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Actovegin pills - in violation of the child's blood

06 Jan 2017

I took Actovegin the first and second pregnancy in pill form, and the form of injections. For the first time ultrasound with the 27th week showed delayed development of the child (tummy size behind for 2 weeks from the norm). After that I was appointed courses "Actovegin" pills and intravenous injection of the drug.

Actovegin during pregnancy: contributes to the accumulation and transport of glucose, oxygen in the body of a pregnant woman, improve cell metabolism. The drug in pregnant women improves blood circulation, increases energy reserves of cells and accelerates metabolism.

I took pills "Actovegin" course of 10 days to 3 tablets a day.

Almost as soon as I started taking "Actovegin", my health has improved significantly. I barely remembered the tone, the leg does not hurt, even without wearing compression stockings, I felt easy, there was no swelling. From the drug there was a slight laxative effect.

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