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Instruction for use: Rocgel

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Active substance Algeldrate

ATX Code A02AB02 Algeldrate

Pharmacological group


Composition and form of release

1 packet of suspension for oral administration contains algeldate (aluminum hydroxide) 8.08 g; in the package 24 pcs.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacological action - adsorbent, enveloping, antacid.

Neutralizes the hydrochloric acid of the stomach, protects (shields) the mucosa from damaging factors.


Has antacid, enveloping and adsorbing action. Neutralizes excess hydrochloric acid without causing secondary hypersecretion. Relieves heartburn and epigastric pain.


Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract associated with increased gastric secretion (esophagitis, acute gastritis, acute duodenitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the phase of exacerbation); hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm, functional bowel disease, colitis, as symptomatic therapy for heartburn, discomfort or epigastric pain.


Severe renal dysfunction.

Side effects

With long-term use - an increase in the concentration of aluminum and a decrease in the content of phosphorus in the blood serum.


Reduces the absorption of other medicines from the digestive tract (the interval between doses should be 2 h, and for fluoroquinolones - 4 h). When combined with quinidine, it increases its concentration in the blood plasma and the risk of overdose. With simultaneous application with salicylates increases their renal excretion.

Dosing and Administration

Inside, without diluting with water. The daily dose is 1-3 sachets. With diseases of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum - after eating, with bowel disease - before eating.

Precautionary measures

Patients with hepatic encephalopathy can not be administered in combination with lactitol. They are used with caution in hemodialysis patients with diabetes mellitus (each packet contains 1.9 g of sugar), as well as in combination with indomethacin and other NSAIDs, phosphorus-containing drugs, histamine H2-receptor blockers, beta-blockers, chlorpromazine, isoniazid.

Storage Conditions

Keep out of the reach of children.

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