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Anabolic hormones

29 Nov 2016

You know what is anabolic hormones? These are alarm substances which are emitted with hormonal glands at the command of a brain. By the way, the brain itself also dispatches hormones to the right and on the left as is the biggest hormonal gland of the person. Blood carries hormones on all body, and they are joined to cellular receptors as a plug fork with the socket. The cage reads out the express message of a brain and though force of an external signal is enough only for changing less than 1% of its internal content, it is enough that for the sake of the girlfriend you began to climb from skin. However, today we will talk only about anabolic properties of hormones, i.e. their ability to raise our muscles. Success in bodybuilding depends, alas, not only on our nature and a will, but also that how many at us in blood of the hormones in vain called by anabolic steroids. As if there are a lot of them was, we all the same haven't enough as it isn't enough also muscles. You want to accelerate muscle growth? Then accept additives which will excite secretion of anabolic hormones to heaven!

Main anabolic hormones:

  • Anabolic steroids
  • Growth hormone
  • Insulin

It is more than testosterone!

Sexual function of the man is inseparable from his role of the soldier and the hunter. Just therefore the nature allocated the main anabolic hormone - testosterone also responsibility for male muscles. Nothing can be compared to this hormone in building-up of athletic muscles!


Extract of leaves of a bush from family possesses the powerful stimulating action on the level of secretion of anabolic hormones. It is enough to tell that in case of overdose euphoria, similar is observed by narcotic. As for impact on sexuality, here you won't be disappointed. Active ingredients of damiana block harmful enzyme to which turns a considerable part of men's testosterone into estrogen. Hundred points will give Damian to any pharmacological blocker of aromatasia forward. Drugs have numerous collateral consequences, and here among side effects only brutal strengthening of a libido is registered.

Dosage: Accept 50-500 mg of damiana in 30-60 minutes prior to a breakfast, before training and before going to bed.


Extract of the Indian plant forskol has the proved stimulating effect on cages of Leydiga which are engaged in a male body in testosterone production, positively influencing anabolic hormones. Comparative experiments using placebo showed that acceptance of a forskolin within several weeks authentically increases the level of free testosterone in blood at men.

Dosage: Accept 250 mg of forskolin 2 times a day.

Astaxanthin + sou palmetto

The pigment astaxanthin which gives red coloring to aquarian small fishes is powerful antioxidant. As for coy extract of the palmetto, he is trained from the fruits of an exotic dwarfish palm tree similar to olives. Scientists determined the surprising fact: simultaneous acceptance of both additives in number of 500-1000 mg with guarantee increases the level of free testosterone in blood.

Dosage: Accept 500-1000 mg of astaxanthin and 500-1000 mg of coy of the palmetto jointly once a day.


Combine reception of the following additives:

Damian of 50-500 mg in 30-60 minutes prior to a breakfast, before a training and before going to bed

Forskolin of 250 mg of the extract containing not less than 10% of forskolin, 2 times a day

Astaxanthin + sou palmettoOn 500-1000 mg of additives in common once a day

It is more than growth hormone!

Hormone of growth renders extremely strong anabolic and anticatabolic action on an organism. He raises not only muscles, but also bones, and even connecting fabrics. Growth hormone a little than concedes to testosterone, and together with him works real miracles with muscles.

Alpha glitseril-forforil-cholin (alpha GPC)

This natural additive is widely used in medicine for improvement of memory in case of Alzheimer's disease. When scientists have applied it on body builders, it has turned out that she powerfully stimulates secretion of GR. Usually in the course of the training secretion of GR increases by 2-3 times. As for effect of additive, it was sensational. The GR level has grown by 44 times! At the same time single result in a control press lying has increased at all participants of experiences, on average, by 14%!

Dosage: Accept 600 mg of alpha GPC in 60-90 minutes prior to training.

Arginine + lysine

It is well-known that reception of arginine causes immediate emission of hormone of body height. However not less than 8-10 g of this amino acid for this purpose are necessary. And if to accept arginine in a combination with other amino acid a lysine, that and another about only 1500 mg will be required.

