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Instruction for use: Ñlenbuterol

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"Clenbuterol" is a tool that relieves spasms in the bronchi, and is classified as b2-agonists. Its active ingredient is the same name - and clenbuterol, acting on the receptors located in the bronchi leads to relaxation. This effect persists for twelve hours. This eliminates the swelling, mucus thickens and begins to easily output, facilitating airway condition.

Trade name of the drug: Ñlenbuterol


Pharmacotherapeutic group: selective beta2-agonists.

Pharmacological properties of clenbuterol:

Pharmacodynamics: selective beta2-agonists, has a bronchodilator and sekretoliticheskoe action. Excited beta2-adrenergic receptors stimulates adenylate cyclase, increases the concentration of cAMP in the cells, which is affecting the protein kinase system, deprives the ability of myosin bind to actin and promotes relaxation bronchi. It stops the release of mediators from mast cells, contributing to inflammation and bronchospasm bronchus. Reduces swelling or congestion in the bronchi and improves mucociliary clearance. In large doses it causes tachycardia, tremor of the fingers. Effect is observed after 10-15 minutes after administration, reaching a maximum after 2-3 hours.

Pharmacokinetics: Well absorbed after oral administration. It is metabolized in the liver with the formation of 8 metabolites (in small quantities). Report mostly kidneys (about 78% - unchanged). A minor part is excreted in the bile.

Indications for use of clenbuterol:

The main indication for the use of "Clenbuterol" is the occurrence of bronchospasm, which is a sharp narrowing of the bronchi with:

  • asthmatic bronchitis;
  • asthma.

Besides drug is given as a preventive agent for these diseases and bronchial spasm appearance.

Contraindications to receiving clenbuterol:

Clenbuterol is contraindicated for use in:

hypersensitivity to its components;

  • thyrotoxicosis, is a disease of the thyroid gland;
  • tachycardia and tachyarrhythmia - unevenness of an increased heart rate;
  • subaortic stenosis of the aorta - a non-inflammatory disease of the heart muscle tissue of the left ventricle, which is characterized by a sharp narrowing of its cavity;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • pregnancy.

Side effects and overdose of clenbuterol:

The drug can affect the cardiovascular system and trigger a change in blood pressure. Sometimes there palpitations or violation of his rhythm. In some cases, abnormalities were observed in the blood. Possible reactions of the nervous system in the form of tremor - quakes hands, headaches and feelings of anxiety. Rarely found: digestive disorders and allergies or hives.

Overdose "Clenbuterol" may also manifest tremor, palpitations and excessive anxiety. In such a situation it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug and to conduct maintenance therapy. On the occurrence of adverse events should be reported to your doctor.

Dosage and administration:

Children up to 8 months (4 to 8 kg) - 2.5 ml, 2 times a day;
8 to 24 months (from 8 to 12 kg) - 5 ml, 2 times a day;
from 2 to 4 years of age (12 to 16 kg) - 7.5 ml, 2 times a day;
4 to 6 years (range 16 to 22 kg) - 10 ml, 2 times a day;
from 6 to 12 years (range 22 to 35 kg) - 15 ml, 2 times a day;
older than 12 years - 15 ml 2-3 times a day.
Adults appoint 15 ml 2-3 times a day. Maintenance dose - 10 ml, 2 times a day.

Interaction with other drugs: Ñlenbuterol antagonizes with beta-blockers. It reduces the effect of hypoglycemic agents. It increases the risk of intracardiac conduction disorders with concomitant administration with MAO inhibitors and theophylline. Increases the toxicity of cardiac glycosides and the risk of developing arrhythmia. In combination with sympathomimetic agents mutually increase toxicity.

Due to the possibility of occurrence of tremors, dizziness and weakness, the drug may negatively affect the ability to drive and operate machines, so the period of treatment should refrain from activities potentially hazardous activities that require high concentration and psychomotor speed reactions.

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