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7 films About Euthanasia

05 Nov 2016

What to look for legal euthanasia assumptions, the problem of choosing between life and death, and the people who make it.

The problem of euthanasia - it is the most difficult problems of bioethics. Euthanasia is understood as the acceleration of death seriously and terminally ill, carried out according to his will (with or without the will of relatives). Approaching death, suffering person without his conscious and repeated requests by the term "euthanasia" can not be called. To cope with depression you can by Phenibut, Afobazol, Phenazepam. The laws of all countries in the world, with a few exceptions, the idea of human sacrifice assessed as inhumane, and actions aimed at accelerating the death of the patient, qualified as criminal. In order not to let die, not kill another person, a person do not need to make any special effort: the recognition of oneness and transcendence of the human person prohibits euthanasia. This recognition is the basis of very detailed arguments of opponents of euthanasia legalization.

Supporters of legalization insist that euthanasia is the realization of freedom of the will of the patient, his conscious and informed choice. The development of new medical technologies, especially life-sustaining treatment, along with the statement in the medical practice such values as the patient's right to self-selection, as well as the emergence of social movements defending "the right to die with dignity", has led to the fact that euthanasia issue was again in the focus at the beginning of the XXI century. Stories of real people and fictional characters, their personal choice of life and death in the face of suffering, philosophical, political, social arguments for and against euthanasia in the context of contemporary culture - that's what offered you a movie.

  • 1.Mar adentro, 2004 (Director: Alejandro Amenabar)

In tape-based real story bedridden Spaniard Ramón Sampedro, who for several years fought for the right to voluntary withdrawal from life. By the beginning of the events taking place in the film, he was 30 years imprisoned in his own body, bedridden, his sea of liberty within its non-free body.
The film is widely represented range of arguments for and against euthanasia coming from the people, social institutions and movements, aimed at different ideological bases. Accordingly, the film viewer will be treated in accordance with their own religious and moral convictions. The sincerity of the positions, the game Javier Bardem, genuine drama of the plot does not let the viewer. Aphoristic arguments protagonist makes a personal choice to make. The film can not be attributed to the lungs, it guarantees a minimum of sad reflections. Oscar-winning director Alejandro Amenabar tape will not leave anyone indifferent spectator. In the film there is an Indian remake, entitled "Prayer."

  • 2.You Don't Know Jack, 2010 (Director: Barry Levinson)

This film is an autobiographical drama about an American voice and advocate of the right to choice of euthanasia in cases when it is not possible to provide patient care, which does not allow suffering to continue to live. The film poses the question: "Who is he, Jack Kevorkian: a fighter for human rights or a serial killer?" Why is it so broad ranks of his supporters and why so many of those who curse? The film does not give a clear answer, but with documentary precision introduces the viewer to the facts of the biography of Dr. Kevorkian.

Jack Kevorkian (Dr. Death) was born in 1928 in Pontiac, Michigan, died in March 2011, at the end of the Faculty of Medicine joined the US Army, participated in the Korean War, worked in hospitals in Detroit, Michigan and California. In 1989, Jack Kevorkian has designed and built a so-called suicide machine (mersitron -. English Mercitron, by mercy - 'mercy'), which causes the death of the patient only when the patient will lead it into action. That is why the authorities have been difficult to attract Kevorkian to justice when his mersitronom benefited more than 130 people. He was stripped of his license to practice medical practice, four were acquitted by the courts due to lack of evidence. In 1999, Jack Kevorkian was sentenced to imprisonment for a direct second-degree murder (euthanasia 52-year-old Thomas Yuka from Oakland County, suffered from Lou Gehrig's disease). Prosecutors have been recording as evidence of guilt. For good behavior 79-year-old Jack Kevorkian was released June 1, 2007, two years ahead of schedule, with the ban to help someone to die by euthanasia, to care for persons older than 62 years. The film discusses the problems of active euthanasia - the deliberate intervention to terminate the patient's life. Worthy of praise Al Pacino in the lead role, it is worth paying attention to the work of Oscar-winning director Barry Levinson.