Dosage: Accept 1.5-3 g of arginine and a lysine in the morning till a breakfast, in the afternoon and before going to bed.


Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) belongs to the category of amino acids and carries out a neurotransmitter role, i.e. the transmitter of nervous signals. Traditionally it is used for treatment of an aphrenia. Use of this acid in the doses considerably exceeding medical references results in effect of accord emission of hormone of body height. In particular, secretion of GR during the power training grew by 400%!

Dosage: Accept 3-5 g of GABA in 60 minutes prior to a training and withdrawal for sleeping next the heart.


Reception of 5 mg of melatonin before a training increases body height hormone secretion, and also reduces development of somatostatin which is an antagonist of GR and blocks its action.

Dosage: Accept 5 mg in 60 minutes prior to training.

BODY HEIGHT HORMONE - potent anabolic hormone

Combine reception of the following additives:

Alpha GPi of 600 mg in 60-90 minutes prior to training

Arginine + lysine On 1500-3000 mg of each amino acid in the morning before a breakfast and in the afternoon between meals, and also before going to bed

GABA of 3-5 g in 60 minutes prior to a training and withdrawal for sleeping next the heart

Melatonin of 5 mg in 60 minutes prior to training

Anabolic hormone INSULIN

Anabolic hormone insulin is produced by pancreas cells in response to reception of a carbohydrate and albuminous nutrition. Insulin is the main character of carbohydrate metabolism. It supplies our muscles with this main "fuel", and also promotes education in a liver and muscles of a glycogen. Without insulin the power training would be simply impossible. Insulin outright strengthens synthesis of intracellular protein. At the same time it suppresses activity of catabolic enzymes, preventing destruction of muscular tissue. It is possible to strengthen effect of insulin in two ways: having raised production of this hormone a pancreas, and also having increased sensitivity of prescriptions of muscle cells to insulin. The listed below additives are able to do that and another. Do not forget take Hondramin for better results.

It is more than insulin!

Rising of level of insulin in a blood against the background of a power training really accelerates muscle growth. However, anabolic properties of insulin extend also to fatty tissue. To minimize an increase of subcutaneous fat, secretion of insulin should be stimulated only once a day - right after the training.

Extract of leaves of Banaba

Extract contains special acid which increases sensitivity of cellular receptors to anabolic hormone to insulin. Drug is widely used by medicine at an initial stage of Diabetum that superfluous is proved by its efficiency. Effect of additive amplifies if to accept it together with a ginseng.

Dosage: Accept 35-50 mg of extract right after the training together with protein and carbohydrates.

Gimnema Sylvester

This plant was applied in ancient Vedic medicine to treatment of a disease, today known as Diabetum. Mistrustful European doctors subjected extract to strict check which confirmed its really unique properties. Long-term reception of additive leads to steady depression of level of Saccharum in a blood at the expense of augmentation of natural production of insulin. For body builders especially important the fact that additive improves production of insulin, but doesn't urge on work of a gland, bringing it to attrition. Just pharmacological drugs sin with it.

Dosage: Accept 400-500 mg of extract within half an hour after the training to Vesta with protein and carbohydrates.

Alphaacidum lipoicum (ALA)

Recently scientists found property, unexpected for vitamin, in ALA. It can be applied to treatment of Diabetum. Additive strengthens effect of all drugs referred on depression of Saccharum to bloods. Under the influence of alpha Acidum lipoicum assimilation of a glucose muscles significantly increases.

Dosage: Accept 600-1000 mg of ALA right after the training.


Accept the following additives within 30 minutes after the training with protein and carbohydrates

Extract of Banaba of 35-50 mg

Gimnema Sylvester of 400-500 mg

ALA of 600-1000 mg

It is more than factor of body height number 1!

Insulinoid factor of body height (IFR-1)

IFR-1 raises muscles at all not worse than Testosteron-Depotum, however the liver cosecretes this hormone in minute quantities. To increase development of IGF-1, even additives aren't necessary. It is enough to make changes to the daily delivery.


High consumption of protein, both animal, and vegetable, for example, soy, forces a liver to make much more IGF-1.

Dosage: Accept not less than 2,5-3 g of protein on kilogram of the weight.

