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Instruction for use: Ferric polyacrylate

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Trade name of the drug – Ferrum polyacrilate, Feracryl

The Latin name of the substance Ferric polyacrylate

Ferri polyacrylas (genus. Ferri polyacrylatis)

Chemical name

Incomplete iron salt of polyacrylic acid

Pharmacological group:

Coagulants (including coagulation factors), hemostatics

The nosological classification (ICD-10)

T14.0 Superficial injury of unspecified area of the body: Abrasions; Scratch; Skin Wounds; Wounds of soft tissues; Hematoma; Hematoma of traumatic origin; Hematomas; Hematomas of muscles; Hematomas of soft tissues; Healing of the skin; Bruise; Bruising due to sprains and bruises; Microtrauma; External bruises; Small combing; Superficial hematoma; Superficial damage to the skin and mucous membranes; Subcutaneous hematoma; Post-traumatic hematoma; Post-traumatic disturbance of microcirculation; Skinness of the skin; Traumatic plexus lesions; Injury; Contusion of soft tissues; Joint bruise; Traumatic bruises; Traumatic injury; Primary treatment of surface contaminated wounds; Abrasion; Bruise

T14.1 Open wound of unspecified body region: Secondary healing processes; Sluggishly granulating wounds; Sluggishly healing wounds; Sluggish wounds; Deep Wounds; Purulent wound; Granulating wounds; Prolonged non-healing wound; Long-lasting non-healing wound and ulcer; Long-lasting non-healing soft tissue wound; Healing of wounds; Wound healing; Capillary bleeding from superficial wounds; Bleeding wound; Radiation Wounds; Slowly epithelializing wounds; Minor cuts; Suppurated wounds; Violation of wound healing processes; Breach of skin integrity; Violations of the integrity of the skin; Violations of the integrity of the skin; Small cuts; Uninfected wounds; Uncomplicated wounds; Operating wound; Primary treatment of surface contaminated wounds; Primary wound treatment; Primary-delayed treatment of wounds; Poorly cicatrizing wound; Poor wound healing; Bad wound; Superficial injury; Superficial wound with mild exudation; Wound; The wound is large; Bite wound; Wound process; Wounds; Wound healing wounds; Stump Wounds; Wounds for gunshot; Wounds with deep cavities; Difficult healing wounds; Difficult wounds; Chronic Wounds

Characteristics of substance Ferric polyacrylate

Fragile glassy plates from yellow to dark brown in color, odorless. Difficult and slowly soluble in water after swelling, almost insoluble in ethanol, ether, chloroform.


Mode action - hemostatic, antimicrobial.

Forms an insoluble clot with blood proteins (primarily albumin) and has a local hemostatic effect. Bleeding from small vessels stops after 1-2 minutes.

It has a local anesthetic effect and antibacterial activity against a number of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.

Application of substance Ferric polyacrylate

Superficial wounds, incl. Cuts, abrasions, scratches and other skin damages; Surgical interventions with cuts of skin of small length or multiple incisions of small sizes.



Side effects of the substance Ferric polyacrylate

Allergic reactions, burning, itching.


Incompatible with aminocaproic acid (cannot be used at the same time).

Routes of administration


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