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28 Nov 2016

XLS MEDICAL is an European agent for weight reduction, till 2015 - XLS MEDICAL Fat Binder (English Svyazyvatel of fats). Besides, XL‣S MEDICAL is the name of a brand under which Carb Blocker are also issued (English. Blocker of carbohydrates), Appetite Reducer (English Umenshitel of appetite) and MAX Strength (English. Maximum force). Agents of XLS MEDICAL are registered in Europe as agents of medical prescription (Class IIb Medical Device products) and are applied to treatment of an obesity and excess weight; in Russia only XLS MEDICAL Fat Binder (in the form of tablets and a sachet) which is registered as dietary supplement officially is on sale, i.e. isn't medicine.


According to statements of the producer, the Belgian pharmaceutical company Omega Pharma, XLS MEDICAL binds up to 28% of fats from a nutrition, reduces feeling of hunger and as a result "helps to lose larger weight to 3 times, than only on a diet" as Justifications for the declared properties and the proof of efficiency serve results of several clinical trials of the main Litramine active ingredient and its precursor of NeOpuntia which are carried out in Germany in 2007-2012. You can try Tiramin


Active ingredients: Litramine®, the patented complex of fibers of a plant Opuntia ficus-indisa - 500 mg.

Other ingredients: vitamin A (Retinolum) - 133,33 mkg, D3 vitamin (kholecaltsiferol) - 0,83 mkg, vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) - 1,67 mg.

Excipients: microcrystallic cellulose, carboxymethylcellulose, magnesium stearate, calcium hydrogen Natrii phosphas dihydrate, chlorofillin, silicon dioxide.


Age less than 18 years, pregnancy, lactemia, BWI (body weight index) less than 18.5

Diseases of kidneys (as the agent contains residual amount of the oxalic acid which is present at green plants)

Osteoporosis or the increased risk of an osteoporosis (as the agent contains vitamin A in the form of Retinolum)

Side effects

In the application instruction of XLS MEDICAL it is specified that cases of emergence of undesirable side effects are single (≤ 0,01%) and represent reactions of a hypersensitivity at food allergy: rashes, itch, insignificant edemas and mild gastrointestinal disorders. The producer recommends to stop reception of an agent in these cases. Also there can be a constipation at the insufficient use of liquid.

In responses of those who accepted XLS MEDICAL if complaints, then on disorders of a GIT meet.


At specialized forums a set of responses about an agent of XLS MEDICAL from which it is possible to get some idea about efficiency and safety of these tablets for weight loss.

Rather often XLS wrongly or deliberately attribute action to all the known medicine of Xenical, however, at similar influence on assimilation of fats in a GIT, these agents possess different mechanisms of action. Orlistat (active ingredient of Xenical) is bound to enzymes - the gastric and pancreatic lipase which is responsible for splitting of fats owing to what in an intestine there is a part of free undigested fats capable to cause unpleasant side effects. Litramine as a part of XLS binds (absorbs) the same part of fats vegetable fibers, without leaving free undigested fats and without causing characteristic side effects of orlistat.

The producer positions XLS MEDICAL as the assistant in fight against excess weight in a complex with the balanced delivery and moderate physical activity. By results of researches, at respect for the principles of a healthy delivery of XLS MEDICAL can enlarge effectiveness of fight against excess weight.

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