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Instruction for use: Mometasone + [Heparin Sodium] (Mometasonum + Heparinum natrium)

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Pharmacological group

Glucocorticosteroids in combinations

Anticoagulants in combination

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

L29 Itching

Itching with partial obstruction of the biliary tract, Dermatitis itchy, Dermatosis with persistent itching, Other itching dermatoses, Itching dermatoses, Itching allergic dermatosis, Itching dermatitis, Itching itch, Excruciating itching, Severe itching, Endogenous itching, Skin itching with dermatosis, Limited itching dermatitis, Itching of the skin, Itchy scalp, Itching eczema

L30.9 Dermatitis, unspecified

Allergic dermatoses complicated by a secondary bacterial infection, Anal eczema, Bacterial maturation, Varicose Eczema, Venous dermatitis, Inflammation of the skin, Inflammation of the skin upon contact with plants, Inflammatory Skin Diseases, Inflammatory skin reactions, Inflammatory processes of the skin, Hypostatic dermatitis, Fungal Eczema, Fungal dermatosis, Dermatitis, Dermatitis is stagnant, Dermatitis and eczema in the anal area, Dermatitis acute contact, Perianal dermatitis, Dermatosis, Dermatosis of the scalp, Dermatosis of psoriasis, Dermatosis with persistent itching, Dermatoses, Dermatoses itchy, Other itching dermatoses, Significant eczematous manifestations, Itching with, dermatoses, Itching eczema, True eczema, Skin reaction to insect bites,Skin itching with dermatosis, Constitutional eczema, Weeping eczema, Drowsing inflammatory skin disease, Dying Infectious-Inflammatory Skin Disease, Non-allergic dermatitis, Nummular eczema, Acute contact eczema, Acute inflammatory skin disease, Acute dermatosis, Acute severe dermatosis, Perianal dermatitis, Superficial dermatosis, Subacute Contact Eczema, Simple dermatitis, Occupational dermatitis, Psychogenic dermatosis, Bubble dermatitis of newborns, Pustular eruptions, Irritation and redness of the skin, Low-flammable eczema, Dry atrophic eczema, Dry eczema, Toxic dermatitis, Ear eczema like dermatitis, Chronic eczema, Chronic dermatosis, Chronic common dermatosis, Scaly papular dermatosis, Eczema, Eczema anal region, Eczema of the hands, Eczema Contact, Eczema lichenized, Eczema Nummular, Eczema acute, Eczema acute contact, Eczema subacute, Eczematous dermatitis, Eczema-like rashes, Ecome exogenous, Endogenous eczema, Gluteal dermatitis, Restricted itchy dermatitis

Characteristics of substances Mometasone + [Sodium Heparin]

Combination of GCS (glucocorticosteroids) and direct anticoagulant for topical application.


Pharmacological action - anticoagulant, improves microcirculation, glucocorticoid.


Mometasone furoate - GCS for topical application. Has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antipruritic and antiexudative action. It inhibits the release of inflammatory mediators. Increases the production of lipocortin, which is an inhibitor of phospholipase A2, which causes inhibition of the release of arachidonic acid. It prevents the accumulation of neutrophils, which reduces inflammatory exudation and production of cytokines, inhibits the migration of macrophages, leads to a decrease in the processes of infiltration and granulation. Reduces inflammation by reducing the formation of the chemotaxis substance (effect on late allergy reactions), inhibits the development of an immediate allergic reaction (due to inhibition of the production of arachidonic acid metabolites and a decrease in the release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells).

Heparin is an anticoagulant of direct action, it has anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, anti-edematous and analgesic effect. Reduces platelet aggregation, binds to antithrombin III, preventing the transition of prothrombin to thrombin. Inhibits thrombin activity. Reduces the activity of hyaluronidase, increases the fibrinolytic properties of the blood. Heparin improves microcirculation and activates tissue metabolism, thereby accelerating the processes of resorption of hematomas and thrombi, ultimately restoring the permeability of veins, clinically it is accompanied by a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.


Absorption of a combination in the form of a cream is insignificant. After 8 hours after application on intact skin (without occlusive dressing) 0.4% mometasone is found in the systemic circulation.

An insignificant amount of heparin is absorbed from the surface of the skin into the systemic bloodstream. Cmax of heparin in the blood is noted 8 hours after the application. The elimination of heparin mainly occurs through the kidneys, T1 / 2 - 12 hours.

use of Mometasone + [Sodium Heparin]

Inflammation and itching in dermatoses that respond to glucocorticosteroid therapy.


Hypersensitivity to combination components or GCS; Pink acne, perioral dermatitis; Bacterial, viral (herpes virus, varicella), fungal skin infection; Tuberculosis, syphilis; Postvaccinal reactions; Pregnancy (treatment of extensive skin areas, long-term treatment); The period of breastfeeding (use in large doses and / or for a long time); Children's age till 18 years.

Restrictions for use

Applying to the face skin and intertriginous skin surface; Application of occlusive dressings; Application on large areas of the skin and / or for a long time; Long-term therapy with SCS of systemic action.

pregnancy and lactation

The safety of applying the combination in the form of a cream for external use during pregnancy and lactation has not been studied. GCS penetrate the placental barrier. It is necessary to avoid long-term treatment and use of large doses of drugs during pregnancy in connection with the threat of adverse effects on fetal development.

GCS is excreted in breast milk. In the event that the use of GCS is expected in large doses and / or for a long time, breastfeeding should be stopped.

Side effects

Local reactions: burning, itching, paresthesia, skin irritation, dry skin, papules, pustules, folliculitis, acne, skin atrophy, hypertrichosis, hypopigmentation, perioral dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, skin maceration, secondary infection, striae, sweating.

When external forms of SCS are used for a long time and / or for the treatment of large areas of the skin (the total area of application is larger than the palm of the patient) or with the use of occlusive dressings, side effects typical for SCS of systemic action, including adrenal insufficiency and Isenko- Cushing's.


Not studied.


Symptoms: oppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, including secondary adrenal insufficiency.

Treatment: symptomatic, if necessary - correction of electrolyte imbalance, abolishment of drugs (drug) (with prolonged therapy - gradual cancellation).

Routes of administration



When applied to large areas of the skin for a long time, especially when using occlusive dressings, systemic absorption of GCS and the development of systemic action of GCS are possible. With this in mind, patients should be observed with signs of suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system and the development of the Itenko-Cushing syndrome.

During the period of treatment it is recommended to regularly monitor the function of the adrenal glands. If side effects occur, treatment should be discontinued and symptomatic therapy should be prescribed. When joining a secondary infection - antimicrobial therapy.

Avoid contact with the eyes.

It should be borne in mind that the GCS is able to change the manifestations of certain skin diseases, which can make it difficult to diagnose. In addition, the use of GCS may be a cause of delayed wound healing.

With prolonged therapy with SCS, sudden discontinuation of therapy can lead to the development of a rebound syndrome, manifested in the form of dermatitis with intense reddening of the skin and a burning sensation. Therefore, after a long course of treatment, cancellation should be done gradually, for example by switching to an intermittent treatment regimen before it is completely discontinued.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms. Does not affect the ability to drive and other mechanisms.

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