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Instruction for use: Epigen intim

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Active substance Ammonium glycyrrhizinate

ATX code D06BB Antiviral drugs

Pharmacological group

Antiviral drugs (other than HIV)

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

A60 Anogenital herpetic viral infection [herpes simplex

Herpes simplex genitalis, Banal recurrent genital herpes, Secondary genital herpes, Genital herpesvirus infection, Genital herpetic infections, Genital herpes, Herpes genitalia, Genital herpes, Herpes simplex organs, Herpetic lesions of the mucocutaneous urinary organs, Herpetic lesions of the genitals, Primary genital herpes, Primary herpes simplex, Simple herpes extragenital and genital localization, Recurrent genital herpes, Recurrent herpes of genital organs, Herpes of the lips and genitals

A63.0 Anogenital (venereal) warts

Anogenital warts, Venereal warts, Condylomata genital, Condyloma pointed, Externally pointed genital warts, Externally pointed condyloma, Pointed Condyloma, Flat condyloma

B00 Infections caused by the herpes simplex virus [herpes simplex]

Herpes simplex, Herpes virus, Herpes simplex virus, Herpes simplex virus type I and II, HSV, Herpes, Herpes simplex / herpes simplex /, Herpes lips, Herpes simplex, Herpes in patients with immunodeficiency, Labial herpes, Acute herpetic disease of the mucous membranes, Herpes simplex skin and mucous membranes, Herpes simplex with skin and mucous membrane damage, Recurrent herpes, Urogenital herpetic infection, Chronic recurrent herpesvirus infection, Herpes-viral infections of various localizations

B02 Shingles [herpes zoster]

Herpes zoster, Shingles Herpes, Localized shingles, Infection caused by the herpes zoster virus, Shingles

B25.9 Cytomegalovirus, unspecified

CMV ,CMV infection, Cytomegalovirus infection

B37.3 Candidiasis of the vulva and vagina (N77.1 *)

Vaginal candidiasis,Vaginal candidiasis, Vulval candidiasis, Vulvovaginal candidiasis, Vulvovaginal candidiasis, Vulvovaginitis candidiasis, Mycotic vulvovaginitis, Fungal vaginitis, Candidiasis of the vagina, Candidiasis of internal organs, Candidiasis of the urogenital, Candidiasis of the urogenital organs in women, Candidiasis with lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, Candidiasis of mucous membranes, Candidiasis of mucous membranes and skin, Candidiasis of the vaginitis, Candidiasis vulvitis, Candidiasis vulvovaginitis, Colpitis of fungal etiology, Vaginal yeast infection, Moniliasis vulvovaginitis, Acute vaginal candidiasis, Acute mycosis of the vagina, Superficial candidiasis of the genital mucosa, Recurrent vaginal candidiasis, Recurrent vaginal candidiasis, Urogenital Candidiasis, Chronic vaginal candidiasis, Chronic candidiasis of mucous membranes, Chronic recurrent vaginal candidiasis

B97.7 Papillomavirus

Human papillomavirus, Asymptomatic selection of human papillomavirus, Papillomavirus infection, The papilloma virus, Upper respiratory tract papillomatosis, Papillomovirus infection, Human papillomaviruses

L29.2 Itching of the vulva

Itching of the vagina, Itching of the vulva, Itching in the vagina, Itching of the sex organs

L29.3 Anogenital pruritus, unspecified

Itching in the genital and anus, Anal itching, Anogenital itching, Genital itching, Anogenital itching, Itching of the anorectal region, Itching of the vulva, Itching of the genitals, Perianal dermatitis

N76 Other inflammatory diseases of the vagina and vulva

Atrofic vulvovaginitis, Vulvovaginitis bacterial, Vulvovaginitis estrogen-deficient, Bacterial vaginosis, Vaginitis, Vaginitis bacterial, Inflammatory diseases of the vagina and vulva, Inflammatory diseases of female genitalia, Inflammatory diseases of female genital organs, Vulvit, Vulvovaginitis, Gardnerella, Fungal vulvovaginitis in girls and virgins, Infection of the vagina, Infection of the genitals, Colpitis, Violation of purity of the vaginal secretion, Nonspecific cervicovaginitis, Nonspecific vulvitis, Nonspecific vulvovaginitis, Nonspecific colpitis, Recurrent nonspecific bacterial vaginosis, Senylic coverings, Mixed Colpus, Chronic vaginitis, Vulvovaginal infections, Bacterial vaginitis, Mixed vaginal infections


Spray for topical and topical use 100 ml

active substance:

glycyrrhizic acid is activated (equivalent to ammonium glycyrrhizinate) 0.1 g

excipients: malic acid; fumaric acid; ascorbic acid; folic acid; propylene glycol; Tween 80 (polysorbate 80); purified water

Description of dosage form

The solution is from light yellow to light brown, having a characteristic odor.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacological action - antiviral, immunostimulating, antipruritic, regenerative, anti-inflammatory local.


The active substance of the drug Epigen Intim is activated glycyrrhizic acid, obtained by extraction from plant raw materials (licorice root).

Activated glycyrrhizic acid has a complex effect, including immunostimulating, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and regenerative.

Activated glycyrrhizic acid induces the production of intrinsic interferons.

Immunostimulating effect is manifested by an increase in the number and activity of T-lymphocytes, a decrease in the concentration of IgG and an increase in the concentration of IgA and IgM.

