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Aburaihan Pharmaceuticals

24 Nov 2016

Aburaihan Pharmaceuticals - the leading pharmaceutical company of Iran, makes various medicines for people and animals, including hormonal (anabolic and androgenic steroids). Today is a monopolist of pharmacological and pharmaceutical industry of Iran.

In 1965 Aburaihan Pharmaceuticals was founded as subsidiary company of the German concern Shering and carried the name Berlimed of Iran. In 1981 it was renamed into Aburaihan Pharmaceuticals Co. Today is property of the state, has rather modern equipment at the order. Production processes correspond to criteria of an industry standard of GMP and international standards of "Quality management" and OHSAS. Products are safe for the environment and there corresponds ISO 14001.

Aburaihan Pharmaceuticals

Anabolic and androgenic steroids Aburaykhan are issued in the form of tablets, capsules, injections and powder.

Feedbacks about Aburaihan Pharmaceuticals

The most known AAS of production of the Iranian company are air of testosterone and a nandrolon, and also Stanozolol. In principle, feedbacks about Aburaihan Pharmaceuticals note compliance of product quality of its price category. In other words, purchasing anabolic and androgenic steroids of the Iranian production, you receive average quality at the minimum market prices. Professional athletes of high level seldom use products Aburaykhan, and here fans – is quite frequent. One of the Best Nooropic drug is Noophen.

Counterfeits meet infrequently, steroids are well protected. Nevertheless, feedbacks about Aburaihan Pharmaceuticals are far not always have positive character. However, often the effect has individual character: what the organism of one athlete reacts to is expressed, causes only the minimum changes of a physiological condition in another.

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