Irreplaceable amino acids

Shortage of the amino acids called by irreplaceable threatens with destruction of health. Opening at irreplaceable amino acids of anabolic functions became the main sensation of the last time. They repeatedly strengthen products of IGF-1 and influence other anabolic hormones.

Dosage: Dissolve at least 20 g of irreplaceable amino acids in water and gradually drink during the training.

The combination of the special modes of a training and food for the maximum development of anabolic hormones

Way of hormones to muscles

By means of the special program of trainings it is possible to raise and control secretion of these or those anabolic hormones. Let's remember once again how the main anabolic hormones work and what stimulates their development.

On the chemical structure anabolic hormones are sectioned into two main categories: steroid and polypeptide.

Steroid hormones, in particular Testosteron-Depotum, estrogen and hydrocortisone, are synthesized from cholesterin by adrenals, seed glands and ovaries. All other anabolic hormones belong to polypeptide (or albuminous). Their number includes insulin, the body height hormone (BHH) and insulinoid factor of body height-1 (IFR-1).

The stable internal medium — a homeostasis is very important for the biochemical reactions proceeding in an organism. Hormones maintain stability of a homeostasis, regulating rate of chemical reactions at the cellular level. Let's take, for example, hormonal reaction of an organism to an intensive training. To a training campaign the protein in muscles breaks up what the organism answers with the strengthened secretion of anabolic hormones. And they help to fill a stock of a muscular protein.

This hormonal reaction is also the cornerstone of creation of a strong, potent musculation. What purpose you before yourself wouldn't set, it will be much simpler to reach it if you learn to stimulate production of some key hormones by certain regimens of training and delivery.

We know what anabolic hormones force muscles grow. Once again we will list them: Testosteron-Depotum, insulin, IFR-1 and hormone of body height. So, from the point of view of any physician, the training with "iron" is a labor-consuming method of impact on own hormonal system on purpose "to squeeze out" from it more "growth" hormones. Actually, so it also is. Estimate, our organism has only one exit: in response to athletic pressure to lift secretion of all anabolic hormones. Active inflow of hormones to muscles will force muscular tissue grow, muscles will become more, so — is stronger.

Meanwhile physical exercises is not the only way to urge on work of hormonal glands.

There are also other methods. In particular, special diet, nutritional supplements and full-fledged dream. If to bring together all these "factors of body height", then a set of muscle bulk, of course, will great accelerate.

Before you concrete councils about augmentation of production of the main anabolic hormones: Testosteron-Depotum, insulin, IFR-1 and hormone of body height.

Change of concentration of hormones and Sodium lactatum at power exercises

Hormone metabolite / Before work / Immediately during the work / In 1 h / In 6 h / In 24 h

Hydrocortisone, nm*l-1 / 636 ± 30 / 884 ± 42 *** / 923 ± 59 *** / 454 ± 42 ** / 464 ± 37 **

Adrenocorticotrophinum, pg*ml-1 / 25 ± 4 / 168 ± 28 *** / 35 ± 9 / 25 ± 5 / 17 ± 4

Somatotropinum, pg*ml-1 / 1,4 ± 0,5 / 42,8 ± 4,3 *** / 13,4 ± 2,2 *** / 1,2 ± 0,3 / 1,2 ± 0,2

Aldosteronum pg*ml-1 / 132 ± 10 / 230 ± 14 *** / 230 ± 22 *** / 137 ± 13 /139 ± 14

Testosteron-Depotum, nm*l-1 / 22 ± 1,9 / 29 ± 2,3 * / 22 ± 1,8 / 15 ± 1,3 ** / 22 ± 1,8

Progesteronum, nm*l-1 / 28 ± 1,5 / 34 ± 2,6 / 35 ± 3,0 / 29 ± 2,3 / 25 ± 1,6

Insulin, miyed*l-1 / 15 ± 2,5 / 11 ± 0,8 / 17 ± 2,6 / 17 ± 2,5 / 16 ± 2,7

Nanometer S-peptide l-1 / 0,8 ± 0,08 / 0,8 ± 0,04 / 1,0 ± 0,21 / 0,9 ± 0,10 / 0,8 ± 0,10

Sodium lactatum, mmol*l-1 / 1,5 ± 0,18 / 9,0 ± 0,49 ***

Asterisks marked reliable differences from basic data

* Ð <0,05, ** P <0,01 and *** P <0,001

Insulin - the maximum development

Insulin - the polypeptide hormone produced by a pancreas. When you eat many carbohydrates, glucose level in a blood increases. And the pancreas begins to excrete more insulin. What for? And in order that the cell will let in in itself a glucose only the companies with insulin.

