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09 Dec 2016

Zonulin is the protein of group of gaptoglobin produced in a liver and tissues of an internal epithelium – is the main modulator of close albuminous bonds in intercellular space.

The increased concentration of zonulin in a blood plasma corresponds to hyperpermeability of digestive tract. Leakage on transport way allows antigens to get from internal medium that provokes immune reaction and the subsequent oxidative stress and an inflammation.


Probiotics bacteria is live microorganisms which presence positively influences microbiota and the general health of an organism owner.

In recent years therapy by a probiotics becomes especially popular. As a rule, main aims which are pursued by athletes at reception of similar additives – improvement of work of digestive tract and the general rising of immunity.

Probiotics: influence on health of the athlete

There are data confirming ability of probiotics to reduce the frequency and gravity of a course of respiratory diseases, and also to promote treatment of disorders of digestive tract at the trained athletes. Besides it became perceptible that reception of probiotics within 11 weeks promoted depression of level of antiinflammatory cytokines, and also rising of level of antioxidants in a blood plasma after 4 weeks of reception of pro-biotic additives.

Among the professional athletes doing sports on endurance (such as runners or triathletes), these or those disorders of ZhKT often meet. It is reported that these problems are bound to redistribution of a blood flow – from internals to sceletal musculation and heart. Exercises on endurance cause some reduction of a blood flow in internals, besides, during exercises mucosas of internals experience the raised thermal strain that often provokes the inflammatory answer.

The symptomatology of inflammatory process is expressed in nausea, vomiting, a diarrhea, cramps of a stomach and internals. Rising of permeability of walls of an intestine leads to an endotoxemia and the raised infectious and autoimmune diseases which arises against the background of absorption of pathogens and toxins in tissues and a blood stream. Thus, reception of probiotics is the good decision for depression of permeability of walls of an intestine at athletes during training process. Do not forget take Epifamin for better results.

Strong albuminous bonds are the main barrier on the paratsellyulyarny transport way. They shroud paratsellyulyarny space between cells of an epithelium and regulate the movement of liquids, macromolecules and leucocytes between a blood channel and a lumen between internals. These complex structures consist from more than 50 different types of proteins, and are the key factor defining degree of permeability of digestive tract .

Sinantropny and pro-biotic strains influence formation of close proteinaceous ties and can prevent or reduce negative impact of pathogens. There are data confirming positive influence of some pro-biotic strains, such as Lactobacillus plantarum , Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron ATCC29184, Escherichia coli Nissle 191, Bifidobacterium longum SP 07/3 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG on permeability of an internal intercellular barrier. Besides, it is noted that reception of such additives as polyphenols, proteins and amino acids, well affects permeability of an internal epithelium, influencing an expression and localization of close proteinaceous connections in space.

Results of research

The quantity of zonulin has decreased from level above normal to normal indicators (<30 ng/ml) and after 14 weeks of reception of probiotics and was significant below than at group of placebo (ð =0.019). At the same time any influence on level alpha 1 - anti-trypsin wasn't observed (ð> 0,1). In general, after performance of exercises, increase in level of the proteins modified by carbonyl connections in group of placebo both at the beginning of the experiment, and after 14 weeks, and also in the main group at the beginning of the experiment is noted (ð =0,006). After 14 weeks of therapy a probiotics, at participants of the main group has noted decrease in level of the modified proteins (ð =0,061). The general oxidative status has been a little raised in both groups, both to, and after therapy. Thus, reception of probiotics hasn't had significant effect on the oxidative status. At the beginning of the experiment in both groups the increased maintenance of a factor of a necrosis of a tumor alpha (TNF) has been noted. After 14 weeks of therapy the number of TNF in blood of participants of the main group has decreased (ð =0,054). Level interleykina-6 significantly increased at participants of both groups during performance of exercises (ð =0,001). At the same time reception of probiotics hasn't exerted any impact on the level of this Interlaken. Level of a malondialdegid in blood of examinees didn't change after performance of exercises, also on him hasn't accorded impacts and welcome of probiotics.


It should be noted that influence of probiotics on integrity of an intercellular barrier, inflammatory processes and an oxidative stress still wasn't considered in the context of sports exercises. Thus, a main goal of this work was studying of influence of various probiotics on permeability of walls of a GIT at the trained people. The secondary purpose was studying of influence of pro-biotic additives on the level of markers of oxidizing and inflammatory processes in blood plasma before intensive exercises.

After the carried-out therapy probiotics has noted decrease in level of zonulin (a marker of permeability of walls of intestines) in Calais examinees. Besides, reception of probiotics has reduced the oksidation of proteins caused by exercises and also has favorably affected level of a factor of a necrosis of a tumor alpha. Thus, results of a research have confirmed positive influence of probiotics on an organism of the trained athletes.

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