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Active substance Betamethasone + Gentamycin

ATX code D07CC01 Betamethasone in combination with antimicrobials

Pharmacological group

Glucocorticosteroids in combinations

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

L08.0 Pyoderma

Festering atheroma, Pustular dermatoses, Pustular skin lesions, Purulent allergic dermatopathies, Purulent skin infections, Infected atheroma, Mycosis complicated by secondary pyoderma, Ostiophalliculitis, Piodermatitis, Pyoderma ,Superficial pyoderma, Sycosis of Staphylococcus aureus, Staphyloderma, Streptodermia, Streptophiloderma, Chronic pyoderma

L20 Atopic dermatitis

Itchy atopic eczema, Common neurodermatitis, Allergic skin diseases, Allergic skin diseases of non-infectious etiology, Allergic skin diseases of non-microbial etiology, Allergic skin diseases, Allergic skin lesions, Allergic manifestations on the skin, Allergic dermatitis, Allergic diathesis, Allergic itching dermatosis, Allergic Skin Disease, Allergic skin irritation, Dermatitis allergic, Atopic dermatitis, Dermatosis allergic, Diathesis exudative, Skin Allergic Disease, Skin allergic reaction to medicinal and chemical preparations, Skin reaction to medication, Skin and allergic disease, Acute eczema, Chronic atopic dermatitis, Exudative diathesis, Itching allergic dermatosis

L21 Seborrheic dermatitis

Dermatitis seborrheic, Increased sebum separation, Seborrheic Eczema, Seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, Seborrheic pyodermatitis, Seborrhea, Eczema seborrheic

L23 Allergic contact dermatitis

Allergic dermatitis, Purulent allergic dermatopathies, Contact allergic reaction, Contact allergic dermatitis, Photoallergic contact dermatitis

L25 Contact dermatitis, unspecified

Intertriginous dermatitis, Contact Eczema, Contact dermatitis, Contact dermatitis of non-microbial etiology, Contact dermatitis, Skin wetting surface, Fractures, Intertrigo,Skin Difficulty, Subacute and chronic contact dermatitis, Phlebotoderma, Simple contact dermatitis complicated by impetigo

L30.4 Erythematous intertrigo

Erythema of the buttocks, Dermatitis traumatic, Intertrigo, Interdigital intertrigo

L30.9 Dermatitis, unspecified

Allergic dermatoses complicated by a secondary bacterial infection, Anal eczema, Bacterial maturation, Varicose Eczema, Venous dermatitis, Inflammation of the skin, Inflammation of the skin upon contact with plants, Inflammatory Skin Diseases, Inflammatory skin reactions, Inflammatory processes of the skin, Hypostatic dermatitis, Fungal Eczema, Fungal dermatosis, Dermatitis, Dermatitis is stagnant, Dermatitis and eczema in the anal area, Dermatitis acute contact, Perianal dermatitis, Dermatosis, Dermatosis of the scalp, Dermatosis of psoriasis, Dermatosis with persistent itching, Dermatoses, Dermatoses itchy, Other itching dermatoses, Significant eczematous manifestations, Itching with, dermatoses, Itching eczema, True eczema, Skin reaction to insect bites,Skin itching with dermatosis, Constitutional eczema, Weeping eczema, Drowsing inflammatory skin disease, Dying Infectious-Inflammatory Skin Disease, Non-allergic dermatitis, Nummular eczema, Acute contact eczema, Acute inflammatory skin disease, Acute dermatosis, Acute severe dermatosis, Perianal dermatitis, Superficial dermatosis, Subacute Contact Eczema, Simple dermatitis, Occupational dermatitis, Psychogenic dermatosis, Bubble dermatitis of newborns, Pustular eruptions, Irritation and redness of the skin, Low-flammable eczema, Dry atrophic eczema, Dry eczema, Toxic dermatitis, Ear eczema like dermatitis, Chronic eczema, Chronic dermatosis, Chronic common dermatosis, Scaly papular dermatosis, Eczema, Eczema anal region, Eczema of the hands, Eczema Contact, Eczema lichenized, Eczema Nummular, Eczema acute, Eczema acute contact, Eczema subacute, Eczematous dermatitis, Eczema-like rashes, Ecome exogenous, Endogenous eczema, Gluteal dermatitis, Restricted itchy dermatitis

Composition and form of release

1 g of cream or ointment contains betamethasone dipropionate 0.64 mg and gentamicin in the form of sulfate 1000 IU (international unit); In tubes of 15 grams, in a box of 1 tuba.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacological action - anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiallergic, antipruritic.

Betamethasone (glucocorticoid) narrows the vessels of the skin, reduces vascular permeability, prevents the activation of lysosomes. Gentamicin disrupts the permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane of microbes, causing a bactericidal effect.


Piodermatitis (simple, atopic, seborrheic, intrigue, hypostatic), purulent allergic dermatopathy (eczema, constitutional neurodermatitis).


Hypersensitivity, skin tuberculosis, cutaneous manifestations of syphilis, skin reactions after vaccination.

Side effects

Itching, sweating, acne, folliculitis, hypertrichosis, striae, atrophy of the skin.

Dosing and Administration

Outer, apply, gently rubbing, on the affected skin 2 times a day.

Precautionary measures

When applied to large surfaces of the skin (or in large amounts), it is possible to display systemic effects of corticosteroids. Be wary of children. Care should be given to the need for occlusive dressings. Do not allow the drug to enter the mucous membranes. In fungal and secondary bacterial infections, concomitant therapy is required.

storage Conditions

At a temperature not higher than 25 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life

3 years.

Do not use after the expiry date printed on the package.

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