessary to part in day of use. For this purpose it is necessary to purchase in a drugstore a special water for cultivation of powder solutions. The procedure is very simple. To gather water in the insulin syringe and to issue it in a bottle with growth hormone powder. Then easy rockings to achieve complete dissolution of this powder in water (strongly it isn't necessary to stir). After that it is necessary to gather the formed solution in the same insulin syringe and to give to itself an injection hypodermically or intramuscularly. If you used only a part of solution, then remained it is necessary to deliver in the refrigerator to the following prick.


Insulin just one of such drugs which unambiguously shouldn't be used to the beginning athlete. And the reason for that - that harm which it can cause you if you awake to use it not truly.

Each drug as I already spoke, has both the advantages, and the "collateral" disadvantages. With insulin the possible price of such "collateral disadvantage" is maximum. It is YOUR LIFE! And it is not empty intimidations. I had one very close companion (the champion of the country, by the way, on a press lying), who died of insulin. Too larger dosage so crucially lowered Saccharum in a blood that the body didn't cope and on one good person there was less under this sun....

So, the main advantage of INSULIN is that it is TRANSPORT HORMONE. Insulin transports nutrients in cells. First of all, and it is very important, it is about the GLUCOSE (carbohydrates), but also amino acids (proteins) together with trigletsirid (fats) depend on activity of this hormone too. That the insulin work short was clear, present all these THREE nutrients in your body.


CARBOHYDRATES = rising of power

PROTEINS = body height of muscles

FATS = fat body height

Thus insulin can both help with the plan of muscle gain, and "to help" in respect of a gain of fatty deposits! What it depends on? From two things:

DIET (the more the squirrel less carbohydrates, the is more than advantage)

Your GENETICS (the person is fatter, the more insulin will harm him)

Insulin transports EVERYTHING. But it can work on "different ways" (accents). Can more on the way of an anabolism (body height) of muscles. And can on the way of body height of a fat bum. And to receive one, having completely excluded another it is IMPOSSIBLE!

If you by nature EKTOMORF (there is no fat on a body, thin bones), then insulin will help you more, than to harm because you lowered resistance to insulin. On the other hand, if you the ENDOMORPH (large frame, there is a fat, a stomach), then you have an increased resistance to insulin and it isn't reasonable to use it, in principle.

METFORMINUM reception can be the decision for people with the increased resistance to insulin (it increases sensitivity to insulin). Usually it is used by about 1-2 grams a day (1000 mg - 2000 mg).

When prick insulin?

In the MORNING (in 20 minutes prior to a breakfast)

At the end of the TRAINING (or right after it)

TOGETHER WITH FOOD (before, or right after)

Insulin at the end of a training strengthens repair of "a carbohydrate window". And proteins which at you in a ration won't go "to an oven" to the exhausted power and will go for "repair" of muscles.


How many?

There are different dosages. Most often it that that around 6-8 PIECES. Begin to try insulin from very small dosages of 2 PIECES. Then every other day raise on couple of units. And so until feel the HYPOGLYCEMIA (low Saccharum in a blood). This phenomenon is followed:

  • jolting of arms
  • giddiness
  • diaphoresis
  • desire to guzzle

Prick insulin SPECIAL SHPRITS who and is called "insulinic". It is much thinner usual and in it there is fineer scale of divisions. Usually in the full syringe there is 1 ml (one cube) broken into 40 divisions (i.e. 40 PIECES). Don't mix with the ordinary syringe because so you will ruin yourself (receive too larger dosage of drug).

Which insulin is better?

There are different types of insulin on rate of the beginning of action. From ULTRA SHORT to LONG. Long insulin because its action continues longly is more complex to administer. Therefore in body building traditionally use action BYSTROGO insulin. Its action can quickly be felt and stopped meal.

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