Figuratively speaking insulin - as if the security guard on an entrance. In a cell it strictly passes only those substances which are necessary to a cell and won't damage it. Leaving the post, insulin carries away a key with itself — the cell is locked tightly. Generally, insulin - Jack of all trades. At the same time it promotes assimilation (i.e. to penetration in a cell) useful fatty acids and amino acids. Passing a glucose in a cell, insulin stimulates synthesis of a glycogen. Fatty acids - synthesis necessary to joints and organs of own fats of the person. Amino acids — synthesis of an intracellular protein. Here also leaves that insulin is possible by the right to call the most important anabolic hormone.

At the same time, excess of insulin can make you flaccid, thick, and over time and the patient. Physical inaction, excess weight, the diet "overloaded" with carbohydrates - the most fertile field for insulin "overproduction". The matter is that when you accumulate a fat, don't train and eat too many carbohydrates, cells as if go crazy - cease "to obey" insulin. Present, insulin - this faithful guard of a cell, inserts the key into a keyhole to let in the most valuable amino acids in a cell, glucose and fats, and the door doesn't open - is tightly locked from within! In this case the organism sharply enlarges own production of insulin, trying to solve a problem quantity. It is similar to a case when the door is tried to be opened, having pulled hard on it the whole crowd.

What as a result? Insulin, as we know, stimulates synthesis of fats. And if there is a lot of insulin? Correctly! Fat becomes more and more too!

But it is easy for this grief to help. Researches showed that any regimen of a training with burdenings raises a susceptibility of cells to insulin. As a result insulin level in a blood decreases, and it means that you don't risk gathering excess fat any more.

It is optimum it is the most difficult to regulate insulin level. In the theory insulin delivers in muscles a glucose - "live" energy of muscle cells. It would seem, it is more than insulin - more energy. But isn't present, cells aren't ready to accept insulin as much as necessary. And then surplus plays absolutely bad role - turns a blood glucose into subcutaneous fat. It is well-known that carbohydrates force to be emitted insulin. If you think that supposedly the more carbohydrates, the there is more insulin, then you are mistaken. It is all about "quality" of carbohydrates. Sweets force to be cast out actually insulin waterfalls. And here porridge how many you ate it, causes weak insulin secretion. From there is a conclusion: when your energy was exhausted to a limit (it is admissible, after the training or at the end of the working day), it is better to accept "sweet" carbohydrates. But in other time it is better to prefer to sweets "moderate" carbohydrates - porridge, vegetables, other porridges, pasta. In general, in your ration of carbohydrates there have to be no more than 50%. It is a guarantee that secretion of insulin will be optimum.

The Growth Hormone (GH) - the maximum development

Growth hormone - the polypeptide hormone produced by a forward share of hypophysis. This hormonal gland is directly at us in a brain. Feature of hormone of growth is that he forces an organism to rearrange accent from carbohydrate exchange for fatty. As power fuel (thanks to GR) our body begins to use subcutaneous fat. This in itself is quite good, but other property of hormone of growth is far more important for the body builder - he strengthens growth of muscular tissue. However, as he does it, isn't clear yet. Whether he affects cells of muscular tissue, whether leads to development of an insulin like factor of growth, and he also causes growth of muscles. But anyway, the end result from it doesn't change: muscles grow, and fat disappears. Well, what the doctor has registered!

The miracle is that the body builder himself stimulates at himself secretion of GR through training! And here the science makes exact recommendations. The optimum training scheme for the maximum secretion of hormone of growth looks so: in exercise of 3-5 sets with a weight calculated on 10 repetitions with minute rest between sets. She is suitable both for men, and for women. There is more. The indisputable evidence that the training of all groups of muscles "wholesale" stimulates production of hormone better, than study of separate parts of a body on a Split method is obtained.

