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Instruction for use: Ankaferd Blood Stopper

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Dosage form: Napkins for medical use

Pharmacological group

Coagulants (including coagulation factors), hemostatics

The nosological classification (ICD-10)

R58 Bleeding, not elsewhere classified: Abdominal apoplexy; Hemorrhagia; Haemorrhage of the esophagus; Hemorrhage; Generalized bleeding; Diffuse bleeding; Diffuse bleeding; Prolonged bleeding; Blood loss; Blood loss during surgical interventions; Bleeding during surgery and in the postoperative period; Bleeding during labor; Bleeding and haemorrhage in hemophilia B; Bleeding from the gums; Bleeding intraoperative abdominal; Bleeding against a background of coumarin anticoagulants; Hepatic hepatitis; Bleeding in hemophilia A; Bleeding at hemophilia A; Bleeding with inhibitory forms of hemophilia A and B; Bleeding due to leukemia; Bleeding in patients with leukemia; Bleeding; Bleeding due to portal hypertension; Bleeding due to hyperfibrinolysis; Drug bleeding; Local bleeding; Local bleeding due to activation of fibrinolysis; Massive blood loss; Acute blood loss; Parenchymal hemorrhage; Hepatic bleeding; Postoperative hemorrhage; Kidney bleeding; Vascular-platelet hemostasis; Traumatic bleeding; Threatening bleeding; Chronic blood loss

T14.1 Open wound of unspecified body region: Secondary healing processes; Sluggishly granulating wounds; Sluggishly healing wounds; Sluggish wounds; Deep Wounds; Purulent wound; Granulating wounds; Prolonged non-healing wound; Long-lasting non-healing wound and ulcer; Long-lasting non-healing soft tissue wound; Healing of wounds; Wound healing; Capillary bleeding from superficial wounds; Bleeding wound; Radiation Wounds; Slowly epithelializing wounds; Minor cuts; Suppurated wounds; Violation of wound healing processes; Breach of skin integrity; Violations of the integrity of the skin; Violations of the integrity of the skin; Small cuts; Uninfected wounds; Uncomplicated wounds; Operating wound; Primary treatment of surface contaminated wounds; Primary wound treatment; Primary-delayed treatment of wounds; Poorly cicatrizing wound; Poor wound healing; Bad wound; Superficial injury; Superficial wound with mild exudation; Wound; The wound is large; Bite wound; Wound process; Wounds; Wound healing wounds; Stump Wounds; Wounds for gunshot; Wounds with deep cavities; Difficult healing wounds; Difficult wounds; Chronic Wounds

T81.0 Bleeding and hematoma complicating the procedure, not elsewhere classified: Bleeding in the postoperative period; Bleeding during transfusion; Bleeding during operations on the brain; Bleeding during surgical interventions; Bleeding after colorectal interventions; Bleeding after prostatectomy; Bleeding during surgery and in the postoperative period; Bleeding due to surgery on the prostate and urinary tract

Y60 Random cut, stab, perforation or bleeding when performing a surgical and therapeutic procedure

