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Instruction for use: Vikasol solution for injections 1%

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Dosage form: Solution for intramuscular injection

Active substance: Menadioni natrii bisulfis


B02BA02 Menadion

Pharmacological group

Coagulants (including coagulation factors), hemostatics

The nosological classification (ICD-10)

D65-D69 Blood clotting disorders, purpura and other hemorrhagic conditions: Hyperfibrinolysis; Hypocoagulation; Increased vascular permeability; Hemorrhagic syndrome

D67 Hereditary factor IX deficiency: Congenital factor IX deficiency; Congenital deficiency of the coagulation factor IX; Hemorrhagic syndrome with factor IX deficiency; Hemophilia B; Hemophilia B with a factor IX inhibitor; Hemophilia B in children; Deficiency of the coagulation factor IX; Inhibitory form of hemophilia; Inhibitory form of hemophilia B; Coagulopathies are hereditary; Bleeding and haemorrhage in hemophilia B; Bleeding with acquired or congenital deficiency of factor IX; Hereditary hemophilia

D68.2 Hereditary deficiency of other coagulation factors: Coagulation factor II deficiency; Deficiency of the clotting factor VII; Deficiency of the coagulation factor X; Deficiency of the coagulation factor XII; Dysfibrinogenemia; Hereditary anomalies of the Stewart-Prower factor (factor X); Hereditary anomalies of factor Hageman (factor XII); Insufficiency of plasma clotting factors; Stuart-Prower factor deficiency; Hereditary deficiency of AT-III

I78.8 Other capillary diseases: Capillary bleeding; Capillary bleeding in dentistry; Capillary bleeding from superficial wounds; Capillary bleeding in general surgery; Bleeding capillary; Increased brittleness of blood vessels; Teleangiectasia

K73 Chronic hepatitis, not elsewhere classified: Inflammatory liver disease; Hepatitis autoimmune; Hepatitis chronic; Infection of the liver; Chronic hepatitis with signs of cholestasis; Chronic reactive hepatitis; Chronic persistent hepatitis; Chronic infectious hepatitis; Chronic active hepatitis; Chronic inflammatory liver disease; Autoimmune Hepatitis; Chronic hepatitis is aggressive

K74 Fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver: Edematous-ascitic syndrome in cirrhosis; Inflammatory liver disease; Pretsirroticheskoe state; Cystic fibrosis of the liver; Cirrhotic and pretsirroticheskoe state; Cirrhosis portal hypertension c; Cirrhosis of the liver with signs of portal hypertension; Cirrhosis of the liver with portal hypertension and edema-ascites syndrome; Cirrhosis of the liver with portal hypertension; Liver cirrhosis with ascites and edema; Liver cirrhosis with ascites; cirrhotic ascites

R58 Bleeding, not elsewhere classified: Abdominal apoplexy; Hemorrhagia; Haemorrhage of the esophagus; Hemorrhage; Generalized bleeding; Diffuse bleeding; Diffuse bleeding; Prolonged bleeding; Blood loss; Blood loss during surgical interventions; Bleeding during surgery and in the postoperative period; Bleeding during labor; Bleeding and haemorrhage in hemophilia B; Bleeding from the gums; Bleeding intraoperative abdominal; Bleeding against a background of coumarin anticoagulants; Hepatic hepatitis; Bleeding in hemophilia A; Bleeding at hemophilia A; Bleeding with inhibitory forms of hemophilia A and B; Bleeding due to leukemia; Bleeding in patients with leukemia; Bleeding; Bleeding due to portal hypertension; Bleeding due to hyperfibrinolysis; Drug bleeding; Local bleeding; Local bleeding due to activation of fibrinolysis; Massive blood loss; Acute blood loss; Parenchymal hemorrhage; Hepatic bleeding; Postoperative hemorrhage; Kidney bleeding; Vascular-platelet hemostasis; Traumatic bleeding; Threatening bleeding; Chronic blood loss

T66 Unspecified radiation effects: Radiation disease; Diarrhea radiation; Gastrointestinal syndrome with irradiation; Radiation sickness; Radiation disorders of mucous membranes; Irradiation chronic; Osteoradionecrosis; Acute radiation sickness; Acute and chronic radiation injuries; Acute radiation syndrome with radiation therapy; Subacute and chronic radiation sickness; Radiation Neuropathy; Radiation edema; Radiation damage to the nervous system; Radiation immunodeficiency; Radiation syndrome; Radio-epileleitis; Radiation acute syndrome; State after irradiation; Cytopenia due to previous radiation or chemotherapy; Cytopenia radiation; Cytopenia due to radiation therapy; Cytopenia due to chemotherapy

Composition and release form

1 ml of the injection contains menadione (water-soluble form of vitamin K3) 10 mg; In a cardboard box 10 pcs.


Synthetic water-soluble analogue of vitamin K.

Pharmachologic effect

Mode of action - Hemostatic.

In the form of an epoxide, it activates a specific carboxylase, which provides carboxylation of glutamic acid residues in the protein structure, thus contributing to the synthesis of coagulation factors (II, VII, IX, X).

Indications of the drug Vikasol solution for injections 1%

Hypoprothrombinemia, obstructive jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis, parenchymal and capillary hemorrhages, radiation sickness, increased fragility of vessels, dysproteinemia.


Hypercoagulation, thromboembolism, hemolytic disease of the newborn.

Side effects

Hemolytic anemia.

Dosing and Administration

IM, 10-15 mg daily dose - 0.03 g.

For children under 1 year - 2-5 mg, up to 2 years - 6 mg, 3-4 years - 8 mg, 5-9 years - 10 mg, 10-14 years - 15 mg, newborns - up to 4 mg for 3 -4 consecutive days, after which they make a break for 4 days.

Storage conditions of the drug Vikasol solution for injections 1%

In the dark place.

Keep out of the reach of children.

The shelf life of the drug Vikasol solution for injections 1%

3 years.

Do not use beyond the expiration date printed on the package.

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