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Actovegin pills – good result

05 Jan 2017

Advantages: effective

Disadvantages: high price

Neurologist prescribed “Actovegin” pills after “Actovegin” injections to consolidate the results.

About tablet Actovegin I read that this drug is considered to be one of the most sold in Russia, the active ingredient - gemoderivat deproteinized calf blood.

After receiving a positive trend - to stop the noise in my head, when the pressure rises sharply.

“Actovegin” does not negate the use of other medications, you should not stop taking prescribed medications before, but it is better thoroughly checked with the doctor.

The positive effect is seen, but not immediately, the effect is as if the storage.

If the effect of the shots was enough for a year, I hope in a complex Actovegin injections and tablets positive entrenched even for a longer period.

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