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Instruction for use: Folic acid

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Trade name of the drug – Folic acid, 9 months Folic acid, Folacin, Folic acid forte, Mamifol, Folic Acid Tablets 0.001 grams

The Latin name of the substance Folic acid

Acidum folicum (genus. Acidi folici)

Chemical name

N- [4 - [[(2-Amino-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-6-pteridinyl) methyl] amino] benzoyl] -L-glutamic acid (and as sodium salt)

Gross formula


Pharmacological group:

Vitamins and vitamin-like remedies

The nosological classification (ICD-10)

A18.3 Tuberculosis of the intestine, peritoneum and mesenteric lymph nodes: Tuberculosis of the intestine; Tuberculosis of the gastrointestinal tract

D52 Folic deficiency anemia: Folate deficiency anemia; Combined iron-folic-B12-deficient anemia; Macrocytic anemia; Iron / folic deficiency anemia

D59.0 Drug-induced autoimmune hemolytic anemia: Drug anemia

D59.2 Drug-induced non-autoimmune hemolytic anemia: Drug anemia

D72.8.0 * Leukopenia: Autoimmune neutropenia; Congenital neutropenia; Granulocytopenia; Idiopathic and drug-induced leukopenia; Idiopathic neutropenia; Leukopenia aplastic; Leukopenia radiation; Leukopenia with radiation therapy; Radiation leukopenia; Hereditary neutropenia; Neutropenia in patients with AIDS; Periodic neutropenia; Radiation leukopenia; Persistent neutropenia; Febrile neutropenia; Two-stage cytopenia; Radiation cytopenia; Neutropenia is cyclic

E53.8.0 * Vitamin deficiency: Hypovitaminosis; Deficiency of iron and folic acid in pregnancy; Deficiency of folic acid; An additional source of folic acid during pregnancy; Folate deficiency; Increased need for folic acid; Folinic hypovitaminosis

K52 Other non-infectious gastroenteritis and colitis: Syndrome of senile intestine; Sigmoiditis; Non-infectious gastroenteritis; Gastroenterocolitis; Colitis; Colitis nondiscriptional; Colitis noninfectious; Colitis chronic; Colitis chronic non-infectious; Local enteritis; Non-infectious sigmoiditis; Chronic inflammatory diseases of the large intestine; Chronic inflammatory diseases of the small intestine; Chronic enterocolitis; Chronic atrophic gastroenteritis; Chronic gastroenteritis; Chronic colitis; Chronic enterocolitis; Enteritis; Enteritis non-infectious; Enterocolitis chronic non-infectious; Disease of the large intestine

K90.0 Celiac disease: Gluten deficiency disease; Spruce non-tropical; Spru European; Celiac Diseases of Adults; Idiopathic steatorrhoea; Gliensensitivity celiac disease; Celiac disease in adults; Celiac disease in infants

K90.1 Tropical Sprue: Sprue

O25 Malnutrition in pregnancy: Hypovitaminosis during pregnancy; Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in pregnancy; Deficiency of iron and folic acid in pregnancy; Iron deficiency in women during pregnancy; Iodine deficiency in pregnancy; Iodine deficiency in lactating women; Calcium deficiency in the mother's body; Calcium deficiency in pregnant women; Mineral deficiency during pregnancy; An additional source of folic acid during pregnancy; Correction of calcium metabolism disorders during pregnancy; Lack of iron during pregnancy and lactation; Pregnancy Period; Breastfeeding period; Increased need for vitamin B1 in pregnancy

CAS Code


Characteristics of the substance Folic acid

Yellow or yellowish orange crystalline powder. Virtually nerastvorim in water and alcohol, easily soluble in alkalis. Hygroscopic. Decays in the light.


Mode action - Replenishing deficiency of folic acid, hematopoietic.

In the body it is converted into tetrahydrofolic acid, which is necessary for the maturation of megaloblasts and their transformation into normoblasts. With its deficiency, a megaloblastic type of hematopoiesis develops. It occupies an important place in the exchange of purines and pyrimidines, the synthesis of nucleic acids, the metabolism of amino acids (glycine, methionine and histidine). After ingestion, folic acid, connecting in the stomach with an internal factor of Kastla (a specific glycoprotein), is absorbed in the upper part of the duodenum. Almost completely binds to plasma proteins. It is activated in the liver by the action of the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase, turning into tetrahydrofolic acid. Cmax in the blood is reached after 30-60 minutes. Excreted by the kidneys both in unchanged form and in the form of metabolites.

Application of the substance Folic acid

Megaloblastic anemia, caused by a deficiency of folic acid; Tropical and non-tropical sprue, drug and radiation anemia and leukopenia, chronic gastroenteritis, intestinal tuberculosis, folic acid deficiency, incl. With malnutrition, pregnancy, infancy and childhood.



Side effects of the substance Folic acid

Allergic reactions: bronchospasm, erythema, fever, skin rashes.


Joint use with analgesics, anticonvulsant drugs, antacids, colestyramine, sulfonamides, antibiotics, cytostatics reduces the effect.

Routes of administration


Precautions for the substance Folic acid

Folic acid is not used for treatment of B12-deficient (pernicious), normocytic and aplastic anemia. With pernicious anemia, folic acid, improving hematological parameters, masks neurological manifestations. While pernicious anemia is not ruled out, administration of folic acid in doses exceeding 0.1 mg / day is not recommended.

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