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Cinnulin PF

25 Nov 2016

Cinnulin PF is patented water Cinnamomum burmannii extract. For receiving cinnulin, the plant of Cinnamomum burmannii undergoes special processing for excision of toxic substances. Cinnulin showed in researches several positive effects for health, in particular positive action at a metabolic syndrome.

Underwent approbation by the people sick with a diabetes mellitus in the recent research Cinnulin 2 types. Result showed that cinnulin blood Saccharum level approximately is capable to lower by 8%. Moreover, examinees could reduce percent of fatty weight, add muscle bulk and reduce arterial pressure. You can also like Svetinorm.

Cinnulin mechanism of action

Scientist of Dr. Richard A. Anderson was carried out extensive work on a research of the mechanism of action of cinnulin, isolated from water Cinnamomum burmannii extract. Scientists taped 20-fold augmentation of a metabolic rate of glucose of in vitro due to immediate influence on function of cells. In other research it was shown that Cinnulin works as insulin. In animal experiment, циннулин reduced arterial pressure.

As it was proved later, at people, Cinnulin PF accelerates glucose transport in a cell, due to rising of sensitivity of receptors to insulin. Qingnuling improved a state at a metabolic syndrome, changing structure of a body in a positive side, lowered arterial pressure. Caused a notable increase of dry muscle bulk, augmentation of power indicators and rising of endurance in some people, Cinnulin PF.

Doses and regimen of reception

Cinnulin is issued in capsules, tablets, powder and liquid forms. The average recommended dose of Cinnulin PF makes about 250 mg, twice a day before food.

Side effects

In researches, cinnulin didn't cause not one serious side effect. Cinnulin doesn't do harm to health.

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