Z100 * CLASS XXII Surgical practice: Abdominal surgery; adenomectomy; Amputation; Coronary angioplasty; Angioplasty of the carotid arteries; Antiseptic skin treatment for wounds; Antiseptic Hand; Appendectomy; atherectomy; Balloon coronary angioplasty; Vaginal hysterectomy; The coronary bypass; Interventions in the vagina and cervix; Interventions on the bladder; Intervention in the mouth; Restoration and reconstructive surgery; Hand hygiene of medical personnel; Gynecologic surgery; Gynecological intervention; Gynecological surgery; Hypovolemic shock during operations; Disinfection of purulent wounds; Disinfection of wounds edges; Diagnostic intervention; Diagnostic procedures; Cervical Diathermocoagulation; Long-surgery; Replacing the fistula catheters; Infection in orthopedic surgery; Artificial heart valve; cystectomy; Short-term outpatient surgery; Short-term operation; Short surgical procedures; Krikotireotomiya; Blood loss during surgery; Bleeding during surgery and in the postoperative period; Kuldotsentez; laser photocoagulation; laser coagulation; retinal laser coagulation; Laparoscopy; Laparoscopy in Gynecology; CSF fistula; Small gynecological operations; Small surgical procedures; Mastectomy and subsequent plastic; mediastinotomy; Microsurgical operations on the ear; Mukogingivalnye operation; suturing; Minor surgery; neurosurgical operation; Immobilization of the eyeball in ophthalmic surgery; testectomy; pancreatectomy; Perikardektomiya; The period of rehabilitation after surgery; The period of convalescence after surgery; Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty; Pleural thoracentesis; Pneumonia postoperative and posttraumatic; Preparation for surgical procedures; Preparation for surgery; Preparation of the surgeon's hands before surgery; Preparation of the colon for surgical procedures; Postoperative aspiration pneumonia in neurosurgical and thoracic surgery; Postoperative nausea; Postoperative bleeding; postoperative granuloma; postoperative shock; The early postoperative period; myocardial revascularization; Radiectomy; gastric Resection; bowel resection; uterine Resection; liver Resection; enterectomy; Resection of part of the stomach; Reocclusion of the operated vessel; Bonding tissues during surgical procedures; Removal of sutures; Condition after eye surgery; Condition after surgery; Condition after surgery in the nasal cavity; Condition after gastrectomy; Status after resection of the small intestine; Condition after tonsillectomy; Condition after removal of the duodenum; Condition after phlebectomy; Vascular surgery; Splenectomy; Sterilization of surgical instruments; Sterilization of surgical instruments; sternotomy; Dental surgery; Dental intervention in periodontal tissues; strumectomy; Tonsillectomy; Thoracic surgery; Thoracic surgery; total gastrectomy; Transdermal intravascular coronary angioplasty; Transurethral resection; Turbinektomiya; Removal of a tooth; cataract surgery; Removal of cysts; tonsillectomy; Removal of fibroids; Removing the mobile primary teeth; Removing polyps; Removing broken tooth; Removal of the uterus body; Removal of sutures; Fistula likvoroprovodyaschih ways; Frontoetmoidogaymorotomiya; Surgical infection; Surgical treatment of chronic limb ulcers; Surgery; The surgery in the anal area; The surgery on the colon; Surgical practice; The surgical procedure; Surgical interventions; Surgery on the gastrointestinal tract; Surgical procedures on the urinary tract; Surgical procedures on the urinary system; Surgical intervention of the genitourinary system; Surgical procedures on the heart; Surgical manipulation; surgery; Surgery on the veins; Surgical intervention; Vascular surgery; Surgical treatment of thrombosis; Surgery; cholecystectomy; Partial gastric resection; hysterectomy; Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty; Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty; Coronary artery bypass; tooth Extirpation; Extirpation of milk teeth; pulpectomy; pulsative cardiopulmonary bypass; tooth Extraction; teeth Extraction; cataract extraction; Electrocoagulation; endourological intervention; episiotomy; Etmoidotomiya; Complications after tooth extraction

Composition and release form

Hemostatic means Ankaferd Blood Stopper

Topical solution 2 ml

Extract of the dried root of the nettle (urtica dioica) 0.12 mg

Extract of dry grapes cultural leaves (vitis vinifera) 0.16 mg

Extract of dry licorice leaf naked (glycyrrhiza glabra) 0.18 mg

Extract of dry leaves of alpinia officinalis (alpinia officinarum) 0.14 mg

Extract of dried shoots of thyme vulgaris (thymus vulgaris) 0.1 mg

In ampoules of 2 ml; In the package 24 bottles.

Spray hemostatic Ankaferd Blood Stopper

Spray for topical application 25 ml

Extract of the dried root of the nettle (urtica dioica) 1.5 mg

Extract of dry grapes cultural leaves (vitis vinifera) 2 mg

Extract of dry licorice leaves naked (glycyrrhiza glabra) 2.25 mg

Extract of dry leaves of alpinia officinalis (alpinia officinarum) 1.75 mg

Extract of dried shoots of thyme vulgaris (thymus vulgaris) 1.25 mg

In vials with a nebulizer at 5, 10, 25, 50 or 100 ml.

