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Benefit and harm of peptides

19 Oct 2017

To date, the benefit and harm of peptides for the body is quite a popular and topical topic not only for doctors, but also for athletes using these effective analogues of hormonal anabolics. We will try to understand all the subtleties and controversial points.

Useful properties of peptides

From the point of view of medicine, synthetic peptides, and today more than 1500 species, are a kind of key to the human body, which opens unique opportunities to cause changes in biochemical processes in its tissues and organs. In most cases, such transformations are quite natural and safe for humans. Therefore, the discovery of regulators of protein synthesis has become a real breakthrough in the therapy of tumors and gerontological diseases.

In the course of clinical observations of patients of different age groups, a special benefit of peptides was noted in treating elderly people suffering from various pathologies. On average, the effectiveness of the use of drugs is 75-95%. To maintain vital body functions, it is recommended to take preventive courses twice a year. In this case, the synthetic bioregulator is appointed exclusively by the attending physician.

A separate point should be considered the use of peptide compounds in sports pharmacology. Peptides for the athlete's body is a source of high-quality amino acids capable of correlating physical parameters. The most popular products include growth hormone stimulants. They effectively increase muscle mass, increase endurance, promote the burning of fatty deposits and help in the formation of the relief musculature.

Harm of peptides for the body

Artificially synthesized amino acid preparations are completely identical to human. Sensitive cells have the ability to absorb and process biostimulants in strictly required quantities, and unassisted residues are simply excreted by the excretory system. If we consider the ratio of the benefits and harms of peptides, then the most dangerous thing that can happen to a person is the development of side effects: nausea, dizziness, trembling of limbs, increased blood pressure, fluid retention in the body. Most often, these conditions are observed due to an overdose of the drug. To prevent this from happening, you must not deviate from the requirements of the attached instructions, pay attention to the quality of products, as well as conduct tests that confirm its purity and authenticity.

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