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HGH Frag (176-191) growth hormone fragment

21 Oct 2016

HGH Frag (176-191) (the laboratory code of AOD9604) - the stabilized growth hormone molecule fragment from the 176th amino acid on 191. This peptide stimulates lipolysis (combustion of fat) 12 times more powerfully, in comparison with hormone of growth and suppresses formation of new fat, at the same time other useful and side effects of hormone of growth aren't found. HGH Frag (176-191) is much cheaper than GR. Is one of the most perspective means for treatment of obesity according to professor of Gary Wittert., and the famous Russian TV host Dana Borisova claims that she thus managed to lose weight by 30 kg.

The mechanism of action

HGH Fragment (176-191) doesn't interact with GR receptors, but at the same time increases an expression of a gene beta 3 - adrenoceptors which cause lipolysis in an organism. It is considered the main mechanism of effect of medicine.


  • The expressed combustion of fat (especially in a stomach) - isn't proved
  • Doesn't cause proliferation of cages (a giperplaziya of bodies)
  • Doesn't increase the level of glucose and doesn't influence exchange of insulin
  • Delay of processes of aging
  • Energy inflow, and increase in its expense
  • Strengthening of bones (mineralization)

Course of HGH Frag (176-191)

Dosages of HGH Frag (176-191) from 100 to 1000 of mkg a day, duration of course are 2-3 months. Injections are executed between meals to create the most favorable conditions for combustion of fat. Medicine gets divorced in isotonic solution or in water for injections which are acquired in drugstores. For the maximum effect it is necessary to keep to a diet for weight loss and to accept enough a protein.

The approximate diagram of reception of HGH 176-191 in day of a training:

  • 200 mkg in 1 hour prior to a breakfast
  • 200 mkg in 1 hour prior to a lunch
  • 200 mkg in 30 minutes prior to a training

In days of rest:

  • 200 mkg in 1 hour prior to a breakfast
  • 200 mkg in 1 hour prior to a lunch
  • 200 mkg before going to bed

Execution of 5-6 injections during the day is sometimes recommended. Besides it is necessary to pay attention that unlike other peptides, the Fragment of HGH 176-191 after dilution has short term of storage (about 1 week in the refrigerator).

Storage and preparation of solution

It is necessary to cool a bottle to room temperature and to enter the required water volume for injections or bacteriostatic water (which has to flow down on a bottle wall). Then to stir the rotating or swinging movements (not to shake). Solution remains stable for 15-25 days in the refrigerator without freezing. The last number belongs only to the solutions prepared with bacteriostatic water.


Conducting a course with a fragment keeping of a low-calorie diet is very important. It is known that after meal insulin level increases, it is hormone which stimulates the phosphodiesterase splitting cAMP — a molecule of the secondary intermediary that slows down process of a lipolysis (that is why important not to eat right after injections and other peptides) since the pulsing secretion of the body height hormone (BHH) happens over 3 hours after introduction, and only for the first hour of a pulsation insulin work, and at other two o'clock – fat loss as derivative effect of GR is necessary). For this reason injections are carried out in intervals between food, next the heart. Do not forget take Meldonium for better results.

You shouldn't worry about catabolic process as replenishment of power stocks is result of a lipolysis (release of fatty acids). In that case the catabolism isn't possible. For these reasons it is possible to draw quite valid conclusion that GR is anticatabolic.

Side effects

So far side effects of HGH Frag (176-191) aren't revealed, burning in the place of an injection is sometimes observed.

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