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Instruction for use: Dextran [average mw 35000-45000]

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Trade name of the drug – Rheopolyglukin; Dextran 40; Rheopolyglukin-40; Hemostabil; Rheopolydex; Rheopolyglukin-40-Eskom; Longasteril 40

The Latin name of the substance Dextran [average mw 35000-45000]

Dextranum 35000-45000 (genus. Dextrani 35000-45000)

Pharmacological group:

Substitutes for plasma and other blood components

Model clinical-pharmacological article 1

Pharmacological action. Low molecular weight dextran, reduces and prevents the aggregation of blood cells, promotes fluid movement from the tissues into the bloodstream. It increases the suspension properties of the blood, reduces its viscosity to help restore blood flow to the small capillaries, has a detoxification effect.

Pharmacokinetics. Report the news (for 24 hours up to 70%).

Indications. Prevention and treatment of traumatic, surgical and burn shock; violation of the arterial and venous blood flow, treatment and prevention of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, endarteritis; to be added to the perfusion fluid during heart operations conducted with the use of cardiopulmonary bypass; to improve local circulation in the vascular and plastic surgery; for detoxification with burns, peritonitis, pancreatitis. Diseases of the retina and optic nerve, corneal inflammation and choroid.

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity, thrombocytopenia, kidney disease anuric, chronic heart failure and other conditions in which undesirable to introduce large quantities of liquid.; deficiency fructose-1,6-difosfatazy, pulmonary edema, hyperkalemia.

Dosing. B / drip. The dose is determined individually, depending on the clinical situation and the patient's condition. Because of the possibility of anaphylactic reactions the first 10-20 minutes the drug is administered slowly.

For the prevention and treatment of disorders of capillary blood flow, associated with traumatic, and burn shock operational, used 400-1000 ml per day (for 30-60 min).

In surgical interventions on the heart and blood vessels are administered before surgery, 10 ml / kg during operation - 400-500 ml for 5-6 days after surgery, 10 ml / kg per administration.

Kids total dose should not exceed 15 ml / kg / day.

In cardiovascular operations administered to children aged 2-3 years at 10 ml / kg one time a day (for 60 minutes) to 8 years - 10.7 ml / kg (1-2 times per day), up to 13 years - 5-7 ml / kg (1-2 times a day), over 14 years - the dose for adults.

For detoxification injected 5-10 ml / kg within 60-90 min.

Side effect. Allergic reactions (skin redness, skin rash), nausea, fever, anaphylactic shock.

Interaction. It should be tested for compatibility with drugs, which are scheduled for introduction in the infusion solution.

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