GR - brutal piece that is anabolism. It is enough to remember how teenagers gain growth: month - another and not to recognize them any more. The musclemen doing injections of synthetic GR confirm: "Pret! Moreover as!"

Perhaps and to you to sit down on pricks! To therapy of GR it is desirable to be suitable or to athletes with years of service - for further progress, or that to whom its acceptance is recommended on medical indications. It is told about high-quality medicines GR and methods of their application in this chapter in the section "About Growth Hormone, Peptides and Methods of Their Safe Application".

Here we will concern natural methods of increase in the GR level.

  • The best way is get enough sleep. The first emission of GR happens in 30-40 minutes after falling asleep, and then pulsations repeat each 2-3 hours. It is exciting to lie down in the afternoon - at least for an hour. That one-time emission of GR managed to take place.
  • 2 method - acceptance of amino acids stimulators. On the first place here is arginin in the company with a lysine. Accept for 1,5 those and another at once. If in half an hour on a body pleasant warmth and drowsiness spreads, so worked. Isn't present? Add a dose a little.

Similar action also amino acid has ornithine - from 3 to 12 for time (it is possible to poprinimat together with arginine and lysine).

The last surprise of science is amino acid glyutamin. Earlier somehow came to nobody to mind to check it from the hormonal point of view. And here it became clear that only 2 g of glyutamin dissolved in usual Coca-Cola give especially potent emission of GR.

And what if to replace glyutamin it with the cheap amino-acid fellow is glyutamin acid? Alas, any I pound!

Insulinoid factor of body height (IFR-1) - the maximum development

Insulin factor of body height-1 belongs to number of the so-called factors of body height developed by a liver and some other cells. (The term "body height factor" is used for that simple reason that some scientists don't agree to call IFR-1 hormone. Hormones are supposedly produced by an organism on a regular basis, and here IFR-1 - moreover and is unclear from time to time why.) Like insulin and hormone of body height, IFR-1 stimulates protein synthesis, in other words, "works" for muscle growth. This hormone is studied not so well as his fellows.

Nevertheless, and here the science is capable to give clear advice: if you need to increase level an insulin like factor of growth-1, it is necessary to reduce rest time between sets and to train with smaller scales, but with a large number of repetitions. The organism will develop more IFR-1 both during the training, and after it, in renewal period.

This hormone isn't so well studied by medicine, nevertheless, there are real certificates of the fact that on force of anabolism of IFR-1 much more exceeds testosterone. But those rolling which accepted IFR-1 long cry bitterly. Hormone raises everything, but for some reason special addiction has to intestines. Guts become more, and is thicker. As a result the figure muscleman purchases typically beer paunch.

Far more usefully healthy methods of stimulation of secretion IFR-1 at the expense of the same food. Peak secretion of hormone is observed in case of acceptance of 2 g of protein on 1 kg of your dead load. You will eat less, receive IFR-1 less.

Better if protein is an animal: from milk, eggs, chicken, beef, fish. An excellent source of protein - a powder serumal protein. If money free amino acids is found.

Between protein content in your ration and secretion of IFR-1 - direct link. And time so, here to you governed: when you go on a diet and you cut down cooperative number of calories, don't tamper with a squirrel. Otherwise secretion of IFR-1 will fail, and your musculation will cease to answer training.

On the other hand, with protein it is impossible to touch. Excess protein for an organism - a poison. The liver, kidneys suffers, and more than that - development of Testosteron-Depotum falls.

Testosteron-Depotum - the maximum development

Testosteron-Depotum is a steroid hormone. It is developed from cholesterin by men's spermaries and in small amounts female ovaries. (A little Testosteron-Depotum also adrenals, both at men, and at women can develop). The most part of Testosteron-Depotum circulating in a blood is intentionally blocked by special protein molecules. It is bound to the fact that Testosteron-Depotum - very strong anabolic hormone. And if it is in an organism too much, uncontrolled body height of tissues as tumors can begin. Untied, or "free" Testosteron-Depotum directly participates in synthesis of albuminous structures in muscle cells. It does a cell more, and a muscle - is stronger. The catabolism of muscular tissue is at the same time slowed down.

