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Actovegin pills – Excellent and useful drug!

05 Jan 2017

Advantages: natural product effective

"Actovegin" - a well-known drug in medical practice.

The drug is universal

Actovegin - is deproteinized gemoderivat, the protein extract of calf blood. You understand that the production of natural and without any allergic reactions when applied.

Action of “Actovegin” related to its potent anti-hypoxic (hypoxia - lack of oxygen), the action, the normalization of metabolism and energy resources cells.

Its main indication for the use of - a stroke. That is when they develop an acute lack of oxygen in the central nervous system, which leads to a rather bad consequences. Also used in a variety of hypoxic conditions of organs and tissues, regardless of their origin, peripheral vascular disorders, trophic ulcers, diabetic neuropathy, and more.

Positive effect of “Actovegin” is manifested in its application in the first 6-8 hours after the onset of stroke! It is very important!

A nice feature of “Actovegin” - its many forms of release: solutions, ointments, tablets. Someone as comfortable and depending on the disease. In disorders of cerebral circulation, respectively, preference is given to intravenous administration.

Very pleased that it can be used as safely during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

No adverse effects or allergies.

In my own experience I say, the drug really helps people! I sincerely advise!

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