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Lecrolyn eye drops 20mg/ml 10ml

USD 15.00

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Lecrolyn (Lecrolin) eye drops - is an antihistamine drug based on sodium cromoglycate for topical application in ophthalmology, used to stop allergic conjunctivitis and keratitis. The drug is suitable for long-term use, does not cause complications and side effects.

Cromoglycic acid refers to substances whose action is directed to the stabilization of mast cell membranes and the inhibition of the release of histamine and other biologically active substances responsible for the development of allergic reactions. The drug has no effect on the already released histamine, but it suppresses the functional activity of mast cells and a number of other cells involved in the formation of the inflammation reaction and prevents the development of allergic reactions.

In connection with the peculiarity of pharmacological action of cromoglycic acid, Lecrolyn gives the most pronounced anti-allergic effect in the prevention of allergic eye diseases. Optimal is the appointment of Lecrolin for the prevention of seasonal allergic diseases (hay fever, springkerakonkonjunctivitis). For this purpose, the drug should be administered approximately two weeks before the predicted contact with the pollen allergen. If the allergen is known, you should focus on the flowering calendar of plants in a specific area.

The use of Lecrolyn in most cases avoids the use of corticosteroids or significantly reduces their dose and duration of application, reducing the risk of complications of such therapy.

Eye drops Lecrolyn completely eliminate or significantly reduce the severity of such symptoms as burning, itching, conjunctival hyperemia, eye discomfort, photophobia, etc. In addition, the drug reduces the permeability of the vessels of the eye mucosa, limiting the possibility of ingestion of an allergen to mast cells.

The pronounced therapeutic effect is observed approximately on the 7th day from the beginning of the drug application, reaching a maximum by the second week from the beginning of treatment.

Lecrolin (Lecrolyn) reduces symptoms of burning, dryness of the conjunctiva and other manifestations characteristic of giant papillary conjunctivitis - a disease whose development is associated with the use of eye prostheses, contact lenses, and with the presence of sutures after keratoplasty.


  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • allergic keratitis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye, caused by allergic reactions (environmental factors, occupational hazards, household chemicals, cosmetics, ophthalmic preparations, plant pollens and pet dander).


  • children under 4 years;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Special instructions:

Eye drops Lecrolyn, packed in a vial of a dropper, contain a preservative of benzalkonium chloride, which can cause symptoms of eye irritation. Therefore, patients wearing contact lenses should be removed before applying drops and set back no earlier than 15 minutes after instillation.

Do not touch the eye with the tip of the pipette.

The bottle must be closed after each use.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms

Patients who, after instillation of the drug, have a short-term impairment of visual clarity, do not drive the car or work with machinery, machines or any other equipment that requires clarity of vision, immediately after the application of eye drops.

Suggested Use:

The drug is prescribed 1-2 drops in each conjunctival sac 4 times / day.

With seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, treatment should begin immediately after the onset of the first symptoms or be applied prophylactically before the beginning of the season of the appearance of pollen. Treatment continues throughout the flowering season or longer if symptoms persist..


  • Comes in original packaging. Item is brand new and unopened.


  • Keep away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep locked and away from children.
  • Store in dry place at room temperature.
  • Do not exceed storage temperature higher than 25 C

Important notice- the outer box design may vary before prior notice!


Lecrolyn eye drops 20mg/ml 10ml stop allergic conjunctivitis and keratitis

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