The training with burdenings increases testosterone level in an organism for a period of 2 till 5 o'clock. Such scheme gives biggest "rise" of testosterone: 5 sets with an extreme weight of 5 repetitions in case of minute rest between sets.

Testosterone has the most high "growth" potential. A problem only that its secretion is influenced by a heap of factors, and all for the worse. Here both bad food, and violations of a rhythm "dream wakefulness", nervous overloads, psychological stresses, harmful ecology, unsuccessful genetics and so forth. So if you undertake to measure selectively testosterone level at different musclemen, receive huge dispersion of values: from 1200 nanograms on blood decilitre (great!) to 300 nanograms (sadly!). By the way, the high level of testosterone is observed only at units today. And "to grow", this hormone it is necessary much, it is a lot of...

How to increase testosterone secretion? Yes it is very simple - eat more than fat! The secret is that fats - direct raw materials for testosterone "production". When they aren't enough, testosterone, matter of course, "to do" there is nothing. Here also it turns out that the body builder who is "cutting down" fat calories for the sake of muscular "relief" beats himself the most sore point! And don't even think to object! All this already one thousand times is checked-is rechecked by science! The same vegetarians chronically suffer from the low level of testosterone, and replace them to a fat meat diet, and all become full-fledged men again. It is worth emphasizing that in case of deficit of fats no most correct diet helps. Scientists put musclemen on a diet with an ideal ratio of proteins and carbohydrates, but the level of testosterone remained ultralow until in a diet added in an amicable way fats. As a result precisely established that the muscleman has peak content of the "native" testosterone in case of 30% of fats in the daily menu. And if he wasn't strongly lucky with genetics, that is a reason to add another 10%! Well, 40% are already firm guarantee of a complete order with testosterone.

And what will be if "to pump" in itself even more fats? And anything! Testosterone level, on the contrary, will go down.

Everyone knows that there are "healthy" and "unhealthy" fats. However actually situation muddy. On the label often write one, and absolutely another contains inside. How to be? Experts advise here that: a minimum of fats in usual dishes, but in the morning you pour in yourself in couple of spoons of linseed or hempy oil. You buy plus in a capsule drugstore with omega-3 fats and you "pass" two times a week till portions of fairly fat salmon. But! Even you don't look towards fish canned food in oil. Oil there not so "fish", but the cheapest, refined.

Let's sum up the results

As you guess, the sense of training comes down to hormonal stimulation of an organism. If there is no secretion of hormones or it is suppressed as a result of excessively stressful training, the result won't be. In this sense any training scheme has to answer scientific provisions, and on a step not to depart from them. Today the science has entered into use of bodybuilding a strict concept of rest between sets. Was considered earlier that duration of such rest - a matter of taste. Now, it appears, break term between sets should be measured on hours. It isn't so simple to get used to such approach. Nevertheless, conclusions of researches are indisputable: time - a real factor of hormonal secretion. If you are a beginner or never before trained with short pauses (about a minute) between sets, note the following councils:

  • At the first trainings you don't reach "refusal" - it will lead to muscle pains which will disturb you at the next training.
  • Increase loadings gradually, but it is constant. Move ahead at moderate speed, proportioning it to a habitual rhythm of life. Otherwise the training will turn into a stressful factor.
  • Avoid an overtraining. Her first signs - sleeplessness or, on the contrary, drowsiness.
  • You sleep at least 8 hours a day plus, whenever possible, 1 hour in the afternoon.
  • Drink more water to, in time and after the training.
  • Eat regularly.
  • Train not longer than one hour (apart from time for warm-up and "hitch").

Training is not only work, but also pleasure. It isn't necessary to force himself: if you feel that you "haven't gathered additionally" in rest, give yourself a little more time for restoration.

If trainings for you - excessive work, take weight less, have slightly more a rest between sets. When the organism gets used to loadings, return to former intensity. 

Source of Muscle and Fitness No. 4

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