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Instruction for use: Racementhol

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Latin name: Racementholum (genus.Racementholi)

Chemical name


Gross formula


Pharmacological groups:

Local irritants

Antiseptics and disinfectants

The nosological classification (ICD-10)

J00 Acute nasopharyngitis [rhinitis]: Viral rhinitis; Inflammation of the nasopharynx; Inflammatory Nose Disease; Purulent rhinitis; Nasal congestion; Nasal congestion due to cold and flu; Difficulty with nasal breathing; Difficulty with nasal breathing in colds; Difficult nasal breathing; Difficult nasal breathing with colds; Nasal hypersecretion; Runny nose; ARI with phenomena of rhinitis; Acute rhinitis; Acute rhinitis of various origins; Acute rhinitis with thick purulent-mucous exudate; Acute rhinopharyngitis; Swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa; Rhinitis; Rhinorrhea; Infectious-inflammatory disease of ENT organs; Severe cold; Rhinopharyngitis

J02.9 Acute pharyngitis, unspecified: Purulent pharyngitis; Acute rhinopharyngitis; Lymphonodular pharyngitis

J04 Acute laryngitis and tracheitis: Cough in diseases of the upper respiratory tract; Laryngitis; Laryngitis acute; Tracheitis acute; Pharyngolaringitis; Infectious-inflammatory disease of ENT organs

L29 Itching: Itching with partial obstruction of the biliary tract; Dermatitis itchy; Dermatosis with persistent itching; Other itching dermatoses; Itching dermatoses; Itching allergic dermatosis; Itching dermatitis; Itching dermatosis; Itchy skin; Excruciating itching; Severe itching; Endogenous itching; Skin itching with dermatosis; Restricted itchy dermatitis; Itching of the skin; Itchy scalp; Itching eczema

M25.5 Pain in the joint: Arthralgia; Pain syndrome in musculo-articular diseases; Pain syndrome in osteoarthritis; Pain syndrome in acute inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system; Pain syndrome in chronic inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system; Pain in the joints; Soreness of the joints; Painful joints in severe physical exertion; Painful inflammatory joint damage; Painful conditions of the musculoskeletal system; Painful joint conditions; Painful traumatic affection of joints; Pain in the musculoskeletal system; Pain in Shoulder Joints; Pain in the joints; Joint pain; Joint pain with injuries; Musculoskeletal pain; Pain in osteoarthritis; Pain in the pathology of joints; Pain in rheumatoid arthritis; Pain in chronic degenerative bone diseases; Pain in chronic degenerative joint diseases; Bone-joint pain; Joint pain; Arthritic pain of rheumatic origin; Joint pain syndrome; Rheumatic pain

M54.3 Sciatica: Ischialgia; Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve; Sciatic neuritis

M79.1 Myalgia: Myofascial pain syndromes; Pain syndrome in musculo-articular diseases; Pain syndrome in chronic inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system; Pain in the muscles; Tenderness of muscles; Muscle soreness in severe physical exertion; Painful conditions of the musculoskeletal system; Pain in the musculoskeletal system; Pain in the muscles; Pain at rest; Muscle aches; Muscle pain; Musculoskeletal pain; Myalgia; Muscle pain; Muscle pain at rest; Muscle pain; Muscular pain of non-rheumatic origin; Muscle pain of rheumatic origin; Acute muscle pain; Rheumatic pain; Rheumatic pains; Myofascial syndrome; Fibromyalgia

M79.2 Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified: Pain syndrome with neuralgia; Brachialgia; Occipital and intercostal neuralgia; Neuralgic pain; Neuralgia; Neuralgia of intercostal nerves; Neuralgia of the posterior tibial nerve; Neuritis; Traumatic neuritis; Neurological Pain Syndromes; Neurological contractures with spasms; Acute neuritis; Peripheral neuritis; Post-traumatic neuralgia; Severe pain of a neurogenic nature; Chronic neuritis; Essential neuralgia

CAS code


Characteristics of the substance Racementhol

Menthol - colorless crystals with a strong smell of peppermint and peppery and cold taste. Flying at ordinary temperature. Very little soluble in water, very easy - in ethanol, chloroform, ether, acetic acid, easily - in fatty oils, paraffin.

Menthol oil is a solution of menthol (natural or synthetic racemic) in vaseline oil. Colorless oily liquid with a weak smell of menthol.


Pharmacological action - soothing, coronarodilating, antipruritic, antiseptic, local irritating, analgesic, distracting.

The effect is mainly due to reflex reactions associated with irritation of sensitive nerve endings. Irritation of the receptors of the skin or mucous membranes stimulates the formation and release of endogenous biologically active substances (peptides, kinins, etc.) involved in the regulation of pain, vascular permeability and other processes, providing an analgesic, distracting and antipruritic effect.

Antiseptic activity is a consequence of indiscriminate action on microbial cells. Annoying (distracting) effect helps to reduce pain. Local action is accompanied by a narrowing of the vessels, a sensation of cold, resulting in mild burning and tingling. Skin-visceral reflexes (reflex arc does not affect the brain) improve trophism of tissues (respectively, the zones of innervation). Reflexively changes the tone of vessels both superficial and deep located in tissues and internal organs. Irritating the receptors of the oral mucosa, causes the expansion of spasmodic coronary vessels. It is possible to use with migraine - lubricating the skin of the temples with menthol pencil. With systemic action lowers blood pressure and has a calming effect on the central nervous system. After absorption, biotransformed in the liver and excreted in the urine and bile in the form of glucuronides.

Menthol is an integral part of a number of combined ready-made medicines.

Application of the substance Racementhol

Inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis), neuralgia, myalgia, arthralgia, itching dermatosis.


Hypersensitivity, violation of the integrity of the skin, inflammatory skin diseases at the site of the intended application; early childhood (to lubricate the nasopharynx) - possible reflex respiratory depression, up to a stop, and collapse.

Side effects of Racementhol

Allergic reactions, contact dermatitis (with external application).

Routes of administration

External, inhalation, intranasal.

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