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Instruction for use: Endobulin

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Dosage form: Powder lyophilized for the preparation of solution for injection

Active substance: Immunoglobulinum humanum normale


J06BA Normal human immunoglobulin

Pharmacological groups:


The nosological classification (ICD-10)

B00-B09 Viral infections characterized by skin and mucous membrane damage: Viral infections of the skin and mucous membranes; Acute herpetic disease of the mucous membranes

D84.9 Unspecified Immunodeficiency: Pneumonia in immunodeficient states; Autoimmune disease; Autoimmune diseases; Severe immunodeficiency; immune deficiency; Immunodeficiency; immunodeficiency diseases; Immunodeficiency states due to surgery; Immunotherapy for cancer; Immunomodulation; Infections in patients with weakened immune systems; Correction of immune deficiency; Correction of immunodeficiencies; Correction of a weakened immune system; Correction of a weakened immunity in immunodeficient states; Violation of immunity; Violation of the immune status; Immune System Disorders; Primary immunodeficiency; Maintaining immunity; Lowering the body's defenses; Lowering the immunity; Lowering the immunity of colds and infectious diseases; The decrease of the immune status; Lowered resistance to infections; Lowered resistance to infections and colds; Lowered resistance; Immunosuppression; Predisposition to colds; acquired immune deficiencies; Radiation immunodeficiency; The development of immunodeficiency; Immune dysfunction syndrome; immunodeficiency syndrome; primary immunodeficiency syndrome; Reducing the body's defenses; Immunosuppression; Reduced immune defense; Reducing local immunity; Reducing the total body resistance; The decrease in cell-mediated immunity; Reduced resistance to infections in children; Reducing the body's resistance; Reduced resistance; reduced immunity; Status immunodeficiency; Stimulation of the processes of nonspecific immunity; Heavy selective secondary immunodeficiency; immunity Oppression; Primary immunodeficiency

J11 Influenza, virus not identified: Influenza; Influenza in the early stages of the disease; Influenza in children; cold in the chest; Begins flu-like condition; Acute disease parainfluenza; parainfluenza; parainfluenza state; influenza epidemics; The pains of the influenza

M30-M36 Systemic involvement of connective tissue: Collagenoses

Z29.1 Prophylactic immunotherapy: Vaccination against viral infections; donor Vaccination; Vaccination and revaccination; Vaccination of newborns; Vaccination against hepatitis B; Immunization; Correction of the immune status; Therapeutic and prophylactic immunization; Preventive immunization; Specific immunoprophylaxis; Stimulation of the processes of nonspecific immunit

Z54 recovery period: The recovery period; The recovery period after illness; Recovery; The recovery from the flu and colds; Recovery after illness; The lack of mineral salts in the period of convalescence; The period of recovery after illness; The period of recovery after illness and surgery; The period of recovery after a serious illness; The period of convalescence after illness; rehabilitation period; rekovalestsentsii period after infectious diseases; decubation; The period of convalescence after surgery and infectious diseases; The period of convalescence after prolonged infections; The period of convalescence after serious diseases; The period of convalescence after severe infections; Rehabilitation period; convalescent state; Convalescence after illness; Convalescence after infectious diseases; Convalescence after debilitating diseases; Convalescence after infectious diseases; Convalescence at an elevated blood loss; Status of convalescence after illness

Composition and release form

1 bottle contains lyophilized human IgG concentrate 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 7500 or 10,000 mg - complete with water for dissolution (10, 20, 50, 100, 150 and 200 ml vials respectively) and a set of dissolution supplies And administration. Total protein content 55 mg / ml, IgG - 50 mg / ml, sodium chloride 3 mg / ml, glucose 50 mg / ml. Does not contain preservatives.

Pharmachologic effect

Mode action - immunomodulating.

Indications for the preparation Endobulin

Immunodeficiency, autoimmune diseases, viral infections, adjuvant therapy of acute and chronic bacterial infections.



Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding


Side effects

Allergic reactions.

Dosing and Administration

IV (solution is prepared before use). Doses and intervals depend on the clinical picture.

Precautionary measures

Active immunization (vaccines against measles, mumps, rubella, etc.) can be used no earlier than six months later.

Storage conditions of the drug Endobulin

At a temperature of 2-8 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Endobulin

2 years.

Do not use after the expiry date printed on the package.

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