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Kristagen 60 capsules

USD 97.99

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Kristagen is a complex peptide, comprising amino acids contributing to the immune system normalization.

Immunity - a protective response of the body against bacteria, toxins, viruses, protozoa, parasites, cancer cells and the like. It is known that the immune system may be reduced due to the impact of adverse factors. If you get burned, colds, blood loss, starvation, after an illness, chronic stress. In this case, the body becomes more susceptible to infections, healing processes are slowed down, increasing the risk of tumor diseases. Normal functioning of the immune system provides a high level of anti-stress, anti-infective and anti-tumor defense. To correct the immune system and prevent violations gormonogeneza occurring in various diseases has been developed bioregulator of the immune system - Kristagen.

In a clinical study set Kristagen efficiency in comprehensive prevention and treatment of patients with impaired immune system function after infectious diseases, radiation and chemotherapy, emotional stress, effects on the various unfavorable factors (including environmental, climatic, geo-pathogenic factors and ionizing radiation) as well as to maintain the function of the immune system in people with middle and old age.

Experimental study of the biological properties of Kristagen showed that when applied not only to improve the individual performance of the cell and tissue homeostasis in immune cells, but also to normalize the function of the immune system as a whole. Course admission Kristagen contributes to a marked improvement in the general condition and, above all, reduce the severity of asthenic syndrome, typical for secondary immunodeficiency. In patients with purulent-inflammatory complications after surgery found a significant increase in the activity of tissue enzymes, as evidenced by accelerated epithelization wounds. Patients with the effects of radiation and chemotherapy while taking Kristagen observed accelerated normalization of immunological parameters of peripheral blood, improving overall health and reducing the incidence of infectious complications.


  • acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of different aetiology
  • ARI, tonsillitis, bronchitis, otitis, sinusitis, pneumonia
  • cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, adnexitis
  • preoperative and postoperative periods for various surgical interventions
  • generalized infection
  • systemic connective tissue disease
  • autoimmune diseases of different etiologies
  • state after extreme stress loads
  • with reduced immunity
  • maintenance of immune system function in people elderly
  • for the prevention of cancer
  • chronic intoxication
  • the period of rehabilitation after a heart attack and stroke
  • rejuvenation of the body as a part of integrated programs

Kristagen: clinical trials

In a clinical study of the efficacy of KRISTAGEN to optimize immune system function was attended by 96 cancer patients after radiation and chemotherapy. A study group comprised 58 patients (32 men, 26 women), which in addition to the conventional means of treatment prescribed KRISTAGEN 1-2 capsules 2 times a day with food for 20-30 days depending on the severity of disorders of the immune status. 38 patients in the control group received only conventional means. The age of patients in both groups ranged from 48 to 70 years. The effectiveness of KRISTAGEN evaluated the dynamics of patients' complaints and a number of objective parameters: clinical blood and urine, immunological study of peripheral blood.

The results of these studies strongly suggest that KRISTAGEN is an effective means for the correction of secondary immunodeficiency, developing in response to the impact of extreme factors. Application KRISTAGEN in combination with symptomatic means possible to normalize the impaired performance of the immune system in 83% of cancer patients after a course of radiation or chemotherapy.

As follows from the results of immunological studies, after applying KRISTAGEN cancer patients almost all indicators were within the physiological norm, there was a significant increase in the content of CD3 + - and CD4 + - lymphocytes, normalization ratio CD4 + / CD8 + in peripheral blood. At the same time patients significantly improved health, intoxication symptoms disappeared, increased muscle tone and improved appetite. Noteworthy is that all patients of the main group were able to complete a full course of radiation or chemotherapy (control group - 79% of patients).

It should be noted that during the clinical study of the efficacy of KRISTAGEN side effects and complications of drug dependence have been identified.

Suggested Use:

Adults take 1-2 capsules 1-2 times a day with meals. Duration of 10-30 days. It is advisable to repeat the course in 4-6 months.


  • Comes in original packaging. Item is brand new and unopened.


  • Keep away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep locked and away from children.
  • Store in dry place at room temperature.
  • Do not exceed storage temperature higher than 25 C

Important notice - the outer box design may vary before prior notice!


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