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FAQ: Negligible Senescence

05 Dec 2016

7 about animals, who do not know the facts of old age

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Negligible aging - it is a property of the animal, if there is no appearance of any reproductive function, neither the level of gene expression do not depend heavily on age. In humans, for example, age, mortality is growing very quickly. As a child, it is high because of problems with immunity, but the man is almost no danger of ten years. With the probability of death, which is inherent in the ten-year child, a person could live a thousand years, but from now on every year the death rate is only growing, and people are losing by the 60-70 age almost everyone they know. Up to 90-100 years live unit, and only now, when the world population grown to several billion, began to appear hundreds of long-lived, which can be studied.

  • 1.Old age seems to have a familiar phenomenon, which has long been investigating, and victory over it - an ancient human dream. Despite this, we almost do not know how to grow old animals that surround us. there was the first work of American biogerontology, found that the so-called Somali cat (or naked mole rat) is not like in this respect to the people In 2005, the year. The naked mole rat - a funny animal blind, mole that lives under the ground in Africa. It also has a high infant mortality rate, but around the age of two his mortality is completely stabilized, and the animal the size of a mouse living in captivity up to 40 years and possibly longer can live without showing any change in this function, characteristic of aging. According to the man pretty well seen how old he is, but looking at the naked mole rat, is extremely difficult to determine how much he spent.

    This is not all naked mole rats, but only one female. She surrounds herself with males who hunt and hauling food for her and several females, she terrorized to the extent that they can not give birth. Thus, the animal is completely protected from any environmental factors not interact with predators, does not extend to the surface. Apparently, this is the reason that genetic selection has started to increase life expectancy.
  • 2.Scientists have for a long time could not believe what we are really talking about is negligible aging animals. Surprising and size: the larger the body usually in nature, so long as he lives, and not much more digger mouse. there are new tools of analysis from 2005, the year: we can now examine the so-called transcriptome animals (a collection postgenetic information, "cast" expressed and not expressed genes). In naked mole rats with age does not change not only the look and reproductive function, but also the level of expression of various genes. Moreover, the few genes that alter the expression level of these animals are the same genes whose expression is rapidly changing with the age of the person, but - in the opposite direction. Vitamin B12 is essential for DNA synthesis.
  • 3.It would be surprising if it were only one animal. Since the year 2005, according to Wikipedia, the fact negligible aging in relation to suspected for about fifteen species. Among them, a naked mole rat - mammal, ocean turtle - reptile, mussels - clams, huge bowhead whale. birds live a very long time: the past 30 years, there is a program circle giant albatross, and we see that in the world there are hundreds of individuals with a life expectancy greater than this time. This means that the life expectancy of these animals can be 70 years, and perhaps more. But the most important thing is that with this size and with this level of so-called oxidative stress - one of the factors limiting the lifespan of many animals - no one could have expected it at this level.

    The life expectancy of people is increasing, too, about 3 years every 10 years, and this appears to be due to the fact that we have protection from infectious diseases and predators and larger offspring give those who live longer. Mortality of people who are over 90 years, ceases to grow to about 100, maybe 115 years and remains at one and the same - however, a very high - level.
  • 4.Fabrics mole rat is extremely sensitive to any kind of chemical or radiological stress in these animals is almost no cancer (the word "almost" I drink, taking into account that a small sample that was investigated in captivity). This shows that the study will allow diggers figure out how to get rid of cancer, diabetes and possibly other age-related diseases. It should be noted that the negligible aging does not mean immortality. Animals with this property aging, dying from their age-dependent diseases as well as humans. However, they do not have this monstrous exponential increase of mortality with age. Achieving negligible aging - this is one of the well-posed and solved the problems associated with the duration of human life. The main task - to reach the plateau does not deaths to 90 and 100 years, when everything is already pretty sad, and as close as possible to ten years of age. Then expectancy human life was not 120, not 150, and a few hundred years. For improve function use – Cogitum, PhenotropilSemax.
  • 5.But if negligible aging observed in the naked mole rat, why we think that this could be the people? This is supported by two things. First, apparently (we can not say for sure, because the statistics is not large enough), there is a plateau in the curve of mortality in people at very high ages. This suggests that the mere appearance negligible in aging may extend to us. The second observation: this type of aging arose more than once in the nature. Maybe in 10 years we will see that a significant number of species on our planet aging mode is more similar to that of the naked mole rat, but not in humans. Perhaps people too recently appeared and have gone through a catastrophic event in their history, that we are genetically selected on the basis that it allowed us to survive, and not on the grounds, which are needed for long duration of life. Prevalence negligible aging, we are seeing more and more naturally, allows you to believe that it will be achieved not only in the 90-year-olds, and at an earlier age.
  • 6.There is the problem of finding the aging regime of animals. To learn negligible or otherwise getting older every small animal, it is necessary to bring in the laboratory, to provide it with the standard conditions and wait for 40 years or more. Unfortunately, science can not, just looking at the animals, learn its aging mode. However, there are observations which suggest it is more likely for some animals than for others.
  • 7.Now it is clear that aging is associated with negligible stress tolerance of the animal. Apparently, the animals that are either living in extreme conditions, or are able to transfer them (and life under the ground of lack of oxygen, and in the darkness may treat them), generates such genotypes that can be negligibly age. That resistance to stress - this is what man needs for active longevity. These issues are studied at the same time, and the decision of each of them can help solve another.

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