Hemostatic wipes Ankaferd Blood Stopper

Napkins for children 3 ml

Extract of the dried root of the nettle (urtica dioica) 0.18 mg

Extract of dry grapes cultural leaves (vitis vinifera) 0.24 mg

Extract of dry licorice leaves naked (glycyrrhiza glabra) 0.27 mg

Extract of dry leaves of alpinia officinalis (alpinia officinarum) 0.21 mg

Extract of dried shoots of thyme vulgaris (thymus vulgaris) 0.15 mg

In packages of 12 pcs. (Dimensions: 2.5 cm x 7 cm - 3 ml, 5 cm × 7.5 cm - 10 ml, 20 cm × 20 cm - 100 ml).

Pharmachologic effect

Mode of action - Hemostatic.


Ankaferd Blood Stopper is a hemostatic product that promotes the rapid formation of a network of coagulating structures in the blood. According to the results of hemostatic and biochemical tests, it is established that the formation of these structures is due to the interaction of the components of the product with proteins and fibrinogen of the blood. The haemostatic effect of the product is based on protein agglutination. The formation of coagulating structures occurs with the participation of blood cells.

Indication of the drug Hemostatic means Ankaferd Blood Stopper

Hemostatic means Ankaferd Blood Stopper

As an auxiliary hemostatic agent:

Bleeding during dental treatment (including operative) and in the following period;

Excruciating external bleeding, caused by Cracks in the mucous membrane.

Spray hemostatic Ankaferd Blood Stopper and hemostatic wipes Ankaferd Blood Stopper

As a hemostatic agent:

With surgical intervention;

With deep and superficial injuries (wounds and cuts).


Propensity to allergic reactions to any of the plant components of the product.

Side effects

There were no any side effects of Ankaferd Blood Stopper product. If you find such a convincing request to immediately notify the company LLC "Trade Medical Group".


Not found.

Dosing and Administration


Hemostatic agent Ankaferd Blood Stopper. Ankaferd Blood Stopper is applied with a pipette or spray to the bleeding site from a distance of 2-5 cm, until the bleeding ceases. At the end of the operation, it is possible to apply the drug with a tampon. The dose depends on the intensity of the bleeding. The use of the drug is continued until the bleeding is completely stopped; With repeated bleeding, the use of the drug can be resumed up to 2-3 times, until the bleeding stops.

Spray hemostatic Ankaferd Blood Stopper. The spray is sprayed to the bleeding site from a distance of 5-10 cm. The spray application should continue until the bleeding stops completely, and then seek help from the nearest medical facility. In the case of surgical intervention at the end of the operation, it is possible to apply additional spray to the operated site with a tampon. Duration and intensity of application is determined depending on the intensity of bleeding. The application of the spray is continued until the bleeding stops completely; With repeated bleeding, the use of the spray can be resumed up to 2-3 times, until the bleeding stops.

Hemostatic wipes Ankaferd Blood Stopper. After opening the package, apply a hemostatic napkin to the bleeding wound, ensuring direct contact of the napkin with the source of bleeding. Wait until the bleeding stops completely, and then seek help from the nearest medical institution. If necessary, the use of the napkin is allowed repeatedly, until the bleeding stops completely. Duration and intensity of application is determined depending on the intensity of bleeding. The application of the napkin is continued until the bleeding stops completely; With repeated bleeding, the use of the napkin can be resumed up to 2-3 times, until the bleeding stops. Each napkin is intended only for single use (re-use of the same napkin is not allowed).

Attention! Before using the drug, read the instructions carefully.

Special instructions

Use of an ankaferd Blood Stopper for injection is prohibited! Introduction of it directly into the bloodstream or IV is not allowed.

In parallel with the ongoing drug treatment, before using the product Ankaferd Blood Stopper, it is necessary to inform the treating doctor or pharmacist about the medications taken.

The Ankaferd Blood Stopper product can be used without restrictions for patients suffering from hemophilia, diabetes mellitus and hypertension.

The product Ankaferd Blood Stopper does not contain allergenic substances.

Storage conditions of the drug Ankaferd Blood Stopper

At a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C, in the original packaging.

Keep out of the reach of children.

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