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Actovegin pills - Good effective drug

14 Jan 2017

Advantages: Excellent helps

Disadvantages: high price, there are contraindications.

This medicine is the first time in my life I began to take 12 years ago. At the time I was pregnant with their first child. this drug was prescribed to me, since I was oligohydramnios.

Oligohydramnios - reducing the amount of amniotic fluid during pregnancy below normal for this period. And my stomach was so small, neat. Oligohydramnios leads to fetal hypoxia, ie oxygen starvation.

The child was born is healthy, although the skull was slightly twisted, but it eventually clears.

11 years later, I became pregnant for the second time. At this time, the drug was prescribed to me just as planned.

After receiving Actovegin passed headaches. medicine expensive of course, but the effect is worth it.

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