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About Reading and fast text analysis

23 Dec 2016

Noted for a feature for reading text. At the moment, has developed the skill (or rather developed a) for the "body" of the text to understand the level of writing (writing creates a certain model) whether to read it, the text of which carries information, and that the text was simply copied / written to fill. For some, the text becomes clear in the process of reading, where the author writes of himself, and where does not understand (or poorly understood) what added.

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"I see," where it is possible to remove unnecessary text (pronouns, words), where you can / need to change the style (pitch, a combination of words, substitute a synonym).

I liked more, something similar to my method of such an approach: read the introduction, conclusion, look, see what in thesis place. For a quick study of a large pool of homogeneous information is very convenient. E. When it is necessary to choose the most useful, efficient, appropriate to the topic being studied.

An important point to extract information - off emotions, detachment from any side, the views. It's just as well in the correspondence, especially the one where it is necessary to obtain a stable constructive relationship with the opponent. With this approach, perhaps as closely as possible to obtain information with a minimum of "guessing".

It is important to know that the brain when the incoming information processing work ready models to save energy. Of course, if you need to get an ordinary, standard information that is enough. To communicate with strangers, while the scheme has not worked out, it is important to find out the core metamodel interlocutor (language model) to get the most accurate information.

It should be recognized by the fact that different people reading the exact same, like a book available, understand it completely differently. It is because of their perception of the information patterns are not configured due to lack of specific expertise, data, and a rejection of the internal contradictory data.

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To sum up:

- read quickly learn through this to adjust the model of information extraction from text once the brain is given the tools (think about going after information gathering)

- learn to turn off the emotions when there is a need - we try to perceive information without the moral and subjective assessments (this skill it is impossible to disable / enable, it must be to turn out)

- you can quickly study the information and extract the necessary data, if you do it all the time

- the more often you try to work out their skills, the better they will form, but remember about the rest (not once overloaded, so that I could not read, came to full information apathy); in our context

- "rest" a change of activities, the same memory is usually sleep, meditation (to work out long-term memory and brain physically cleansed during sleep)

- without looping on the result - all the time

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