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24 Nov 2016

11-Ketotestosterone - an anabolic steroid, an active metabolite of pro-hormone 11-OXO. In case of receipt in an organism, 11-OXO turns into 11 ketotestosterone which is responsible for all its effects: growth of muscle bulk, increase in force, increase in relief, etc.

Chemical formula: 17-Hydroxyandrost-4-ene-3,11-dione

Recommended doses: 7,5 - 22,5 mg a day

Now there were additives which contain 11 ketotestosterone. It would seem that it will be optimum replacement 11-OXO provided that only 50% 11-OXO turn into 11 ketotestosterone, however its true bioavailability therefore the question of efficiency remains open isn't known yet.

11 ketotestosterone are the creator the Spectra Force company which issues tablets with a dosage in 7,5 mg.

Apparently from a chemical formula, 11 ketotestosterone methylated into alfa-17 line items that does it toxic for a liver. Medicine has low androgenic activity. Addition in a chlorine atom molecule in 4 line items significantly reduced the anaboliko-androgenic potential of medicine. You can try - Ceraxon injection.

It makes a sense to apply 11 ketotestosterone only during rates on decrease in weight or during the work on a relief, for a set of weight it will be low-useful.

Someone from the Brazil - just purchased the goods:
Dexamethason eye drops 0.1% 10ml