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Instruction for use: Oxytocin-Richter

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Active substance: Oxytocin


For the initiation and stimulation of labor (primary and secondary weakness of labor, the need for early delivery in connection with gestosis, rhesus-conflict, intrauterine fetal death, a delayed pregnancy, premature discharge of amniotic fluid). For prophylaxis and treatment of hypotonic uterine bleeding after abortion (including for long periods of pregnancy), in the early postpartum period and to accelerate postpartum involution of the uterus; To enhance the contractile capacity of the uterus in cesarean section (after removal of the afterbirth). Hypolactation in the postpartum period. Painful premenstrual syndrome, accompanied by swelling, weight gain.


Hypersensitivity, narrow pelvis (anatomical and clinical), transverse and oblique position of the fetus, facial presentation of the fetus, premature birth, threatening rupture of the uterus, conditions with a predisposition to rupture of the uterus (including traumatic births and cesarean section in the anamnesis), excessive stretching of the uterus, uterus After multiple births, partial placenta previa, uterine sepsis, invasive cervical carcinoma, uterine hypertension (not due to delivery), fetal compression, arterial hypertension, chronic disease failure-lingual.

pregnancy and lactation

The action category for fetus by FDA is X.

Side effects

Nausea, vomiting, arrhythmia (including the fetus), bradycardia (in the mother and fetus), increased blood pressure and subarachnoid bleeding or lowering of blood pressure and shock, water retention (with prolonged IV), allergic reactions, bronchospasm; Neonatal jaundice, a decrease in the fibrinogen concentration in the fetus.

Precautionary measures

According to the testimony associated with childbirth, it is used only under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital setting under the control of the contractile activity of the uterus, fetal condition, blood pressure and the general condition of the woman.

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