Activated glycyrrhizic acid has an antiviral effect on different types of DNA and RNA viruses in vitro and in vivo (Varicella zoster, herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, CMV, various types of human papillomavirus, including oncogenic). Activated glycyrrhizic acid interrupts the replication of viruses in the early stages, causes the virion to leave the capsid, thereby preventing its entry into the cells. Activated glycyrrhizic acid inactivates these viruses in non-toxic concentrations for normally functioning cells. Mutant strains of viruses resistant to acyclovir and iodoridine are also highly sensitive to glycyrrhizic acid, as well as non-mutant strains.

The anti-inflammatory activity of activated glycyrrhizic acid is combined with a stimulating effect on the humoral and cellular immunity factors. Activated glycyrrhizic acid significantly inhibits the release of kinins and the synthesis of PG cells of connective tissue in the area of inflammation. Regenerating effect is due to improved skin and mucosal repair.


With external and local application, activated glycyrrhizic acid is deposited in the lesions. Systemic absorption is slow. The drug is found in the blood in trace amounts.


treatment of a viral infection caused by the human papillomavirus, incl. asymptomatic isolation of human papillomavirus of high oncogenic risk, as part of combined and complex therapy;

treatment of a viral infection caused by herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 as part of complex therapy;

treatment of a viral infection caused by the Varicella Zoster virus (shingles) as part of complex therapy;

treatment of viral infection caused by cytomegalovirus, as part of complex therapy;

prevention of recurrence of viral infections caused by herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, Varicella Zoster virus, human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus;

prevention and treatment of genital warts and cervical pathology caused by human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus;

prevention and treatment of conditions accompanied by a decrease in local immunity, incl. nonspecific vulvovaginitis, candidiasis vulvovaginitis and bacterial vaginosis, as part of complex therapy;

phenomena of discomfort in the genital area, accompanied by itching, burning and dryness, incl. after intercourse;

discomfort in the genital area, accompanied by itching, burning and dryness of the mucous membranes, with ovarian failure.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

pregnancy and lactation

The drug is approved for use throughout the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Side effects

Individual intolerance of the drug components is possible.

In rare cases, local allergic reactions are possible, incl. in the form of contact dermatitis.


There was no interaction with the main groups of drugs used for complex treatment for these diseases (antibiotics and antiseptics, anti-inflammatory and analgesics).

Synergism was detected with the simultaneous use of activated glycyrrhizic acid and other antiviral substances, in particular derivatives of acyclovir, iodoridine, interferon and other immunomodulators.

Dosing and Administration

Outer, intravaginal, intraurethral.

Before use, shake the can. When using the balloon, keep it in a vertical position. When applied externally, the drug is applied to the entire affected surface of the skin from a distance of 4-5 cm 1-2 pressures of the valve, which is the optimal therapeutic dose.

For intravaginal application of the drug is attached a special nozzle with a nebulizer. Remove the valve from the spray bottle and attach the nozzle valve. Then attach the nozzle to the vagina and make an injection by 1-2 clicks of the nozzle, which is the optimal therapeutic dose.

When used by men, in addition to external application, the drug is injected into the external opening of the urethra by 1-2 pressures of the valve of the atomizer.

With herpesvirus infection type 1, shingles, the drug is recommended to be applied 6 times a day, on the lesion, for 5 days. If the infectious process persists, the treatment period is prolonged until the symptoms disappear completely.

For herpesvirus infection type 2 (genital herpes), CMV infection is recommended to be applied 5 times a day for 14 days externally and intravaginally, after relapse relief - externally and intravaginally 3 times a day, for 10 days.

In order to prevent recurrence of genital herpes and CMV infection, the drug is recommended to be applied externally and intravaginally from the 18th to the 20th day of the menstrual cycle until the end of menstruation, 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening.

In the case of papillomavirus infection, the drug is recommended for use:

- until the removal of genital warts - 3 times a day during the entire period of etiotropic therapy;

- against the background of destruction - 5 times a day for 10 days and more until complete healing;

- to prevent immediate relapse 3 times a day for 1 month.

To prevent the progression of papillomavirus infection, it is recommended to apply before and after intercourse, as well as in case of provoking factors (stress, fatigue, respiratory viral infections, microflora, antibiotics, cytotoxic agents) 3 times a day intravaginally and externally during the period of exposure to provoking factors.

With bacterial vaginosis, nonspecific vulvovaginitis and vulvovaginal candidiasis, the drug is recommended to be administered intravaginally 3-4 times a day for 7-10 days. If necessary, repeat treatment after 10 days. When there are provoking factors (respiratory viral infections, antibiotics, cytotoxic drugs) - 3 times a day intravaginally and externally during the entire period of exposure to provoking factors.

In cases of discomfort in the genital area, accompanied by itching, burning and dryness of the mucous membranes, 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 2-3 weeks. To prevent conditions of discomfort, use regularly after intercourse.

As a preventive antiviral drug is recommended to use the drug before and after sexual intercourse.

special instructions

The nozzle is washed with boiled water and soap and stored in the attached PE packaging.

The design of the nozzle allows you to maintain the effect of uniform irrigation of the cervix and vaginal walls.

For use in hospital settings, intravaginal irrigation with a drug in mirrors can be performed without a nozzle.

For effective action, no preliminary washing of the application site is required.

In case of signs of intolerance, stop using the drug.

Form of issue

Spray for local and external use, 0.1%. For 15 and 60 ml in a plastic bottle with a nebulizer. The cylinder is packed in PVC film (control of the first opening). Each cylinder, together with a spray nozzle for intravaginal use, is packaged in a cardboard box.

For 15 ml (free sample) in a plastic bottle with a nebulizer. Each cylinder, together with a spray nozzle for intravaginal use, is packaged in a cardboard box.

Conditions of leave from pharmacies

Without recipe.

storage Conditions

At a temperature of 15-30 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life

3 years.

Do not use after the expiry date printed on the package.

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