  • 3.How to Die in Oregon, 2011 (Director: Peter Richardson)

As of November 2016 active euthanasia is allowed in countries such as Albania, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Canada. At the same time in Belgium and the Netherlands allowed pediatric euthanasia. In North America, euthanasia is allowed in five US states: Oregon, Washington, Vermont, Georgia and California. In the US state of Oregon passed a law in November 1994, which was called «Death with Dignity Act» ( «Act on the right to die with dignity"). Then such laws began to accept other states: in November 2008, Washington, in March 2012, GA, May 13, 2013, Vermont. In California, in October 2015, Governor Jerry Brown signed the law "On the right to die ', which permit the euthanasia.
The film tells about the fate of people who have decided to take advantage of the opportunity provided to them on a voluntary suicide. Desperate patients in the terminal stage of cancer, their families, people trying to escape from the pain and suffering on the "party of the dead» (death party), - characters of the film. The viewer can not escape personal answer to the question of whether a person has the right to self-determination, even to the point that he can choose whether to continue his life, or break it. Supporters of euthanasia based on the fact that the right to life, declared by modern civilization, presupposes human right to determine the time of his death; Doctors also are required to provide a sick person exercising this right. The basis of this argument is the belief in the inherent falsity of the idea that life - is a supreme gift and the person is not entitled to dispose of the fact that he does not belong.

  • 4.The Suicide Tourist, 2007 (Director: John Zaritsky)

The film director, has Academy Award statuette - a documentary history of Briton Craig Evert, who, after a diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis decides to travel to Switzerland. In England and Wales assistance in euthanasia is a criminal offense, the punishment for which can be up to 14 years in prison.
In Switzerland, euthanasia is permitted since 1941. The law of the country on euthanasia allows a very loose interpretation. In fact, the only restriction is the prohibition to exercise it for selfish reasons. According to Art. 115 of the Criminal Code of the Swiss Confederation to assist in the act of suicide, if it does not pursue selfish personal goals punishable. However, in Swiss law, this procedure is not clearly spelled out. However, it stated that assisted suicide is not illegal. When it comes to the terminal stage of a serious illness, such assistance in suicide is considered as a humane act. In Switzerland, as this is the only country in the world where this type of assisted suicide is not prohibited in respect of foreign nationals coming foreigners (information about their numbers were not disclosed), and develops a practice dubbed "suicide tourism".

The film raises a very important issue: in a global world the difference in the legal regulation of euthanasia becomes a factor in the value attitude of people to the fundamental questions about the meaning of life, the choice of death, the meaning of suffering, the experience of pain. Today Great Britain - a country where at the state level are carried out extremely sharp debate about possible legalization of euthanasia. In the UK at present a draft law regarding privacy, which help in committing suicide is declared legal. The law includes several conditions for carrying out euthanasia: it is supposed to allow for patients who, on the conclusion of the medical council, to live no more than six months, and their desire to die is confirmed by at least two physicians and a witness.

  • 5.Million Dollar Baby, 2004 (Director: Clint Eastwood)

The film has collected a rich harvest of awards, including four Oscars: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress (Hilary Swank), Best Supporting Actor (Morgan Freeman). The plot of the film series of stories by Jerry Boyd, the famous organizer of boxing fights. The peculiarity of this film is that the emphasis is not on the position of the suffering person, making the decision about the choice of death. The central problem of the film - the man responsible, who should be forced to accept and carry through life is the heavy burden - the responsibility for the death of another. The film is built around the figure of the boxing trainer Frankie Dunn. Experiencing hard guilt for injured student, already an old coach, after much persuasion, agreed to prepare a young purposeful title fight former waitress Maggie. She is a very talented athlete, but the fate of her merciless: after a serious injury in the ring it is paralyzed. Left alone, Maggie asks his coach to help her die, which he does by entering her lethal dose of adrenaline. The end of the film leaves the unanswered question: "Will the hero be able to find internal strength to gain peace of mind and a sense of guilt and responsibility for the actions in relation to others inescapable?"

  • 6.De Surprise, 2015 (Director: Mike van Diem)

It is striking that in this film in a conversation about death, managed to avoid the darkest tones. movie is between melodrama and comedy. Perhaps it is not surprising that one of the films that affect the choice of death problem, took the Dutch director Mike van Dim, in fact the Netherlands is one of the few countries where euthanasia is legalized. According to Dutch law, any person who has attained 16 years of age, has the right to independently determine the order and the way of life care. For example, a person may write in his statement that he was not treated in the event of a car accident or cancer. Children under 16 years old can submit such an application with the consent of the parents.
The film - a love story of an eccentric millionaire Jacob, contact the agency "Elysium", helping its customers to go to another world, taking into account individual wishes - unfolds against the backdrop of thinking about life and death, the human right to terminate his earthly course, if life in different reason does not bring happiness.

  • 7.The Lobster, 2015 (Director: Yorgos Lanthimos)

The list of films on euthanasia should also include a film in which the story is not about euthanasia - "Lobster". The film was shot in a realistic manner. For example, the actors do not use make-up and shooting all made with natural light. "Lobster" is included in the category of "not for everyone" and tells the story of how a decision is made to withdraw from the onslaught of human life under the conditions and circumstances of life. The fundamental choice of a theme that underlies the judgment on euthanasia, presented in this film is extremely trivial.

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